Title: Optical Simulation
1Tools Goals Example tuning of modulation
frequency A few questions
2Optical Simulation TOOLS
- SIESTA Virgo Collaboration
- general mechanical and optical simulation time
domain - C, but cards for the user
- JAJY J.Y. Vinet
- Computes TF of optical cavities
- for GW, frequency noise, mirror
motions frequency domain - Fortran
- (STF) F. Bondu
- Same as JAJY, but only frequency noise. Cavity
sweeping is possible - ( obsolete since JAJY gives calibrated answers
) - Matlab
3Optical Simulation TOOLS
- NV V. Loriette
- Computes the properties of the interferometer
cavities - (reflection, transmission, gain) using the
measured mirror maps - Includes the thermal effects static response
- Matlab
- FINESSE A. Freise
- Interferometer response, including high order
modes - intensive maintenance and upgrade
- used by LIGO frequency domain
- cards from the user point of view graphical
interface - Analytical formulae
4Optical Simulation GOALS
- 1) Understand and tune the contrast defect
- shot noise level and modulation index
- 2) Understand and tune the interferometer
asymmetry - frequency noise rejection ratio / optical TF for
stabilization - 3) Tune the instrument
- Modulation frequency
- Cavity lengths
- Match the beam parameters (waist size, waist
position) - 4) Estimate the impact of the thermal effects on
the sensitivity - 5) Laser power understanding / tuning
5Optical Simulation Example (1/3)
Tuning of the modulation frequency with Input
Mode Cleaner FSR
1 setup
1 kHz line amplitude
22 MHz
6,24.. MHz
6,24.. MHz mod. frequency
1 kHz
Spectrum analyzer
6Optical Simulation Example (2/3)
Tuning of the modulation frequency with Input
Mode Cleaner FSR
2 results
FINESSE prediction A bump appears if
demodulation phase is not correct. The good
frequency point is the one that does not change
of place for various demodulation phases (various
cable lengths)
7Optical Simulation Example (2/3)
Tuning of the modulation frequency with Input
Mode Cleaner FSR
3 results
FINESSE prediction A bump appears if
demodulation phase is not correct. The good
frequency point is the one that does not change
of place for various demodulation phases (various
cable lengths)
8Optical Simulation Open questions
- Evaluate the impact of not-so-often considered
asymmetries - asymmetry of the modes of the long cavities
- radius of curvature, high order mode content
- asymmetry of the lower and upper sidebands
- (birefringence, polarization, )
- get analytical expressions when possible
- Questions
- How much is it possible to increase the finesse
of the arms? the recycling gain? - Effect of misalignment/ mismatching on the
stability of high unity gain loops? (ex. second
stage of frequency stabilization). - Effect of losses (contamination, high order
modes) on TF for frequency noise? - Models with different mirror properties for
carrier and sidebands
9Optical Simulation Open questions
- Questions (continued)
- Use information from beam shape at various
points of the interferometer - Learn about DC control
- Simulation of astigmatism
- tuning of the matching of the IMC understand
the requirements