Introduction to Programming the WWW I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Programming the WWW I


Headings, horizontal rules, paragraphs, line breaks, comments, fonts, lists, etc ... Renders with line breaks corresponding to source file ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: robert306


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Programming the WWW I

Introduction to Programming the WWW I
  • CMSC 10100-1
  • Summer 2004
  • Lecture 2

Todays Topics
  • Basic HTML tags
  • Headings, horizontal rules, paragraphs, line
    breaks, comments, fonts, lists, etc
  • Some basic technologies
  • Text editors
  • Basic Linux commands
  • Remote login and file transfer

  • Classroom changed to Ry255 for the rest of
  • Homework 1 will be released Wednesday

Review HTML Elements
  • HTML elements are blocks of text with special
  • Every element consists of tags and content
  • Start tag and end tag
  • Elements may be nested

Review Web Page Structure
  • lthtmlgt
  • ltheadgt
  • lttitlegt
  • (insert text for the browsers title bar
  • lt/titlegt
  • lt/headgt
  • ltbodygt
  • (insert visible Web page elements here)
  • lt/bodygt
  • lt/htmlgt

HTML Element Classification
  • HTML classifies elements appearing in body
    element into two categories based on content
    model and formatting
  • Block-level elements
  • Contain inline elements and other block-level
  • Begin on a new line when rendered
  • Ref HTML 4.0 block-level elements
  • Inline elements
  • Contain texts and other inline elements
  • Dont begin on a new line when rendered
  • Ref HTML 4.0 Inline elements

A Complicated Web Page Structure
Division Element
  • ltdivgtlt/divgt
  • A block-level element to define logical divisions
    in your Web page
  • Used in conjunction with align attribute to
    format that section of your page
  • div.html
  • div1.html
  • In CSS, it gives you the ability to name certain
    sections so that you can affect them with style

  • Headings are used to indicate structure for a
    document by providing titles or descriptions of
    the material following
  • There are six levels of heading tags, denoted
    lth1gtlt/h1gt through lth6gtlt/h6gt
  • Look at allheadings.html
  • Note some browser-dependence
  • Example
  • headsample1.html
  • headsample2.html (alignment attribute)

Paragraph Elements
  • Division and headings break up sections of
  • Each section can be broken into more than one
    paragraph by the ltpgtlt/pgt tag
  • Paragraphs have the align attribute
  • left,center,right
  • E.g. paragraphsample1.html

A note
  • In our first Web page (helloworld.html), we just
    had text sitting inside ltbodygtlt/bodygt but not
    inside a paragraph
  • In paragraphsample1.html, we put all the text
    inside ltpgtlt/pgt tags
  • This is preferable
  • Conforms to strict rules
  • Makes adding formatting easier later

Line Breaks
  • Browsers automatically wrap text
  • You can force the end a line without ending a
    paragraph by using ltbrgt
  • This is a stand-alone tag
  • No lt/brgt
  • Example linebreak.html

Block quotes
  • ltblockquotegtlt/blockquotegt defines a block
  • Sets off a quotation, important note, etc
  • Usually renders text as an indented block
  • May contain block-level elements(ltpgt) but may not
    be contained within a paragraph
  • Example
  • blockquote.html

Preformatted text
  • ltpregtlt/pregt
  • Renders with line breaks corresponding to source
  • Useful for putting in visual poetry or computer
  • Typically appears in a monospaced font
  • Example
  • Preexample1.html
  • Same page without ltpregt

Horizontal rules
  • lthrgtlt/hrgt
  • Rendered as a line that runs horizontally across
    your page
  • Useful when you need to separate sections on your
  • Attributes and values
  • align left, right, center
  • width n or n
  • size n (thickness, in pixels)
  • noshade (turns off 3d effect)
  • Example horrule.html

  • Font element lets you to change the size, style
    and color of text
  • Basic tag ltfontgtlt/fontgt
  • http//
  • Attributes
  • face
  • size
  • color

Font faces
  • The face attributes tells browser what font face
    (or "typestyle") to use for the text
  • Fonts installed on browsers varies widely
  • age, platform, user preferences
  • It is best to specify type faces in groups since
    different computers use different type fonts
  • faceArial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif
  • faceTimes, Courier, Courier New, serif
  • Browsers select a default if none of the faces
    are found

Font faces (contd)
  • Best to stick with safe fonts and use other
    features for effect (HTML pp. 26-27)
  • Generic font families
  • sans-serif fonts Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, etc
  • serif fonts Times, Times New Roman
  • monospaced fonts Courier, Courier New
  • Suggestions
  • serif for body, sans for title
  • use ltttgtlt/ttgt for monospaced

Font sizes and colors
  • Size is controlled by the size attribute
  • Can specify an absolute size
  • value of 1 through 7, 3 indicates normal
  • depends on browser and font face
  • Can specify a relative size
  • value from -2 to 4
  • This is relative to the current font size
  • Font color is controlled with the color attribute
  • Font size example
  • font_example.html

