Title: The Rotary Foundation
1The Rotary Foundation
My Foundation My Charity of Choice
- Overview of the Foundation
- Review of Each Sub-Committee
- Educate Communicate - Participate
3The Rotary Foundation
Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators
District Governor
Immediate PDG
Rotary Foundation Committee
4Thank You
- Last year, clubs
- Pledged 280,000 to the Annual Programs Fund
- Achieved 378,438 or 163 of goal
- Average per cap of 156.90
- Restricted Giving 83,281
- Permanent Fund 48,391
- Total Giving in 2007-08 510,111
5District Designated Funds (DDF) - History
Contribution Year Amount Donated Amount of
DDF (after 3 years) 2004-05 222,127 111,0
63 2005-06 298,040 149,020
2006-07 317,193 158,690
2007-08 378,438 189,219
6Rotary Goals Objectives
The Mission of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary
International is to enable Rotarians to advance
world understanding, goodwill and peace through
the improvement of health, the support of
education and alleviation of poverty.
7Mission Statement
- District Foundation Committee
- Helping Rotarians doing good in the world.
8SHARE - How it Works
Contributions to Annual Programs Fund
The Rotary Foundation Invests for 3 years
50 back to the District as District Designated
50 goes to World Fund
- Ambassadorial Scholarships
- University Teaching Scholarships
- World Peace Fellowships (World Fund)
- Grants
- Group Study Exchange (World Fund)
- International/Local Humanitarian Aid
- (DDF and World Fund)
- Polio-Plus
- Ambassadorial Scholarships to students who
serve abroad as ambassadors of goodwill to
improve international understanding up to
23,000 - Grants for University Teachers - grants to
Rotarians/Non-Rotarians to strengthen higher
education in low-income countries up to 11,000 - Committee Chair Muriel Dunnigan
- Funded from the District Designated Fund
- Lisa Grotkowski - Full Year Ambassadorial Scholar
Sweden Recipient for 2007-2008 year
Recipient for 2008-09 Year
- Lena Bunzenmeyer Full Year Ambassadorial Scholar
12World Peace Fellowships
- World Peace Fellowships
- Masters Degree - 50,000 2 year Fellowship
- Professional Development Certificate - 10,000 3
month intensive studies - These programs are funded through the World Fund
- Committee Chair Nonie Buski
- Funded from the World Fund
- This years partner country Nigeria
- Team Leader is Rotarian to be selected
- Dates
- Outgoing April, 2009
- Incoming May, 2009
- Ihor Kruk, Chair
- Matching Grants assist in funding international
humanitarian service projects - District Simplified Grants support the service
activities or humanitarian endeavors of
Rotarians. Prefer local projects, but can used
for either local or international projects. Max.
of 20 of DDF. This year amount is 29,800 - Volunteer Service Grants supports the travel of
individual Rotarians planning or implementing
service projects
- Information and forms are available on the
District website details on access later - Contact Hugh Impey
- Chair, Grants Committee impey_at_telusplanet.net
- District Simplified Grants -2007/08
- RC St. Albert 2,000 RC Fairview
1,700 - RC Edson 2,000 RC Sherwood Park 2,000
- RC Camrose 2,000 RC Barrhead
2,000 - RC Edm Mayfield 1,500
- RC Edm Strathcona 2,000
- RC Hay River Sunrise 1,500
- RC Sherwood Park Centennial 2,000
- RC Grand Prairie Swan City 2,000
- International humanitarian aid projects
- Polio Plus Partners
- Ecuador water project
- Ambulance South Africa
- Water and Sanitation in Sir Lanka
- Learning Centre in Brazil
- District 5370 Belize Literacy Program (3-H Grant)
- (A 3-H Grant is funded from the World
- Annual Programs Fund This is the essence of the
Every Rotarian Every year initiative. We
encourage all Rotarians to be sustaining members
(giving US100 every year for 10 years). - Pledge for 2008-09 is 330,000. Very doable as
last years end result was 378,438 - Diana Parker Chair, Annual Giving Committee
- Permanent Fund / Planned Giving Donations
through Wills, estate, insurance, stock
transfers, etc. - Permanent Fund moneys are never spent invested,
and interest earned each year goes to the Annual
Programs Fund. - Two levels of giving
- Benefactor US1,000 in your will. Receive
wings - Bequest Society minimum of US10,000
- Goal for 2008-09 is 20.
- Tim Haak, Chair Permanent Fund Committee
20Achieving our Goal
- Initiatives in 2008-09 to achieve our goal
- Increasing membership in District 5370 Paul
Harris Society - Having more Rotarians use TRF-Direct (donating
funds periodically from their Bank Account or
Credit Card) - Encouraging Rotarians to become Sustaining
Members - Funding the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 100
Million Dollar matching grant challenge with at
least 1000.00 from each club
21The Paul Harris Society
- The Paul Harris Society is a special district
recognition program designed for Rotarians who
wish to support the Rotary Foundation in a more
substantial way each year - Recognizes individual donors who make a
commitment to contribute a minimum of US1,000
per year to the Annual Programs Fund, Polio Plus
and Polio Plus Partners, or the Humanitarian
Grants Program. - Brent Collingwood Chair, District 5370 Paul
Harris Society
- A new, convenient way is now available for you to
make regular contributions to TRF through
TRF-Direct. - Simply fill in how much youd like deducted from
your chequing, savings account or from your
credit card - Indicate frequency monthly, quarterly,
bi-annually, annually - Mail it in to The Rotary Foundation, and youre
all set! - Forms are available on the District website under
- Complete the TRF-Direct form and mail to
- The Rotary Foundation
- Annual Giving, FN500
- One Rotary Center
- 1560 Sherman Avenue
- Evanston IL 60201-3698 USA
- OR
- Send a cheque to
- The Rotary Foundation Canada Box B9322P.O. Box
9100,Postal Station FToronto, Ontario M4Y 3A5 - N.B Please include the Paul Harris Recognition /
Contribution form (123-EN) -
25Alumni Basics
Who are Foundation Alumni?
- Former Ambassadorial Scholars
- Former Rotary World Peace Fellows
- Former GSE Team members and leaders
- Former recipients of a University Teachers
26Alumni Basics
Who are Foundation Alumni?
- Former Rotary Volunteers who have received a
grant from the Foundation - Former Discovery Grant recipients
- Former Individual Grant recipients
27How many Foundation Alumni are there?
- 110,000 inTotal
- 40,000 are former Ambassadorial Scholars
- 63,000 are former GSE members
- 300 World Peace Fellows
- 400 University Teachers
- 6,000 Rotary Volunteers
- Only 17 are Rotarians
28Rotarian Actions
Actions clubs can take
- Invite Alumni to join your club
- Ask Alumni to speak to your club
- Invite Alumni to serve on Selection committees
- Invite Alumni to help with Foundation
Presentations - Invite Alumni to work on service projects
- Generosity is giving more than you can, and
pride is taking less than you need. - Kahlil Gibran
- Thank you for your support of the Rotary
Foundation - Further Information is available on our District
Website - Call or email David Taylor, District Foundation
Committee Chair at either (780) 672-2829 or
e-mail at david_at_rtntaylor.com