Access Paths - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Access Paths


Primary index: Given the primary key value, find the tuple. ... executing the UNDO operations on the tree for all losers along the way. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Access Paths

Access Paths
Chapter 20
Types of Associative Access Paths
  • Primary index Given the primary key value, find
    the tuple.
  • Secondary index Given the value of a non-unique
    attribute, find all qualified tuples.
  • Range index Given the value range of some
    attribute, find all tuples within that range.
  • Structure index Given some tuple, find all
    structurally related tuples (CODASYL sets, object
    hierarchies, etc.)

Two Important Techniques
  • Two basic techniques dominate in modern DBMSs
  • Hashing Use a fixed transformation algorithm to
    convert the attribute value into a database
  • Tree searchA dynamical search structure is built
    that guides the search for a given attribute
    value to the proper database location.
  • Hashing supports primary indices only. Tree
    search is more versatile.

The Access Gap
  • Accessing a tuple in buffer costs ca. 2000 instr.
    Accessing it on disk takes 25 ms for I/O-related
    activities. On a 20 MIPS machine, this translates
    into 500,000 instructions.
  • Therefore, one can spend many instructions on an
    algorithm that saves one I/O on the average.
  • For access paths, the dominant cost measure is
    the number of different pages that need to be
    accessed during the search.

Folding vs. Hashing
  • Folding is used to turn an attribute value of
    arbitrary length and arbitrary data type in to an
    unsigned integer the maximum length of which is
    determined by the instruction set.
  • Hashing is used to transform the result of
    folding into the address of a page that
    (probably) holds the tuple with the specified key

  • A good hash function H has to map primary key
    values, which are very unevenly distributed over
    a large value range, into a tuple address space
    that is much smaller (proportional to the number
    of existing tuples), such that the resulting
    addresses are evenly distributed over the address

Parameters of the Hash Function
  • K This is the (folded) key value. It varies
    between 0 and 232 - 1.
  • B Number of pages to be allocated for the file.
    Depends on the number of tuples expected.
  • H Hash function that performs a mapping of
  • (0, 232-1) -gt (0, B-1).

Consequences of the Approach
  • Contiguous allocation All B pages must allocated
    in physical contiguity, because the relative
    addresses vary between 0 and B-1.
  • Fixed size The file size must be determined upon
    creation time, because changing the size (i.e.
    changing B) means changing the hash function.
    This in turn requires a complete reorganization.

Requirements for a Hash Function
  • Hash-based allocation assumes that it is possible
    to estimate the number of tuples T that the
    relation will have, and that this estimate is not
    drastically exceeded.
  • If a block has length B, and a tuple has an
    average length of L bytes, then we need at least
    S é T / (ëB/Lû) ù blocks to store the T
  • The required number of blocks (S) is allocated
    before the first tuple is stored. It is a good
    idea to allocate some more blocks (S gt S) to
    allow for unexpected growth.
  • Then a hash function H is defined, which takes in
    the value of the primary key k of the relation
    and converts it into a number between 1 and S
    this is the block number where the tuple is to be
    stored. If K is the set of possible values for
    the primary key we have
  • H K 1, 2, , S
  • The set of potential values for the primary key
    attribute will be much larger than the number of
    blocks allocated (think, e.g., of ISBNs for the
    books relation). So the hash function is a
    compacting function. For each primary key value,
    there is exactly one block it is mapped to. Many
    different primary key values are mapped to the
    same block (n1 relationship).