A note about fonts
  • ltfontgtlt/fontgt is deprecated and not recommended
    to use
  • Still part of HTML standard but will be removed
    in the future
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a better solution
  • Why deprecated elements?
  • Easier to get going than CSS
  • Still be recognized by browsers for a good while
  • Lots of existing HTML uses them, so you should be
    able to read/understand that code
  • Ref Break the ltfontgt Habit

More Text Styles
  • Styles bring better readability
  • Content-based text styles
  • The style tags have specific usage or meaning
  • Can be rendered in different ways by browsers
  • Physical styles
  • The style tags have no specific meanings
  • Tell browser to display text in a particular
    physical style
  • Example textstyle.html

More Text Styles
  • Content-based text styles
  • ltemgtlt/emgt emphasis
  • ltstronggtlt/stronggt strong emphasis
  • ltcitegtlt/citegt a citation or reference
  • ltcodegtlt/codegt computer code
  • More ltdfngtlt/dfngt, ltsampgtlt/sampgt, ltvargtlt/vargt,

More Text Styles
  • Physical styles
  • ltbgtlt/bgt bold font, similar as ltstronggtlt/stronggt
  • ltigtlt/igt italic font, similar as ltemgtlt/emgt
  • ltbiggtlt/biggt bigger font than the default
  • ltsmallgtlt/smallgt smaller font than the default
  • ltsubgtlt/subgt subscript
  • ltsupgtlt/supgt superscript
  • ltttgtlt/ttgt monospace (typewriter) font, similar
    effect as ltpregtlt/pregt
  • ltstrikegtlt/strikegt or ltsgtlt/sgt strike through font
  • ltugtlt/ugt underlined text

Controlling white space
  • HTML browsers do their own thing with white space
  • Example whitespace.html
  • There are some ways around this
  • nonbreaking white space nbsp
  • line breaks ltbrgt
  • block quotes ltblockquotegt
  • preformatted text ltpregt

Special Text Characters
  • Special characters include those
  • Can not be typed from keyboard. e.g
  • Have special meaning. e.g lt, gt,
  • The solution is using character entity
  • character reference
  • consists of an ampersand (), a pound sign (), a
    numerical value, and a semicolon (). for
    example, 60 is the lt
  • Numeric value is the character position number in
    ASCII table
  • entity reference
  • consists of an ampersand (), a character string,
    and a semicolon (). for example, lt is lt
  • Example specialchar.html

  • One advanced text based structure and often used
  • Set out big ideas
  • Display the table of contents
  • List links, etc
  • Three kinds of lists
  • Ordered
  • Unordered
  • Definition lists

Ordered lists
  • Used to specify a sequence of things
  • top-ten list
  • set of instructions
  • outline
  • Begun and ended with ltolgtlt/olgt
  • Each element in the list is ltligtlt/ligt
  • Example
  • Orderedlist1.html

Attributes for ordered lists
  • We can set two attributes
  • The type of symbols used
  • Arabic numerals (type1, default)
  • capital or lower case letters (typeA or typea)
  • capital or lower case Roman numerals (typeI or
  • The start value
  • Example
  • Orderedlist2.html
  • Note these attributes can be controlled better
    through CSS

Unordered lists
  • Used for more general collection of items
  • list of links
  • ingredients for a recipe rather than instructions
  • Attribute type could be disc, circle, square
  • Example
  • unorderedlist.html

Definition lists
  • Used for definitions and long descriptions
  • Uses ltdlgtlt/dlgt tag to begin and end list
  • Rather than using ltligtlt/ligt to denote list items,
    has terms and definitions
  • ltdtgtlt/dtgt
  • ltddgtlt/ddgt
  • Example definitionlist.html

Nested List
  • Lists can be nested within other lists
  • The indent from the left is cumulative, however.
  • The deeper you go, the thinner the indent margin
    will become.
  • Example nestlist.html

HTML comments
  • Comments are specified by the syntax
  • lt!-- put in your comment --gt
  • The browser ignores whats inside
  • Helps you describe what youre trying to
    accomplish to people reading the source
  • Also can hide items from old browsers
  • Example comment.html

How to edit your Web pages?
  • Path1 Work on your own computer
  • First edit/revise Web pages locally (networking
    not required)
  • Then transfer files onto the server via some
    remote file transfer tool (networking required)
  • Path2 Work directly on the server
  • Either go to the Mac Lab in Regenstein lib and
    work on one of the machines there
  • Or log on to the server from home via some remote
    access tool

Text editors
  • Text editors if working on your own Mac/Windows
  • Windows Notepad
  • Mac OS9 SimpleText (or OSX in Classic)
  • Mac OSX TextEdit
  • Text editor if working directly on Linux server
  • emacs, vi, pico, etc

Using Win/Mac text editors
  • Windows, Mac OS9 are easy - just type in the
    html, save as myfile.html, and view
  • TextEdit for OSX is a little fussier
  • Go to TextEdit--gtPreferences
  • Select New Document Attributes --gt Plain text
    radio button
  • Deselect Saving --gt append .txt extension check

