The heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaim the work of his hands' - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaim the work of his hands'


The process of tooth formation is called 'a tiny marvel of design and ... The spider, lurking at one side of its web, waits for vibrations to tell it that ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaim the work of his hands'

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The heavens declare the glory of God the skies
proclaim the work of his hands. Ps 191-4
It takes 14 months for a tooth to be completed in
a human. The process of tooth formation is
called "a tiny marvel of design and construction"
(Scientific American, August 2005, page 37).
Six to seven weeks after conception when the
human head is being formed, tooth development
begins. There are four steps in the design and
engineering of human teeth
1. Mouth surface cells at the tooth location
thicken slightly and gene activity within its
cells sends signals to underlying tissue which
surround the surface cells. This forms a tooth
bud. This is done by week 7 or 8 after
2. The thickened surface cells become a cap, and
at the center of this cap a structure forms
called an ena-mel knot. This knot sends signals
to all other cells to direct their growth. This
is accomplished by week 9.
3. The developing tooth has a bell shape with
cells forming on the top that will become enamel
and cells under that which will become dentin.
This is completed by week 14.
4. Roots develop, completing their formation 6-12
mo. after birth.
It is difficult to comprehend how all these cells
know how to do what they do and when to do it.
Scientists have been intercepting these tooth
signals and now are trying to see if they can
grow human teeth artificially to replace false
teeth. Sending signals and controlling
construction timing is a function of intelligent
and purposeful design -- not chance.
There is incredible design built into every bone
in your body! No chemist or engineer ever has
been able to develop a material as well-suited
for the body's needs as bone. The arrangement of
bone cells forms the lightest structure made of
the least material to support the body's weight.
Bones make up only 1/5 of our body weight yet
they support the entire structure.
As we grow, our bones grow with us. Inside our
bones is a red blood cell factory which
manufactures a trillion new blood cells per day.
No known material known can replace bones. Wood
cannot stand the compressive forces bone must
take. Steel is too heavy being three times the
weight of bone. Aluminum isn't strong enough to
stand the flexing stress put on the bones.
The average human walks 65,000 miles in his
lifetime --more than 2 times around the world. A
soccer player subjects the 26 bones in his feet
to a cumulative force of over 1,000 tons per
foot. Our freedom of movement and ability to
function, and to manipulate our environment is
all due to the marvelous frame into which our
bodies are built.
Here's an easy recipe take food, metabolically
convert it into sticky glue. Then, allow air to
contact it while rapidly stretching it into an
impossibly narrow, nimble thread as strong as
steel. There you have itspider silk.
Zoologists discovered that spiders have
any- where from one to four pairs of spinnerets
located in the abdomen, along with 7 silk
glands, each making a strand for a unique
purpose. Dozens of tiny tubes lead to these
specially designed abdominal glands. In a
process not completely understood, a special
scleroprotein-based substance is released as a
liquid which hardens as it is pulled from the
One gland produces thread for cocoons and another
for encapsulation of prey. The two seem to be
the same, but they require differ-ent especially
designed silk. Other glands make the walking
thread so the spider doesn't encumber herself,
while another makes the sticky material that
captures prey. Spider silk has a tensile
strength fives times that of steel, and it is
flexible enough to stop a bumblebee at full
All spiders can make 3 or 4 different kinds of
thread, and some can make as many as 7 kinds, all
finer than a human hair!
How did the spider learn to use the right
spinneret at the right time? How did it learn to
use two of them working at the same time when it
wants an extra-strong thread? When did it get
enough courage to drop into space with just a
thread holding it and know it could crawl back up
it again? How can it produce a sticky thread
that it can travel over, yet that will trap
everything else?
The spider, lurking at one side of its web, waits
for vibrations to tell it that something is
caught. If the vibrations are very light, it
ignores them. A medium-sized vibration means
food, so it quickly travels across the web to
kill and eat the victim. But, if the shaking is
great, it means something too big to handle is
out there, and it will hurry to cut it loose
before it ruins the web. How does the spider
know how to interpret these signals?
Consider "dragline silk," the thread used by the
spider to hang with. The strength of this
material is incredible. It is 5 times as strong
as the kevlar that is currently used in bullet
proof vests. It is as elastic as nylon. A
piece the size of a pencil could stop the
momentum of a fighter jet stopping on an
aircraft carrier. Scientists still are
struggling to under-stand the chemistry of this
amazing material that is elastic, non-sticky, and
incredibly strong
The Bolas spider spins a silky cord and puts a
weight on one enda heavy bit of gum. In this
way, the weapon reminds one of a cowboy's lassoo.
Then it takes the cord up in its two front legs,
which now act like arms. When a moth flies by, it
throws the lassoo. The sticky, weighted end hits
the body of the flying insect and sticks to it.
The moth is then roped in and the Bolas spider
wraps it up.
The Trap Door spider digs a burrow in the ground.
