Title: SensorActuator Networks Braitenburg Vehicles
1Sensor-Actuator Networks(Braitenburg Vehicles)
- Experiments in Synthetic Psychology
- OR
- Steps toward really artifical life
- Norm Badler
- Steve Lane
- CSE 377
2General Structure
Actuators Decision_function(Sensors)
3A Simple Example
V k(S) Velocity is a linear function of sensor
4Basic Braitenberg Vehicle Design
- Sensor/Actuator Pairs
- Light or other environment feature sensor(s)
- Motor(s) (wheels)
- Wiring
Vehicle 1
5Two Motors Make it a Little More Interesting
(Left-Right Actuators)
Vleft kl(Sl) Vright kr(Sr) Velocity of
(left, right) actuators are linear functions of
two sensor values
kl(Sl) kr(Sr)
Vleft kl(Sl) Vright kr(Sr)
6A Little More Complex
Vleft kl(Sl) Vright kr(Sr) Velocity of
(left, right) actuators are linear functions of
two sensor values (but crossed)
kl(Sr) kr(Sl)
Vleft kl(Sr) Vright kr(Sl)
7Excitatory and Inhibitory Functions
Vleft kl(Sl) Vright kr(Sr) Functions may be
excitatory () or inhibitory (-) (essentially
reflects the slope of the function)
kl(Sl) kr(Sr)
Vleft kl(Sl) Vright kr(Sr)
8Fear Aggression
Vehicle 2
9Exploring Love
Vehicle 3
10Values Special Tastes Cont
- The outer 2 sensors are uncrossed excitatory
- The next pair in are crossed and excitatory
- The third pair are uncrossed and inhibitory like
Sensor/Actuator Pairs - The fourth pair are crossed and excitatory.
Vehicle 4
11Values Special Tastes
- Dislikes high temperature (turns away from hot
places. - Dislikes light sources (turns toward them and
destroys them. - Prefers oxygenated environment containing organic
matter - Can move elsewhere when O2 food scarce.
Vehicle 4
- From the outside you might conclude that Vehicle
4 has - a system of VALUES
- Dislikes high temperatures
- Dislikes light sources
- Prefers environments with food sources
- KNOWLEDGE of its environment and
- an INFERENCE ability
- Light bulbs are a source of heat
- If I destroy them then I will be cooler
- Oxygen organic matter make energy
13But Whats Really Going On?
- Intelligence implies the ability to acquire,
represent and process information - There was no such acquisition or representation
of information here. - In constructing Vehicle 4 we were just playing
with the wiring between sensors and actuators - The behavioral properties and responses that
emerge may look intelligent but they really are
not. - When we analyze a system we tend to overestimate
its complexity - Anyone have pets?
14Taking this Further
Vleft Fl(params,Sl,Sr) Vright
Fr(params,Sl,Sr) Velocity of (left, right)
actuators are non-linear, parametric functions of
two sensor values
Fl(params,Sl,Sr) Fr(params,Sl,Sr)
Vleft Fl() Vright Fr()
15Non-linear sensory responses
V speed of motor I intensity of stimulation
16Whats the Point?
The decision functions relate actuator
behaviors to the sensed environment. Can
generalize any component.
Hard-wired function Learned function
Eyes Ears Hunger
Wheels Legs Color Other internal state
17Decisions ?
18Sensor Scope ?
19What (Who) is Being Sensed?
- Environment
- Check for obstacles, food sources, lights, etc.
- Beware zig-zag wall following
- Other nearby vehicles/creatures
- Check local environment for motion of neighbors,
gives rise to flocking and herding behaviors. - Boids
20Some other links
- Vehicles Experiments in Synthetic Psychology, by
Valentino Braitenberg (1984), Bradford Books, MIT
Press, ISBN 0-262-02208-7 - Braitenberg demos
- Braitenberg Vehicles
- Gerken (Dewdwey article)
- Some implementation notes
- You can find a lot more if you Google
- The interaction of simple devices and systems can
give rise to a variety of complex emergent
behavior - Many of these individual behaviors can be readily
seen in animals such as insects, bees, ants, etc. - love, fear, aggression, foraging, exploring, etc,
- Group behaviors also can be created in a similar
manner - Flocking, herding, schooling, etc.
- You can implement this for particular cases in
your worlds. - The computational model is scalable to multiple
individuals (code re-use, parameterized). - Lesson Learned Graphical Synthesis is a lot
easier than Analysis!