Title: An EventConditionAction Language for XML
1An Event-Condition-Action Language for XML
- James Bailey
- U. of Melbourne, jbailey_at_cs.mu.oz.au
- Alex Poulovassilis, Peter Wood
- Birkbeck, U. of London, ap_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk,
- XML is becoming a standard means of storing and
exchanging information on the Web - XML repositories are increasingly being used in
dynamic applications where actions need to be
taken in a timely fashion in response to updates
to the data - Periodic querying is not sufficient may be too
infrequent, or too frequent - Thus, there is a need for reactive functionality
on XML repositories - event-condition-action (ECA) rules are a natural
3ECA Rules
- ECA rules take the form on event if condition
do action
Event Detection
Condition Evaluation
Users/ Apps
Action Execution
4Why not use XSLT ?
- Why not use XSLT to support reactive
functionality on XML? - XSLT would have to process an entire source
document after any update to it in order to
produce a new document - In contrast, we envisage the need for updates of
much finer granularity. - Also, using ECA rules allows one to update a
document directly whereas XSLT requires a new
result tree to be generated by applying
transformations to the source document.
5ECA rules in Active Databases
- ECA rules in active (relational) databases are of
the form - on insert/delete/update of a table
- if SQL condition
- do SQL statement(s)
- When an insertion/deletion/update occurs, the
DBMS provides a set of instantiations for the
variables new and old - These variables can be used within the condition
and action parts
6Some Examples
- on INSERT INTO Accounts
- if new.Amount gt 1000
- do INSERT INTO HighInterest VALUES (new.AccNo)
- on UPDATE OF Accounts.Amount
- if old.Amount gt 1000 AND new.Amount lt 1000
- do DELETE FROM HighInterest WHERE Accno
new.AccNo - on DELETE FROM Accounts
- if old.Amount gt 1000
- do DELETE FROM HighInterest WHERE Accno
7ECA Rules for XML
- ECA rules are used in conventional data
warehouses for - incremental maintenance of materialised views
- checking integrity constraints
- performing automatic repairs when violations
are detected - maintaining audit trails of the data
- maintaining statistics of data warehouse
performance and usage - By analogy, they could be used to provide similar
functionality on XML repositories.
8Our ECA Language for XML
- In this paper, we present a language in which ECA
rules on XML can be defined - Rather than introducing yet another language for
XML, we use fragments of the XPath and XQuery
languages within the event, condition and action
parts of our ECA rules - This allows leverage of ongoing work on XPath and
9Analysing XML ECA rules
- This is more complex in our XML setting than in
relational databases because rule actions cause
insertions or deletions of - sub-trees within trees
- at any depth
- as opposed to
- adding/deleting/updating rows within tables,
- at one level
10Analysing XML ECA rules
- Thus, more sophisticated analysis techniques are
needed - Other ECA rule languages for XML have been
proposed but none of this work has focused on
analysing the behaviour of the ECA rules - The XPath and XQuery fragments we use are
restricted to what we term simple XPath and
simple XQuery. - These are useful and reasonably expressive
fragments which have the advantage of also being
amenable to analysis.
11Our ECA Language
- The event part of an ECA rule is of the form
- or
- where e is a simple XPath expression
- Simple XPath disallows the use of any axis other
than the child, parent, self, or
descendant-or-self axes, and the use of all
functions other than document()
12Our ECA Language - Events
- In a rule event part of the form
- the XPath expression e evaluates to a set of
nodes - The rule is triggered if this set of nodes
includes any node that has been inserted by the
most recent update on the XML database - The set of instantiations for the variable delta
is the set of new nodes returned by e
13Our ECA Language - Events
- Similarly, in a rule event part of the form
- the XPath expression e evaluates to a set of
nodes - The rule is triggered if this set of nodes
includes any node that has been deleted by the
most recent update on the XML database - The set of instantiations for the variable delta
is the set of deleted nodes returned by e
14Our ECA Language - Conditions
- The condition part of a rule is either TRUE, or
- one or more simple XPath expressions connected by
and, or, not - A rules actions are executed on each XML
document which - has been changed by an event of the form
specified in the rule's event part, - for each value of delta for which the rule's
condition is True
15Our ECA Language - Actions
- Each rule action is of the form
- or
- e is a simple XPath expression
- r is a simple XQuery expression
- Simple XQuery disallows the use of full FLWR
expressions, essentially permitting only the
Return part of an expression.
16An Example
- An XML database containing two documents s.xml
and p.xml - ltstoresgt
ltproductsgt - ltstore id"s1"gt
ltproduct id"p1"gt - ltlocationgt...lt/locationgt
ltnamegt...lt/namegt - ltmanagergt...lt/managergt
ltpricegt...lt/pricegt - ltproduct id"p1"/gt
ltstore id"s1"/gt - ltproduct id"p2"/gt
ltstore id"s2"/gt - ...
- lt/storegt
lt/productgt - ...
