Title: International comparisons of performance in public services
1International comparisons of performance in
public services
- Outcome based measures for education
Mary OMahony Philip Stevens
National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Aims of this presentation
- Focus on outcome-based measures for education
- Volume measures
- Earnings outcomes
- Quality adjustment
- International comparative context
3Applying the outcome method in practice
- Need to define the outcome measure
- Outcomes will depend not only on the service
provided but also on other extraneous or
background influences - Need to control for these influences
- Regression methods regress outcomes on controls
4An application to education
- Measures of output and outcomes
- Volume measure number of pupils
- Lifetime earnings wages and activity rates by
qualification group - Test scores - pupils reaching threshold level
- Qualification cohorts compare wages of people
obtaining qualifications now vs. some time
5Volume of output
Pupil/Student Numbers, UK, 1994-2001
Share in total pupils in 1995
Annual growth rate, 1994-2001
6Earnings outcomes
- Education impacts on two types of labour market
outcomes - Earnings
- Economic activity
- Earnings estimated as a function of education,
experience and a set of control variables
7Earnings outcomes
- Economic activity
- Employed (earns a wage, Y)
- Unemployed (earns benefit, U)
- Inactive (earns nothing)
- Total effect on lifetime earnings a product of
earnings in each state and the probability of
being in each state, i.e.
8Earnings outcomes
- Econometric methods
- Returns to education
- Standard Mincer equations, correcting for
selection bias - Activity equations
- multinomial logit with three outcomes
employment, unemployment and inactivity - Screening vs. human capital explanations
- No instruments available to differentiate between
causes of wage premia
9Relative Lifetime earnings
10Translating lifetime earnings to education
outcome measures
- Use increment to lifetime earnings, EO, to
calculate weights on volume measures - Compare lifetime earnings with persons with
qualification i with the next higher - These can be combined to obtain Tornqvist index
11Output and outcome measures for UK education,
12Output and outcome measures for US education,
13Quality adjustments
- Three types of quality change
- Growth in higher quality groups
- Differential growth in lifetime earnings
- Growth in pupil effectiveness
- 1 2 are between group, 3 is within group
- Method above only deals with first two
14Quality of output ITest scores
15Pupil effectiveness index
- Compare growth in natural units versus growth in
effectiveness units
16Compare wage rates by decile persons aged under
17Quality adjusted indices based on test scores for
UK education
18Quality adjustments Problems with test scores
- How do we measure effectiveness?
- Ideally need relative wages for each
qualification grade - Incomplete coverage
- Changes over time in examination marking - Grade
19Quality of output II Cohort Analysis
- Two cohorts one leaving school before 1994, one
after that date - We can consider the Raw difference between
earnings of cohorts - Adjusted difference removes effect of
experience, as estimated in earnings equations
20Quality of output II Cohort Analysis
- Impact of cohort on wages, adjusted for
experience (annual change) - GCSE 0.069
- A-level -0.04
- degree 0.006
21Inputs and productivity
- Measurement similar to outputs
- Use cost share weighted changes in inputs
(labour, capital, intermediate purchases) - Result is a quality-adjusted aggregate input
measure - Few conceptual problems specific to public
service provision since we have market
information on input costs
22Labour input in education, UK
23UK labour productivity
24US productivity growth, 1994-2001
25Annual differences in labour productivity growth
rates, (UK-US)Education and the aggregate economy
26Conclusions and extensions
- First analysis suggests UK labour productivity
growth in education higher than in US in period
1994-2001 - Estimate for longer period 1979 to present
- Include cohort effects to quality adjust
- Estimate TFP rather than labour productivity
- requires estimates of capital intermediate
inputs - Estimate relative productivity levels