Title: Sage Work Stream Focus Groups
1Sage Work Stream Focus Groups
- Cherryl Holliday Graham Hoyle
- June 2009
- Why we are here
- Our Thinking
- Our Mission
- Approach
- Internal v External
- Internal Work streams
- Focus Groups Format
- Progress
3Why we are here
- Graham and Cherryl will explain the format and
the thinking behind the new Line 500 / Sage 1000
Focus Groups, how they will work, commitment
level required from customers and answer any
questions you may have about being involved in
these sessions - Ensure that Development meets Business
Requirements - Ratification
4Our Thinking
The Enterprise mission
To create a true mid market business by working
together to deliver a series of compelling
product and service propositions to the
Enterprise market in order to drive financial
performance and recommendation within our chosen
areas of the mid market
5Our Approach
- Usability and User Interface
- Deliver a more contemporary user interface that
will keep the product competitive and up to date
aesthetically, whilst new usability and
efficiency concepts will improve the general user
experience and assist new and existing users in
improving productivity. - Interoperability
- Use open interoperability standards to allow more
consistent and flexible integration between the
core Sage 1000 ERP module and complementary
productivity modules. - Reporting
- Provide an integrated reporting solution to
deliver the basic (management and legislative)
reports normally associated with a strong
business management offering.
6Work Streams
7Internal v External
- Stage one
- Gather information based on our own internal
experience - Consultants Professional Services
- Support
- Sales
- Stage two
- Ratify findings with external interested parties
- Ascertain whether modules/options are still
relevant - If no longer used, why? Not Fit for Purpose? Any
other reason? - Stage three
- Demonstrate changes
- Via WebEx,
- Conference Call,
- Face to Face
8Stage One Internal Work Streams
9Work Streams
- Financials
- Commercial
- Manufacturing
- Additional Modules
- HR Payroll
10Work Stream FinancialsCherryl Holliday
11Work Stream CommercialGraham Hoyle
12Work Stream Guidelines
- Within each work stream what are the areas that
require improvement - In terms of reporting
- In terms of integration
- In terms of UI and Usability
- In each of these 3 themes think in terms of
- Areas for improvement
- Priority
13Work Stream Progress
- Looked at the functional areas across the work
streams - Are all modules within this work stream still
relevant to the customer base - Which modules within this work stream could
interact better with each other - Which modules may require interaction across work
streams - What is being logged with Support
- What are the functional no-brainers
- Period end workflow
- List views
- Export to Excel
14Internal v External
- Stage one
- Gather information based on our own internal
experience - Stage two
- Ascertain whether modules/options are still
relevant - If no longer used, why? Not Fit for Purpose? Any
other reason? - Ratify findings with external interested parties
- Focus groups
- Site Visit business process
- Explorer information gathered internally
- Demonstrate progress
- Focus groups
- WebEx, Conference Call
- Business Partner interaction
15Stage Two External Work Streams SUN Focus
16Focus Group Format
- Each meeting will have a theme
- Ascertain whether modules/options are still
relevant to you - How theyll work
- Separate work stream (Financial/Commercial)
- Open and Interactive
- Introductions
- Who, company, role
- Ratify work in progress
- In preparation, think about
- Areas of the software where modern business has
moved on - Niggles today (Quick Wins)
- Priorities
17Focus Group
- First Focus Groups
- At The Binding Site Ltd on June 25th
- Financials 1000 1200
- Commercials 1300 - 1500
- If you are interesting in attending, Contact
Nicole - njames_at_SageUserNetwork.com
- Going Forward
- Themes
- Frequency
- Continuity
- Start of a journey
18Work in progress
19Approach - UI and Usability
- Create a more modernised look feel for the
forms - Present the application as Rich client in a web
browser rather than wholly web or Windows - Reflect the new Sage Brand
- For Shallow Refresh forms, apply the new style
but retain the original flow through the
application - For Deep Refresh work, apply the style, and
improve the flow and composition
20Forms Style
Title bar using standard Sage style
Toolbar along top using standard Sage icons
Groupboxes in new Sage brand colour
Style for Legacy lists
21Forms Style
22Forms Style
23Forms Style
Tooltip assistance to identify tab
24Deep Refresh Approach
- Change the flow to compose a single form using
separate elements - Use tabs to enable access to different
information groups - Key information remains on screen as the user
works in different areas - Adopt a List based UI approach to enable users to
perform different actions from a single point
25Current Product
26Current Product
27Current Product
28Current Product
29Current Product
30Future Product
31Copy to Excel
32In closing
- Why we are here
- Our Thinking
- Our Mission
- Approach
- Internal v External
- Internal Work streams
- Focus Groups Format
- Progress