Peter Kunszt CERN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Peter Kunszt CERN


... for user-defined pre- and post-processing for replication operations are available. ... Secure browser using JSP (proxy certificates for mozilla, netscape, ie. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Peter Kunszt CERN

EU DataGrid Data Management Services
  • Peter
  • EU DataGrid WP2 Manager

Talk Outline
  • Introdution to EU DataGrid workpackage 2
  • WP2 Service Design and Interactions
  • Replication Services
  • Spitfire
  • Security
  • Conclusions and outlook

WP2 Members Diana Bosio, James Casey, Akos
Frohner, Leanne Guy, Peter Kunszt, Erwin Laure,
Levi Lucio, Heinz Stockinger, Kurt Stockinger -
CERN Giuseppe Andronico, Federico DiCarlo, Andrea
Domenici, Flavia Donno, Livio Salconi
INFN William Bell, David Cameron, Gavin McCance,
Paul Millar, Caitriona Nicholson PPARC,
University of Glasgow Joni Hahkala, Niklas
Karlsson, Ville Nenonen, Mika Silander, Marko
Niinimäki Helsinki Institute of Physics Olle
Mulmo, Gian Luca Volpato Swedish Research
The EU DataGrid Project
  • 9.8 M Euros EU funding over 3 years, twice as
    much from partners
  • 90 for middleware and applications (HEP, Earth
    Obs. and Bio Med.)
  • Three year phased developments demos
  • 2nd annual project review successfully passed in
    Feb 2003!
  • Total of 21 partners
  • Research and Academic institutes as well as
    industrial companies
  • Related projects and activities
  • DataTAG (2002-2003)
  • CrossGrid (2002-2004)
  • GRIDSTART (2002-2004)
  • Grace (2002-2004)

EU DataGrid Project Objectives
  • DataGrid is a project funded by European Union
    whose objective is to exploit and build the next
    generation computing infrastructure providing
    intensive computation and analysis of shared
    large-scale databases.
  • Enable data intensive sciences by providing world
    wide Grid test beds to large distributed
    scientific organisations ( Virtual
    Organisations, VO)
  • Start ( Kick off ) Jan 1, 2001
    End Dec 31, 2003
  • Applications/End Users Communities HEP, Earth
    Observation, Biology
  • Specific Project Objetives
  • Middleware for fabric grid management
  • Large scale testbed
  • Production quality demonstrations
  • To collaborate with and complement other European
    and US projects
  • Contribute to Open Standards and international
  • ( GGF, IndustryResearch forum)

DataGrid Main Partners
  • CERN International (Switzerland/France)
  • CNRS - France
  • ESA/ESRIN International (Italy)
  • INFN - Italy
  • NIKHEF The Netherlands
  • PPARC - UK

Assistant Partners
  • Industrial Partners
  • Datamat (Italy)
  • IBM-UK (UK)
  • CS-SI (France)
  • Research and Academic Institutes
  • CESNET (Czech Republic)
  • Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA) France
  • Computer and Automation Research Institute, 
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI)
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
  • Helsinki Institute of Physics Finland
  • Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE) -
  • Istituto Trentino di Cultura (IRST) Italy
  • Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik
    Berlin - Germany
  • Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
  • Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - Germany
  • Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam
    (SARA) Netherlands
  • Swedish Research Council - Sweden

Project Schedule
  • Project started on 1/Jan/2001
  • TestBed 0 (early 2001)
  • International test bed 0 infrastructure deployed
  • Globus 1 only - no EDG middleware
  • Successful Project Review by EU March 2002
  • TestBed 1 ( 2002 )
  • Successful 2nd Project Review by EU February
  • TestBed 2 (Now)
  • Some complete re-writes of components. Builds on
    TestBed 1 experience.
  • TestBed 3 (Oktober 2003)
  • Project stops on 31/Dec/2003, maybe a couple of
    months extension to wrap up and document results
    (no additional funding)