Properties of Hash Functions
  • A hash function must be easy to compute and must
    not require access to any blocks in the database.
  • It must be able to map a generally very large set
    of potential primary key values (remember
    primary keys can be constructed by concatenating
    several attributes of a relation) into a
    comparatively small set of block numbers in which
    the tuples will be stored.
  • It must be able to take in primary key values of
    different data types (integer, binary, decimal,
    character, etc.) and map them to the set of
    integers between 1 and S with equal efficiency.
  • The formula for estimating S based on the number
    of tuples, average tuple length and block length
    implicitly assumes that all blocks are equally
    filled, i.e. that the same number of tuples is
    mapped to each block. This is the most difficult
    requirement, because the primary key values in
    general are not equally distributed over their
    value range Some parts of the value range are
    used, others are not used at all, keys are
    generated by some regular mechanism, etc.
  • To achieve this hashing property, different
    methods exist table look-up, base conversion,
    folding, encryption, division by prime numbers,

A Popular Hash Function
  • A hash function that most database systems use as
    a default (if the user does not specify one) is
    defined as
  • H(k) k mod d 1
  • This requires that k is a positive integer. If
    the primary key attribute of the relation does
    not have the data type integer - it could, for
    example, be a name - then it has to be turned
    into an integer first. The usual way of doing
    this is to fold the binary representation of
    the key value such that its length does not
    exceed 32 bits. Then these 32 bits are
    interpreted as an integer if it is negative, it
    is multiplied by -1 one. Details of folding are
    omitted here.
  • For H to be a good hash function, d must be a
    large enough prime number this is explained by
    detailed number theoretic analyses. We also must
    make sure that the number of blocks allocated is
    about 25 larger than the minimum requirement.
  • Summing it up We first compute S. Then we
    compute S 1.25S. Then we compute d
    next_higher_prime (S). H(k) will then determine
    the block for each tuple based on the primary key

Average Number of Overflow Pages
Hashing for Non-Unique Attributes
  • Let V denote the number of different attribute
    values. Then we can distinguish three cases
  • V T The attribute is almost unique a good
    hash function should work in that case.
  • V gt B There are more values than buckets. Can be
    made work, but some buckets may get much higher
    utilization than others.
  • V lt B This is the case where hashing cannot be

Overflow Handling
Hashing Summary
  • For unique attributes, hashing can yield
    one-access retrieval.
  • It is critical to find a good hash function to
    reduce collisions.
  • If the original estimate of the file size is
    wrong, reorganization is inevitable.
  • Synchronization at the page level is done using
    standard crabbing techniques.
  • Hashing does not support range queries.

  • B-Trees consist of two types of nodes
  • Leaf nodes The contain the data, i.e. the tuples
    or pointers to the tuples (TIDs).
  • Index nodes Index nodes contain reference keys
    to direct the search towards the leaves. The data
    structure looks like this
  • struct char KeyValue
  • PAGEID PointerToNextNode
  • index_node_structure

Rules for Index Nodes
  • Key values are in sorted order K0 K1 ...
    Ki ... Kf (f is max. capacity of a node).
  • For any two adjacent key values Ki, Ki1 the
    pointer Pi points to a node covering all values
    in the interval (Ki, Ki1.
  • If a search for value v arrives at an index node,
    the next node to be visited is pointed to by Pi
    such that Ki v lt Ki1.
  • K0 is an arbitrary low value (smaller than
    anything else in that node).

Properties of a B-Tree
  • Parameter f is called the fan-out of the tree.
  • The number of nodes visited from the root to a
    leaf is called the height of the tree.
  • A B-tree is always perfectly balanced, i.e. the
    height is the same for all leaves.
  • Storage utilization is at least 50 for all nodes
    except for the root.
  • Average storage utilization is close to 70.

A Simple B-Tree
Some Observations
  • B-trees also work for non-unique attributes
    implementational optimizations will be discussed
    later on.
  • The reference keys in the index nodes can be
    different from all real key values in the
    leaves they only have to guide the search
  • The key values at the leaf level are sorted in
    ascending order this supports range queries.

Inserting Into a B-Tree
Growing a B-Tree
  • If the insert leaf is full, allocate a new node,
    distribute the values (the new one sorted in
    place) evenly across the old leaf and the new
    node, move the lowest key value of the new node
    up to the index node.
  • If that index node is full, split it in the same
  • If the root has to be split Allocate two new
    nodes, distribute the key values evenly over
    them, put the reference key in the root.