Using a Linux Editor
  • Some popular editors emacs, vi, pico, etc
  • Example of using pico
  • In command line, type pico
  • Type in the codes of the html file
  • Type control-o and then a file name to save to a
  • Type control-x to exit
  • Check other pico commands online
  • Here is a list

Introduction to Linux
  • Very useful in networking, Web servers
  • Not so easy to begin learning as Win/Mac
  • Well cover some basics
  • directory structure and navigation
  • copying, deleting files
  • permissions
  • getting files from home or lab to the right place
    on the network

  • Much like folders in Win/Mac
  • Directory is hierarchical and organized as tree
  • Different levels are distinguished by /
  • Two special directory notations
  • .. denotes the parent directory
  • . denotes the current directory
  • You home directory is referred as ltyour cs
  • When you log in, you are in your home directory
  • E.g. My home directory is hai and it is same as

Basic directory commands
  • The command ls tells you what is in the current
  • The command pwd tells you what directory you are
  • The command cd followed by a directory name
    changes your current directory
  • cd ..
  • goes up one directory in the tree
  • cd
  • takes you home

Creating directories
  • Command mkdir ltdirectory pathnamegt
  • All your homework will be turned in to
    ltyourhomegt/html/cs101/hwltxgt, where x is the no
    of the assignment.
  • From your home directory, type in
  • mkdir html (creates the html directory)
  • cd html (changes to the html directory)
  • mkdir cs101
  • cd cs101
  • mkdir hw1
  • cd hw1 (you are now in the directory for your
    first homework assignment)

Copying and deleting files
  • The commands cp and rm copy and delete files
  • Copy a file
  • cp ltsourcegt ltdestinationgt
  • path must be specified for filenamesdefault is
    current directory
  • Example cp foo.html foo_bak.html
  • Copy a directory
  • cp r ltsourcedirgt ltdestdirgt
  • Delete a file/directory
  • rm ltfilename/dirnamegt

File/directory permissions
  • Type in ls -l
  • This pulls up a listing with more information
  • You should see something like
  • The letters on the left are the permissions of
    each file
  • More about ls command

Permissions contd.
  • This information tells who can
  • read
  • write
  • execute
  • The first entry is d or - (is it a directory?)
  • The others list the permissions for
  • you (the owner)
  • your group
  • the world (everybody else)

Reading the permissions
  • Columns 2 through 4 are for you
  • Columns 5 through 7 are for your group
  • Columns 8 through 10 are for the world
  • A letter means you have that permission
  • A dash means you dont
  • Examples
  • -rw-r--r--
  • drwxr-xr-x

Some information
  • Directories must be executable and readable to be
  • You must have world read permissions set
  • for the grader to grade
  • for the world to browse

How do I set permissions?
  • Use the command
  • chmod ltpermissionsgt ltfilenamegt
  • Where ltpermissionsgt is a three digit number
    encoding the new permissions
  • The first digit is for you, the second for your
    group, and the third for the world

What are the numbers?
  • Each number is 0 through 7 that is sum of three
  • read 4
  • write 2
  • execute 1
  • Some important numbers
  • 7 read, write, execute
  • 6 read, write, not execute
  • 5 read, execute, but not write
  • 4 read but neither execute nor write
  • 0 neither read, write, nor execute

  • chmod 644 myfile.html
  • Allows you to read and write and the world to
    read but not write
  • Use this for all your Web pages
  • chmod 755 html/
  • Do this from your home directory
  • Allows you to read, write, execute
  • Allows everyone else to enter, read but not write
  • Use this for all your homework directories

Another example
  • chmod 600 myfile.html
  • Gives you read, write
  • Shuts off file to the world

Remote login and file transfer
  • If you are not directly using the CS Linux
    machines, you may need two things
  • An SSH program (not Telnet) for logging in
  • A secure file transfer program (not FTP) for
    transferring files
  • These protocols are more secure than Telnet and
    FTP(and required by CS dept.)
  • These tools can be freely downloaded
  • Once you have these tools installed, you can log
    on to the depts machines
  • Departments login hosts

For Windows
  • SSH programs
  • SSH Secure Shell Client
  • PuTTY
  • Secure file transfer programs
  • Secure File Transfer Client
  • WinSCP
  • Other resource
  • http//

For MacOS X
  • Darwin comes with command line ssh, scp, sftp
    already installed
  • ssh
  • A SSH program for MacOS
  • e.g. ssh
  • scp lthost1gtltsourcegt lthost2gtltpathnamegt
  • A secure file transfer program for MacOS
  • Can move files either direction
  • If lthostgt is the present machine, lthostgt can be
  • e.g. scp /Documents/hello.html

For MacOS X (contd)
  • Commands can be done through the Terminal which
    can be found at Applications/Utilities
  • You can also use MacSFTP/MacSSH located in
    Applications/Internet if you have them installed
  • Mac text editor SimpleText can be found at
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