Title: Introduction Chapter 1
1 Introduction(Chapter 1)
2Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah
menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan dan
Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan
bersuku puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan.
Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah
ialah orang yang lebih takwanya di antara kamu,
(bukan yang lebih keturunan atau bangsanya).
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha
Mendalam PengetahuanNya (akan keadaan dan amalan
kamu). Al-Hujurat 13
3Telah menjadi ciri Ul al-Albb bahwa mereka selalu
merenungkan keagungan dan kebesaran Allah dalam
hati di mana pun mereka berada, dalam keadaan
duduk, berdiri dan berbaring. Mereka selalu
merenungkan penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan
keunikan yang terkandung di dalamnya sambil
berkata, "Tuhanku, tidak Engkau ciptakan jagat
ini tanpa ada hikmah yang telah Engkau tentukan
di balik itu. Engkau tersucikan dari sifat-sifat
serba kurang, bahkan ciptaan-Mu itu sendiri
adalah bukti kekuasaan dan hikmah-Mu.
Hindarkanlah kami dari siksa neraka, dan berilah
kami taufik untuk menaati segala perintah-Mu. (Al
Imran verse 191)
- Example
- Consider the electromagnet that has N turns. The
distance between the stationary and moveable
members is denoted as x (t). The mean length of
the stationary and moveable members are l1 and l2
respectively and the cross sectional area is A.
neglecting the leakage flux, find the force
exerted on the moveable member if the time
varying current ia(t) is supplied. The
permeability of stationary and moveable members
are µ 1 and µ 2 respectively.
5Example Determine the voltage that must be
applied to the magnetizing coil in the figure In
order to produce flux density Of 0.2T in the air
gap. Flux Fringing, which always occur along
the sides of an air gap As shown in the figure,
will be Assume negligible.
Assume the magnetization curve for The core
material which is homogeneous Is that given in
figure. The coil has 80 turns and resistance of
0.05 ohm. The Cross section o the core material
is 0.0400m2
Determine the relative permeability of each of
the three legs of the core and compare the
calculated values with the Corresponding values
obtained from the permeability curve in the
6(No Transcript)
7Example Assume that flux in the
figure Is 0.25.Wb,and that the magnetic
circuit Parameters of this condition are
- The magnetic coil is wounding with
- 140 turns of copper wire. Determine
- The current in the coil
- The magnetic potential difference across
- the reluctance 3
- The flux in reluctance 2
8Assignment 1
- Assignment 1 will be posted on the web.
- Due date is 28/01/08 before 1701