Alix Cheema

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Alix Cheema


Linux (Redhat) based deployment architecture. Conclusions ... Design coarse grained business orientated interfaces for exports ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Alix Cheema

Our Experiences in Delivering SOA with WebSphere
Process Server
  • Alix Cheema
  • Senior Architect, Capgemini

  • Background
  • WebSphere Suite Process Server Overview
  • Beta Programme
  • Conclusions
  • Lessons Learned
  • Summary
  • Q A

  • What
  • Capgemini are focused on building specialist
    skills and knowledge for delivering SOA based
    initiatives and projects
  • Why
  • Help our customers to understand and better
    position SOA
  • How does it help with current business drivers
    e.g. cost reduction, faster time to market etc
  • Assist with strategic planning for future growth
  • How a few examples
  • Focus on the A in SOA
  • e.g. Service Realisation, SOA delivery
  • Building strong partnerships with leading SOA
    product companies
  • e.g. IBM
  • Representation on 13 JSRs
  • e.g. JBI, J2EE 5.0, J2SE 6.0
  • Lead Chair for Open group
  • Leadership of SOA committee in OASIS group (e.g.
    SOA notation)
  • Only SI to participate in early WPS beta

Our goal is to be leading SOA practitioners,
focused on thought leadership and robust delivery
WebSphere Suite
WebSphere Integration Developer
WebSphere Process Server
Flexible deployment of business processes, making
plug-and-play of components a reality WebSphere
ESB Connectivity infrastructure for integrating
applications and services to power your SOA
Easy-to-use integration to simplify and speed the
assembly of composite applications
WebSphere Business Modeler
Simple to use process modeling for the business
analyst to help maximize process and business
resource re-use
WebSphere Adapters
Provide connectivity services to enterprise
applications, e.g. SAP, Oracle, Siebel
WebSphere Business Monitor
Real-time visibility into process performance
enabling process intervention and continuous
Complete tooling from modelling to deployment to
WebSphere Suite Technical Overview
  • 1. Process modeling
  • Build and refine process model
  • Simulate what if conditions
  • Select processes for monitoring
  • 2. Observation modeling
  • Define metrics, KPIs, events
  • Create metrics for capturing working duration and
    decision paths

Generate observation model
Communicate verify model
Observation Model Editor
Export observation model runtime artifacts (XMI,
  • 2. Model preparation
  • Further specify and prepare processes for
  • Leverage web services components

Buildtime Tools (WID RSA)
  • 5. Continuous process improvement
  • Feed working duration decision percentage data
    back into process model, and start cycle over

WebSphere Process Server Runtime
WebSphere Monitor
  • 3. Deployment to runtime
  • Deploy process model
  • Deploy observation model
  • Monitor calculates working durations, decision
    paths, and other KPIs
  • 4. Business monitoring
  • Monitor the processes/operations real-time

Monitor Dashboard
Semantic continuum, Actor driven (who does what
and when), limited support for full
round-tripping, but heading in right direction
WebSphere Process Server Components
Compelling architecture, including support for
business processes, application integration and
human workflow, all encapsulated within a common
invocation, data model and event infrastructure
The Common Invocation Model Service Component
Interface (export)How to callthis component
Reference(import) What thiscomponents calls
Everything is represented as a SCA and the export
is the business service.
The Common Invocation Model Service Component
  • Removes/abstracts incidental complexity to
    which developers are exposed when dealing
    directly with middleware APIs
  • Focus on writing business logic
  • Promotes loose coupling and service driven
    component models
  • Enables two step process of implementation and
    assembly of heterogeneous service networks (e.g.
    coarse grained system and fine-grained module)
  • SCA components connected by a number of different
    bindings e.g. WSDL/SOAP WS, JMS, Java and JCA
  • An SCA component can have more than one type of
    export binding
  • SCA components bindings configured with QoS
  • Wiring between components can be configured to be
    synchronous, asynchronous, transactional and

The Canonical Business Object Model Service Data
  • Based on concept of disconnected data graphs
  • Simplification of the J2EE data programming model
  • Abstracts data from backend data store
  • Unifies data application development
  • Supports and integrates XML
  • Business Object Framework consists of

Service Data Objects framework provides a unified
framework for data application development
SCA and SDO Together Conceptual View
Module Order Management
  • SCA components are assembled and wired together
  • Export is the business service interface
    exposed to the outside world
  • Multiple entry points can be added e.g. JMS
    Export and WS Export
  • Module represents a logical domain
  • Business Objects are the data flowing on wires
    between Components

