Title: Challenges of Conducting Research in the Real World
1Challenges of Conducting Research in the Real
Julie Gess-Newsome, NAU Janet Carlson,
BSCS NSF DRK12 PI Meeting, November 2008
2Session Purpose
- Provide an overview of the tentative findings
from Project PRIME - Lead a discussion concerning the challenges of
conducting educational research in schools over
time - Illustrate challenges encountered in Project
PRIME - Through group discussion, generate potential
solutions to common challenges - Contextual Issues
- Recruitment and Retention
- Research Design
- Quality of Data
3Promoting Reform through Instructional Materials
that Educate (PRIME)
- How does teacher PCK and student achievement
change with the use of - Educative curriculum materials on their own?
- Combined with professional development?
- Two year intervention with 40 biology teachers
- Teachers acted as the unit of analysis
- Teacher and student data baseline -gt
- curriculum materials OR
- curriculum materials and professional
development -gt - teaching-gt
- PD or teaching again
- PCK Reflections (CK, PK, CxK, PCK)
- Structured Interviews (CK, PK, CxK, PCK)
- Videotapes of Classroom Instruction (CK, PK, CxK,
PCK, Fidelity) - Major Field Test for Biology (ETS) (CK)
- Reform Teaching Observation Protocol (CK, PK,
CxK) - Classroom Observation Checklist (PK)
- Student Achievement
- Student Work
- Professional Learning Community Rating Scale
5Tentative Finding 1. Student achievement scores
increased significantly from pretest to posttest.
6Tentative Finding 2. Teacher MFTB scores showed
inconsistent gains over time. (N17)
7Tentative Finding 3. There is a positive
correlation between teacher scores on the MFTB
and student gain scores in content achievement.
There is a slight though positive correlation
between teacher MFTB scores and RTOP scores.
8Tentative Finding 4 Teachers PCK trajectories
vary by individual, sometimes unpredictably
9Tentative Finding 5 The relationship of data
across a single teacher is unclear.
10Challenges of Conducting Educational Research
- Contextual Issues
- Recruitment and Retention
- Research Design
- Quality of Data
11Contextual Issue 1 Lag time between design
12Contextual Issue 2 Mismatched Conceptions
Whats the best curriculum for our biology
Which program will best support our teachers in
their science teaching?
How do I know if my students are learning?
13Contextual Issue 3 Views of Curriculum
14Recruitment and Retention 1 Time
15Recruitment and Retention 2 Incentives vs.
Money Graduate Credits Professional
Development Curriculum Materials Stipends Travel
Support Conference Support
Teacher Data Videotapes Student Data Time on
Campus Reflections Interviews
16Recruitment and Retention 3 Participant
17Research Design 1 Random Assignment
I bet we get selected for the experimental group!
18Research Design 2 Statistical Significance
We Want In!
19Quality of Data1 Researcher vs. Teacher
20Quality of Data 4 Researcher vs. Student
21Quality of Data3 Data Fatigue
22Quality of Data4 Instrumentation
23Quality of Data 5 IRB and Informed Consent
24Quality of Data 6 EquipmentLoaned or
25Solution Generation
- How typical are these experiences to those that
you have encountered in your research? - What solutions have you found to help with these
challenges? - Please record potential solutions to report out
to the group.
26Thank you
- For further information contact the authors
- Janet Carlson jcarlson_at_bscs.org
- Julie Gess-Newsome julie.gess-newsome_at_nau.edu
- A full copy of the research paper about Project
PRIME can be found at - http//bscs.org/NARST08