Deleting Tuples From a B-Tree
  • To maintain the space utilization guarantees, a
    leaf that becomes under-utilized (lt 50) would
    have to be merged with its neighbours.
  • This is a very costly operation in particular,
    synchronization at the page level is very
  • Therefore, most systems let nodes become empty
    and discard them when that happens.
  • Analyses show that this does not deteriorate the
    overall B-tree performance.

Non-Unique Attributes
The Basic Formula of B-Tree-Performance
  • With the N number of tuples, C average
    number of entries in a leaf, F average number of
    entries in an index node, the height H of a
    B-tree is
  • H 1 élog (é N/Cù)ù

Some Performance Figures
Tuples in the Leaves?
  • Assuming a tuple is x times longer than a TID, we
    get the following estimate
  • 1 logF (N/(xC)) 1.1 1 logF
  • This transforms into
  • 1.1 logF x
  • When this holds, moving the tuples out of the
  • leaves improves performance.

Key Compression Suffix Compression
Synchronization on B-Trees What Is the Problem?
  • B-Trees are fully redundant structures, which can
    be reconstructed from the tuples therefore, no
    synchronization should be required at all.
  • However, some queries operate on the index only.
    This requires all operations on B-trees to be
    serializable with the operations on the tuples.
  • Standard two-phase locking with the nodes as the
    objects is not feasible for performance reasons.

Protecting Tree Traversal
1. semaphore on Q
Node Q at level i
search path
2. follow search path
3. semaphore on R
Node R at level i1
4. release sem. on Q
B-Trees and Value Locks
Making Lock Names
  • To implement value locking, we need to build
  • lock names according to the following rule
  • LockN TableName, IndexName, KeyValue.
  • KeyValue in turn is a composite
  • KeyValue AttributeValue, TupleIdentifier.

Key Range Locking an B-Trees
  • Simple retrieval k c
  • Get a semaphore on leaf page get S-lock on
    key range defined by largest existing value c1
  • c1 c hold lock until commit.

Key Range Locking an B-Trees
  • Range retrieval c1 lt k lt c2
  • Get s semaphore on first leaf page get S-lock
    on key defined by largest existing value c3 with
    c3 lt c1 proceed sequentially along leaf level
    request key range S-lock for each new attribute
    value up to and including c2 do careful crabbing
    across leaf pages hold S-lock until commit.

Key Range Locking an B-Trees
  • Insert c, ki
  • Get X-semaphore on leaf page find largest
    existing value c1 with c1 lt c request instant
    IX-lock on c1 request long X-lock on c.

Key Range Locking an B-Trees
Delete c, kd Get X-semaphore on leaf page
find largest existing value c1 with c1 lt c
request long IX-lock on c else request long
X-lock on c and c1.
B-Tree Recovery
B-Tree Recovery Based on Physiological Logging
  • Cover all B-tree operations with semaphores on
    all affected pages.
  • For each logical update a log record with the
    logical UNDO operation must be moved to the log
  • While the update operation is being performed,
    physical REDO log records are written.
  • After all REDO records are safely in the log, the
    exclusive semaphores can be released.

The Two Phases of B-Tree-Recovery
  • Phase1 Go forward through the log up to its
    current end, applying all REDO records to the
  • Phase2 Go backward to the Begin of transaction
    record of the oldest incomplete transaction,
    executing the UNDO operations on the tree for all
    losers along the way.

Other Access Path MethodsExtendible Hashing
New Techniques
  • Grid files Symmetric multi-dimensional point
    access. Can become very unbalanced depending on
    correlation in the data.
  • R-Trees Symmetric multi-dimensional access. Can
    deteriorate depending on insertion strategy.
  • hb-Tree Symmetric multi-dimensional access. Can
    turn into a DAG depending on deletion order.
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