SCA enables composition of heterogeneous service
networks and SDO acts as a vehicle for data flow
Common Event Infrastructure
  • An event occurs when something significant
    happens in the IT system, called situations
  • Data about the event is captured in an event
  • The event (object) has a standardized format
    called the Common Base Event (CBE)
  • Events can be configured declaratively,
    programmatically and dynamically (through admin
  • Events can be correlated using sessionID
  • Supports instance tracking
  • All event objects are passed to the event
    infrastructure to enable
  • Tracking the progress of a business process
  • Audit trails
  • Coordinating work between independent business
  • Monitoring for exceptions in a business process
  • Events are managed using WebSphere Event Browser

Common end-to-end event capture, correlation and
WebSphere Process Server Components
WebSphere Process Server Components
Business Process
  • WS-BPEL compliant business process engine
  • WS-BPEL 2.0 (currently draft)
  • Optionally, generated from WebSphere Business
  • Generic Business Process
  • Operations / Parameters
  • Service Implementation Details hidden
  • Transactions / Compensation
  • Cannot be specified in Modeler
  • Full XPath 1.0 Support
  • Visual Debugger

Business Process Execution Language used for
business service orchestration
Human Task Manager
  • Invoke humans as services
  • Human participate in an otherwise automated
    business process
  • Human interface to services
  • Allows humans initiate a service such as a
    business process or Web Service using a common
    User Interface
  • Ad-hoc usage of To-Do list
  • Implement a pure-human task (such as a managed
    query) to a colleague or customer
  • Forward a workitem to another human

Human interaction can be peer-to-peer, human to
machine or machine to human
Human Task Features
  • Powerful Staff Resolution
  • Integrate with existing enterprise people
    repository (e.g. LDAP, Local OS, custom registry)
  • Specify different levels of authority (e.g.
    Readers, Administrators and Potential Owners)
  • Included Clients
  • Web Client
  • Portal Client (JSR 168)
  • Transfer and suspend tasks
  • Enable expiration, escalation (single or
    chained), notification, sub-tasks and follow-on
  • Supports four eyes principle
  • Notification supports for e-Mail, event, work
    item creation and custom

WebSphere Application Server (J2EE Runtime)
Competitive features for human workflow automation
Business State Machines
  • Another way to model a process
  • Manage transitions
  • State Machine Implementation
  • Based on UML 2.0State Machine
  • Event driven business processes
  • Creates WS-BPELunder the cover
  • Simple/Complex States
  • Entry/Exit
  • Transitions
  • Guards
  • Actions (invokes, e.g. SCA)
  • Timeout

Only BPM product to offer state machine
execution, extremely valuable for event driven
Business Rules
  • Externalize Business Logic from an application
    (business process)
  • Easy change of logic that may change
  • Dynamically Update Rules in Runtime on the fly
    through Web Interface
  • Most-requested Business Rule functionality
  • Decision Tables
  • Rule Sets (If/Then Rules)
  • Rule Templates
  • Ease of Use
  • Rule Group all artifacts needed for business
    rule developer are contained within one component
  • Enables rules to be displayed in the web based
    tooling with a more natural language view
  • if invoice.purchase() gt 100.00 then discount
  • When the customer purchase is 100 or more then
    give the customer a discount of 5 percent.
  • Implemented by the application developer, defined
    by the business analyst

Rules engine offers basic functionality, does not
compete with specialised rule products
Beta Programme
  • Objectives
  • Solution
  • Conclusions

  • Address a real-world scenario to prove the
    practicality of delivering customer solutions
    using the WPS v6.0 Suite
  • Create a working demonstration of how the WPS
    v6.0 Suite can address business problems
    Capgeminis customers are facing, taking a full
    development life-cycle approach
  • Use the demonstration as a reference site for
    Capgemini IBM to illustrate the strength of the
    alliance and highlight best practice experience
    gained through the beta programme
  • Ensure the appropriate training education plan
    is in place to aid in longer term project
    delivery based on WPS v6.0 Suite
  • Ensure that the Capgemini-IBM partnership is able
    to demonstrate clear differentiation in the

  • Modelled 10 use-cases (3 simple, 5 medium and 2
    complex) based on an on-line product sales
  • 6 key domains were architected
  • Product
  • Payment
  • Order Fulfilment (State Machine)
  • Inventory (BPEL process)
  • Delivery
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Designed macro (level 0, level 1) business
    processes using BPEL and state machine
  • Incorporated mixture of implementation
    approaches, JMS, EJB and WebServices
  • Made use of transactions, however, no security
    was implemented
  • Utilised SCA compliant JCA adaptors for
    integration with files and database
  • Linux (Redhat) based deployment architecture