EDG Highlights
  • All EU deliverables (40, gt2000 pages) submitted
  • in time for the review according to the contract
    technical annex
  • First test bed delivered with real production
  • All deliverables (code documents) available via
  • http//
  • requirements, surveys, architecture, design,
    procedures, testbed analysis etc.
  • Project re-orientation last year in August From
    RD Testbed to production grid

Working Areas
  • The DataGrid project is divided in 12 Work
    Packages distributed in four Working Areas

Work Packages
  • WP1 Work Load Management System
  • WP2 Data Management
  • WP3 Grid Monitoring / Grid Information Systems
  • WP4 Fabric Management
  • WP5 Storage Element
  • WP6 Testbed and demonstrators
  • WP7 Network Monitoring
  • WP8 High Energy Physics Applications
  • WP9 Earth Observation
  • WP10 Biology
  • WP11 Dissemination
  • WP12 Management

Trying hard to have a real GRID..
  • Testbed 0
  • Grid technology was not mature enough
  • Configuration and deployment issues
  • Stability problems
  • Obscure errors
  • Project reorientation Stability, Stability,
    Stability TB 1
  • TB1 revealed a set of design bugs in Globus
  • GASS Cache issue fixed by Condor (rewritten)
  • MyProxy issues could never be used
  • MDS did not scale had to set up fake local info
  • Reingeneering of essential components TB 2
  • New resource broker
  • R-GMA instead of MDS as info system
  • Concrete Support channels (VDT)
  • New configuration tool LCFG-ng (from U of

Grid middleware architecture hourglass
  • Current Grid architectural functional blocks

Specific application layer
Earth Observation and Biomed
HEP Application Services (LCG)
Common application layer
EU DataGrid middleware
High Level Grid Services
Basic Grid Services
OS, Storage Network services
EU DataGrid WP2Data Management Work Package
  • Responsible for
  • Transparent data location and secure access
  • Wide-area replication
  • Data access optimization
  • Metadata access
  • NOT responsible for (but it has to be done)
  • Data storage (WP5)
  • Proper Relational Database bindings (Spitfire)
  • Remote I/O (GFAL)
  • Security infrastructure (VOMS)

WP2 Service Paradigms
  • Choice of technology
  • Java-based servers using Web Services
  • Tomcat, Oracle 9iAS, soon WebSphere
  • Interface definitions in WSDL
  • Client stubs for many languages (Java, C, C)
  • Axis, gSOAP
  • Persistent service data in Relational Databases
  • MySQL, Oracle, soon DB2
  • Modularity
  • Modular service design for pluggability and
  • No vendor specific lock-ins
  • Evolvable
  • Easy adaptation to evolving standards (OGSA, WSDL
  • Largely independent of underlying OS, RDBMS
    works on Windows too!

Replication Services Basic Functionality
Each file has a unique Grid ID. Locations
corresponding to the GUID are kept in the Replica
Location Service.
Users may assign aliases to the GUIDs. These are
kept in the Replica Metadata Catalog.
Files have replicas stored at many Grid sites on
Storage Elements.
Replica Metadata Catalog
Replica Location Service
Replica Manager
The Replica Manager provides atomicity for file
operations, assuring consistency of SE and
catalog contents.
Storage Element
Storage Element
Higher Level Replication Services
The Replica Subscription Service issues
Replication commands automatically, based on a
set of subscription rules defined by the user.
Hooks for user-defined pre- and post-processing
for replication operations are available.
Replica Subscription Service
The Replica Manager may call on the Replica
Optimization service to find the best replica
among many based on network and SE monitoring.
Replica Metadata Catalog
Replica Location Service
Replica Manager
Replica Optimization Service
Storage Element
Storage Element
SE Monitor
Network Monitor
Interactions with other Grid components
Virtual Organization Membership Service
User Interface or Worker Node
Resource Broker
Replica Subscription Service
Information Service
Replica Metadata Catalog
Replica Location Service
Replica Manager
Replica Optimization Service
Applications and users interface to data through
the Replica Manager either directly or through
the Resource Broker. Management calls should
never go directly to the SE.
Storage Element
Storage Element
SE Monitor
Network Monitor
Replication Services Status
  • Current Status
  • All components are deployed right now except
    for the RSS
  • Initial tests show that expected performance can
    be met
  • Need proper testing in a real user environment
    EDG2 LCG1
  • Features for next release
  • Currently Worker Nodes need outbound connectivity
    Replica Manager Service needed. Needs proper
    security delegation mechanism.
  • Logical collections support
  • Service-level authorization
  • GUI