It sticks tiny bits of earth together with a
special fluid it produces and plasters the inside
of the tunnel to strengthen the walls against the
danger of collapse. Then it covers the walls in a
thread it makes. This plastering technique is
similar to the thermal insulation technique we
use today. Thus, the inside of the nest is
resistant to the high desert temperatures outside
The spider makes a cover for the nest out of its
own silk. One side is attached to the nest by a
hinge made of strong thread, turning it into a
door. It camouflages the cover with bits of
brush, scrub, and soil. Then it stretches taut
threads under the leaves around the next, to
make an early warning system. When an insect
approaches and steps on the leaves, the hidden
threads vibrate. When the insect is in
position, the spider springs from under the
lid and pounces on its prey.
The Nest Casting Spider hangs on a thread it has
tied to a branch or leaf. Then it waits in
ambush. When it prey is within range, the spider
suddenly jumps and throws its web over it. The
spider wraps its prey up in this web and proceeds
to envelope the prey with more thread inside a
"packet," to keep its food fresh for later.
Spider silk is 5 times stronger than steel, which
is one of the strongest materials in the world.
Yet spiders' silk, 5 times stronger than steel,
is made by an arachnid, not in a huge modern
industrial factory. Just about any spider we can
see anywhere can produce it.
Another marvelous aspect of spider thread is
that it is very elastic. It is very difficult to
find a material both strong and elastic. Steel
cables are one of the strongest materials around
but because they are not elastic, they slowly
lose their shape. Although rubber cables do not
lose their shape, they are not strong enough to
lift heavy weights. On the other hand, spider
silk is 5 times stronger than steel wire of the
same thickness, and 30 percent more elastic than
rubber of the same thickness. To put it in
technical terms, spider thread, from the point of
view of its resistance to breaking and the extent
it can stretch before breaking, is a material the
like of which has not been produced by all mans
If mankind makes steel and rubber cables as a
result of all the knowledge gathered over
thousands of years, then where did the knowledge
come from that enables the spider to make its
silk so far superior to anything man has been
able to produce?
Spider thread is a protein principally consisting
of the amino acids glycine, alanine, serine
tyrosine. The Du Pont company has produced
various synthetic fibres by unearthing the
chemical formula of the silk and determining
the order in which the molecules which make it
up lie. Every giant molecule in this synthetic
polymer is made up of thousands of molecular
chains of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen
atoms. This product, known as "Kevlar," is
produced artificially and is the most developed
of organic fibres. With their strength and
elasticity, Kevlar synthetic fibres come closest
to the physical characteristics of spider silk.
Kevlar is used in car seat-belts, in various
items of protective clothing, in the aircraft and
shipping industry as an external material, in the
produc-tion of fibre-optic and electro-mechanical
cables, in the rope and cable industry, and in
various sports implements.
One of the most important fields in which Kevlar
has been utilized in this century has been the
defence industry. Bullet-proof vests, which used
to be made from steel, are now made from
fabrics woven from Kevlar fibres, which look no
different from ordinary cloth. Kevlar, thanks to
its shock- absorbing properties, reduces the
bullet's force of impact. This is a most
important and useful discovery from the
technological point of view. Yet despite these
excellent properties, Kevlar fibres'
shock-absorbing properties are only one-third of
those of spider silk
Gen 11-3 - In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth. Now the earth was
formless and empty, darkness was over the
surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God
was hovering over the waters. And God
said, "Let there be . . . .
Heb 111-3 - Now faith is being sure of what we
hope for and certain of what we do not see.
This is what the ancients were commended
for. By faith we understand that the
universe was formed at God's command, so
that what is seen was not made out of what
was visible.
2 Cor 57 - We live by faith, not by sight.
John 11-5 - In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning. Through
him all things were made without him
nothing was made that has been made. In
him was life, and that life was the light of
men. The light shines in the darkness, but
the darkness has not understood it. Heb 12 -
in these last days he has spoken to us by
his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things,
and through whom he made the universe.
2 Cor 57 - We live by faith, not by sight.
Ps 191-4 The heavens declare the glory of
God the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech night
after night they display knowledge. There is no
speech or language where their voice is not
heard. Their voice goes out into all the
earth, their words to the ends of the world.
Ps 13913-16 For you created my inmost being you
knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise
you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made
in the secret place. When I was woven together
in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my
unformed body. All the days ordained for me were
written in your book before one of them came to
Rom 120-21 For since the creation of the world
God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and
divine nature-have been clearly seen, being
understood from what has been made, so that men
are without excuse. For although they knew God,
they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks
to him, but their thinking became futile and
their foolish hearts were darkened . . . They
exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and
worshiped and served created things rather than
the Creator-who is forever praised.
Human beings and the universe we inhabit were
created, down to the tiniest detail, by an
infinitely intelligent and powerful Designer and
Maker. All these things declare His power and
glory, and they should lead us to praise and to
serve Him.
The heavens declare the glory of God the skies
proclaim the work of his hands. Ps 191-4
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