  • Capgemini beta team created gt 150 PMRs,
    representing over 60 of all PMRs raised, key
    summary areas being
  • Interchangeable implementations with SCA
  • Support for Human Workflow with automated
  • Common tooling support across all components
  • Programming model enforces higher-level
    abstraction, entry point is SCA not J2EE
  • Common Event Infrastructure
  • Integrated Enterprise Service Bus, SCA driven
  • Built-on WAS
  • High-productivity
  • Limited refactoring support, e.g. changing a
    module name
  • Sometimes difficult to debug errors
  • Good understanding of generation policies
  • Experienced problems with version control in
    highly distributed development environment
  • Specialised integration may require use of
    Advanced ESB product (Message Broker)
  • Lack of best practice and design techniques, this
    is improving (e.g. redbooks, whitepapers)

IBM announced Capgemini involvement in beta
programme was best-ever. WPS is ready for
production and we are engaged in a number of WPS
Lessons Learned
  • Adoption
  • Architecture
  • Development
  • Deployment

  • Dont attempt to sell SOA to the business, lead
    with BPM and position SOA as an enabler
  • Selling SOA is difficult due to difficulties in
    measuring ROI and TCO
  • Successful adoption of a business process
    platform requires significant involvement from
    business stakeholders
  • Defining all major business processes is a major
    undertaking, adopt an incremental approach
  • Approach must be driven from the business down
  • Clear line of sight from business to IT
  • Value Chain
  • Business Strategy/Drivers/KPIs
  • Business Services
  • Business Processes
  • Remember process flexibility is constrained by
    packaged products and bespoke applications
  • Service enable packages/applications when and
    where possible
  • Dont be forced by vendors to select vertical
    packaged solutions
  • Dont try to automate everything
  • Some processes are better handled by people,
    consider cost/benefit
  • Automation should facilitate collaboration
    between employees, not hinder!

  • Dont approach the design of SCA as you would
    with the design of Java Objects
  • Modules should be used to represent a logical
    business domains
  • Design coarse grained business orientated
    interfaces for exports
  • Minimise Modules and group components sensibly
  • Understand generation policies
  • Authored versus generated
  • Inter communication between SCA components
    generates LocalEJB
  • External communication between Modules generates
  • Synchronous versus Asynchronous reference
  • Synchronous uses RMI based invocations
  • Asynchronous uses request/reply patterns via JMS
  • Use the State Machine to model event driven
  • Difficult to code using BPEL
  • Use BPEL to model sequence based service
  • Long running processes should be marked as
    asynchronous and are persisted
  • Ensure appropriate correlationID(s) are
    identified, better to use alias
  • Use Compensation Handlers inside to BPEL to
    rollback operations

  • Consider disabling Auto-Publish and Auto-Build
  • Cache results of Service.Manager.locateService()
  • Avoid overuse of WPS components
  • Use coarse-grained exports to minimise
  • Use the simplest component kind for required
  • Utilise multi-threaded SCA clients to achieve
  • Test components using WID, e.g. BPC to start
  • Team-based component wiring can be risky,
    especially at earlier stages of development,
    instead consider using stubs.
  • Error handling is an iterative process, design
    for the maximum error handling and tweak over
  • Fault handlers around Invokes, Scopes, entire
  • Involve Human Tasks in fault handlers to help
    manage exceptions
  • Available for interruptible processes only
  • Implement a comprehensive source control
    environment with backup
  • Understand derived v non-derived files
  • Always synchronise before committing or updating
  • Export modules between workspaces as Interchange

  • Reduce the number of SCA Modules, when
  • Place local modules in same server JVM
  • Use Asynchrony judiciously
  • Avoid unnecessary cross-component async
    invocations in a module
  • Avoid unnecessary cross-module Asynchronous
  • Use async SCA instead of JMS bindings when
  • Configure the required level of MDB concurrency
    for asynchronous components
  • Use Object Data Representation for JMS
  • Security should be enabled so not everyone can
    modify business data in Failed Event Manager
  • Use Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) to track
    all events in a business transaction

  • Product offers BPM, human workflow and
    integration in a common architecture
  • WebSphere Process Server offers a compelling
    architecture for designing and building highly
    pluggable service based systems
  • Service Component Architecture (SCA) is a
    powerful abstraction model that separates the
    what from the how
  • True round tripping between modeller, WID,
    monitor is heading in the right direction a
    single meta model is key
  • Improvement areas robust distributed
    development, SCA repository, improved debugging,
    tuning ,best practice and refactoring support
  • Business involvement from the start is key,
    preferably starting from Modeller
  • Organisations must consider the wider
    implications on architecture and governance if
    they are to be successful with SOA and BPM
  • Current systems incorporate large amounts of
    batch processing, as systems become more
    real-time, business models will have to evolve

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