Spitfire Grid-enabling RDBMS
  • Capabilities
  • Simple Grid enabled front end to any type of
    local or remote RDBMS through secure SOAP-RPC
  • Sample generic RDBMS methods may easily be
    customized with little additional development,
    providing WSDL interfaces
  • Browser integration
  • GSI authentication
  • Local authorization mechanism
  • Status current version 2.1
  • Used by EU DataGrid Earth Observation and
    Biomedical applications.
  • Next Step OGSA-DAI interface

Spitfire added value Security
  • Grid security
  • TrustManager deals with GSI proxy certificates
  • Support for VOMS certificate extensions
  • Secure java, c/c, perl clients
  • Local Authorization
  • Mapping through Gridmap file supported
  • Fine grained authorization hooks a mapping
    service is provided to map VOMS extensions
    (group, role, capability) to DB roles that
    depending on the DB may be row-level
    authorization mechanisms (GRANT/DENY).
  • Installation kit
  • Easy installation and configuration of all
    security options

Spitfire customization
  • Spitfire started as a proof of technology for
    Web Services and java.
  • Customizable into specific services dealing with
    persistent data
  • All WP2 services are in this sense Spitfire
    services (see later)
  • Test platform for latest available codebase
  • Gained experience with WSDL, JNDI, Tomcat, Axis,
  • Next things to try JBOSS (for JMS, JMX)
  • Experimental add-ons
  • Secure browser using JSP (proxy certificates for
    mozilla, netscape, ie..)
  • Distributed query agent drop-in
  • Todo OGSA-DAI interface as far as possible

RLS Architecture (evolved!)
A hierarchical RLS topology LRCs update RLIs,
RLIs may forward information
LRC sending updates to all Tier 1 RLIs
RLIs indexing over the full namespace (all LRCs
are indexed) receiving updates directly
RLI receiving updates from other RLIs
EDG Grid Catalogs (1/2)
  • Replica Location Service (RLS)
  • Local Replica Catalog (LRC)
  • Stores GUID to Physical File Name (PFN) mappings
  • Stores attributes on PFNs
  • Local Replica Catalogs in Grid One per Storage
    Element (per VO)
  • Tested to 1.5M entries
  • Replica Location Index (RLI)
  • Allow fast lookup of which sites store GUID -gt
    PFN mappings for a given GUID
  • Replica Location Indices in the Grid Normally
    one per Site (per VO), which indexes all LRCs in
    the Grid
  • Being deployed as part of EDG 2.1 in July
  • In the process of integration into other
  • Tested to 10M entries in an RLI

EDG Grid Catalogs (2/2)
  • Replica Metadata Catalog (RMC)
  • Stores Logical File Name (LFN) to GUID mappings
    user-defined aliases
  • Stores attributes on LFNs and GUIDs
  • One logical Replica Metadata Catalog in Grid (per
  • Single point of synchronization current
    assumption in EDG model
  • bottleneck ? - move to replicated distributed
  • No Application Metadata Catalog provided see
  • But Replica Metadata Catalog has support for
    small level of application metadata O(10)
  • RMC usage not as well understood as Replica
    Location Service
  • Architectural changes likely
  • Use cases required