- lt/storesgt
17Example (contd)
- If one or more products are added to a store in
s.xml, this rule appends that store to the
children of those products in p.xml if its not
already a child - Rule 1
- on INSERT document('s.xml')/stores/store/produ
ct - if not (document('p.xml')/products/
- product_at_iddelta/_at_id/store_at_idd
elta/../_at_id) - do INSERT ltstore id'delta/../_at_id'/gt
- BELOW document('p.xml')/products/product_at_id
delta/_at_id AFTER TRUE
18Example (contd)
- In a symmetric way, if one or more stores are
added to a product in p.xml, this rule appends
that product to the children of those stores in
p.xml if its not already a child - Rule 2
- on INSERT document('p.xml')/products/product/s
tore - if not (document('s.xml')/stores/
- store_at_iddelta/_at_id/product_at_idd
elta/../_at_id) - do INSERT ltproduct id'delta/../_at_id'/gt
- BELOW document('s.xml')/stores/store_at_idde
lta/_at_id AFTER TRUE
19Analysing ECA Rule Behaviour
- A rule R may trigger a rule R' if execution of
action(R) may generate an event which triggers
event(R') - A rule R may activate another rule R' if
condition(R') may be changed from False to True
after the execution of action(R) - A rule R may activate itself if condition(R) may
be True after the execution of action(R)
20Analysing ECA Rule Behaviour
- Once triggering and activation relationships have
been derived, we can construct graphs which are
useful in analysing rule behaviour - the triggering graph
- the activation graph
- Acyclic triggering graph gt rule execution
terminates - Acyclic activation graph gt rule execution
terminates - The triggering and activation properties are also
useful for optimising rule execution.
21Triggering Relationships between XML ECA rules
- For any action INSERT r BELOW e
- and any event INSERT e
- we need to know whether the event is independent
of the action i.e. if the evaluation of e can
never return any of the nodes inserted by the
22Triggering Relationships between XML ECA rules
- For any action INSERT r BELOW e
- and any event INSERT e
- r defines which sub-trees are inserted by the
action - e defines where these are inserted
- So, if some prefix of e intersects e and the
remainder of e matches r, then the event is
not independent of the action - We formalise these notions in the paper, and give
conservative tests for them. Deletions are
treated similarly.
- Action of Rule 2
- INSERT ltproduct id'delta/../_at_id'/gt
- BELOW document('s.xml')/stores/store_at_idde
lta/_at_id - Event of Rule 1
- INSERT document('s.xml')/stores/store/product
- A prefix of this event document('s.xml')/stores/
store - intersects the BELOW part of Rule 2s action
- The suffix, product, matches the INSERT part of
Rule 2s action
24Example (contd)
- So Rule 2 may trigger Rule 1
- Similarly, Rule 1 may trigger Rule 2
- Resulting triggering Graph between Rule 1 and
Rule 2
25Activation Relationships between XML ECA rules
- There are two cases to consider
- Activation between different rules i.e. can some
action of R change the value of condition(R)
from False to True? -
- If so, R may activate R
- (b) Self-activation i.e. can some action of R
leave condition(R) True? - If so, R may activate itself.
26Activation Relationships between XML ECA rules
- In the paper we consider in turn conditions which
are - simple XPath expressions
- negations of simple XPath expressions
- conjunctions of 1 and 2
- disjunctions of 3
27Activation for simple conditions
- If R has a simple condition, R can only activate
R' if some action of R is an insertion which is
non-independent of R s condition - To determine non-independence of a condition c
from an insertion, we construct from c an
equivalent set of conditions, C, representing all
possible paths through c - Then we use the same techniques as for
triggering analysis to determine if all
conditions in C are independent of the insertion - If R has a negated simple condition, a similar
analysis is used for deletion actions of R
28Self-Activation for simple conditions
- R is self-disactivating if all its actions leave
its condition False - If condition(R) is a simple XPath expression c, R
will be self-disactivating if all its actions are
deletions which subsume c - If condition(R) is a negated simple XPath
expression not(c), R will be self-disactivating
if all its actions are insertions which subsume
c - We formalise these notions in the paper, and give
conservative tests for them
- Action of Rule 1
- INSERT ltstore id'delta/../_at_id'/gt
- BELOW document('p.xml')/products/product_at_id
delta/_at_id - Condition of Rule 1
- not (document('p.xml')/products/product_at_iddel
ta/_at_id/ store_at_iddelta/../_at_id) - A prefix of the condition is identical to the
BELOW part - The corresponding suffix is satisfied by all the
trees denoted by the INSERT part
30Example (contd)
- So Rule 1 is self-disactivating
- Similarly for Rule 2
- Trivially, neither rule activates the other
- So Rules 1 and 2 always terminate (by acyclicity
of activation graph)
- We have proposed a new language for defining ECA
rules on XML repositories and have developed
techniques for analysing the triggering and
activation dependencies between such rules - Our analysis techniques are also useful beyond
ECA rules, since they generally determine the
effects of updates upon queries. - So can also be used for analysing the effects of
other, not necessarily rule-initiated, updates
made to an XML repository e.g. - to determine if integrity constraints may have
been violated, or - whether views need to be re-calculated.
32Future Work
- To explore further the expressiveness and
complexity of our ECA language, including
prototype implementation and experimentation - To improve the precision of our analysis methods
by incorporating extra type information available
from DTDs or XSchema definitions - The decidability of containment for larger
fragments of the XPath language is an open
problem. - Even if a fragment of XPath is used for which
containment is undecidable, it may be possible
to develop useful conservative approximations
33Appendix - ECA Rule Execution Semantics
- The input to ECA rule execution is
- an XML database a set of XML documents
- a schedule a list of updates
- Each update is a pair (action, docsAndDeltas)
- action is an action of some rule R
- docsAndDeltas is a set of pairs (doc,deltas)
- doc is the identifier of a document upon which a
is to be applied (i.e. one of Rs candidate
documents) - deltas is the instantiations for delta generated
by the event and condition part of R with respect
to doc
34ECA Rule Execution Semantics
- while the schedule is not empty do
- nextUpdate head (schedule)
- schedule tail (schedule)
- (changes,db) apply (nextUpdate,db)
- for i 1 to noOfRules do
- docsAndDeltas candidateDocs
(i,changes,db) - if docsAndDeltas is not empty then
- for j noOfActionsi downto 1 do
- schedule (actioni,j,docsAndDeltas)sc
hedule -