Typical Location of Services in LCG-1
Storage Element
Replica Metadata Catalog
Replica Location Index
Local Replica Catalog
Replica Location Index
Local Replica Catalog
Storage Element
Storage Element
Catalog Implementation Details
  • Catalogs implemented in Java as Web Services, and
    hosted in a J2EE application server
  • Uses Tomcat4 or Oracle 9iAS for application
  • Uses Jakarta Axis for Web Services container
  • Java and C client APIs currently provided using
    Jakarta Axis (Java) and gSoap (C)
  • Catalog data stored in a Relational Database
  • Runs with either Oracle 9i or MySQL
  • Catalog APIs exposed as a Web Service using WSDL
  • Easy to write a new client if we dont support
    your language right now
  • Vendor neutral approach taken to allow different
    deployment options

Quality of Service
  • Quality of Service depends upon both the server
    software and architecture used as well as the
    software components deployed on it
  • Features required for high Quality of Service
  • High Availability
  • Manageability
  • Monitoring
  • Backup and Recovery with defined Service Level
  • Approach
  • Use vendor solutions for availability and
    manageability where available
  • Use common IT-DB solutions for monitoring and
  • Components architected to allow easy deployment
    in high-availability environment
  • A variety of solutions with different
    characteristics are possible

Tradeoffs in different solutions
Clustered Oracle 9i/9iAS
Clustered Oracle 9i/Tomcat
Single Instance MySQL/Tomcat
Single Instance Oracle 9i/9iAS
Current Deployment Plans
  • EDG
  • All sites use MySQL/Tomcat single instance
  • LCG-1
  • CERN deploys LRC/RLI/RMC on Oracle 9iAS/Oracle 9i
    single instance
  • Tier-1 sites invited to use either Oracle
    9iAS/Oracle or Tomcat4/MySQL single instance for
    their LRC/RLIs
  • CERN IT-DB working on easy-install packaging of
  • Oracle sees ease of install as a high priority
    for Oracle 10i
  • release date - Nov 2003
  • Allow deployment of an Oracle based solution
    without requiring a lot of Oracle expertise
  • Testing of components for high-availability
    solution in progress
  • Based on Oracle 9i
  • Plan to be available for year-end 2003

System Architecture High Availability
  • Standard n-tier architecture
  • Front end application layer load-balancer
  • Oracle 9iAS Web Cache
  • Cluster of stateless application servers
  • Oracle 9iAS J2EE container
  • Clustered database nodes
  • Oracle 9i/RAC
  • Shared SAN storage
  • Fibre Channel storage

Security Infrastructure for Java-based Web
  • Trust Manager
  • Mutual client-server authentication using GSI (ie
    PKI X509 certificates) for all WP2 services
  • Supports everything transported over SSL
  • Authorization Manager
  • Supports coarse grained authorization Mapping
  • Fine grained authorization through policies, role
    and attribute maps
  • Web-based Admin interface for managing the
    authorization policies and tables
  • Status
  • Fully implemented, authentication is enabled on
    the service level
  • Delegation implementation needs to be finished
  • Authorization needs more integration, waiting for
    deployment of VOMS

Conclusions and outlook
  • Re-focus on production has been a good but
    painful choice
  • from hype to understanding the implications of
    wanting to run a production Grid
  • reengineering of several components was necessary
  • however, the project was not well prepared for
    this change the timelines had to be constantly
    revised in the last year
  • The second generation Data Management services
    have been designed and implemented based on the
    Web Service paradigm
  • Flexible, extensible service framework
  • Deployment choices robust, highly available
    commercial products supported (eg. Oracle) as
    well as open-source (MySQL, Tomcat)
  • First experiences with these services show that
    their performance meets the expectations
  • Real-life usage will show its strengths and
    weaknesses on the LCG-1 and EDG2.0 testbeds
    during the rest of this year.
  • Proceed with standardization efforts DAI, RLS
  • Carry over the experience into the next project
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