Title: The importance of family in the Fathers plan
1The importance of family in the Fathers plan
- The Family A Proclamation to the World
2How the family, the Church, and Scouting address
the needs of each young man (boy), strengthen the
family, and build faith and testimony in the Lord
Jesus Christ
3How the Church (quorum), family, and Scouting
work together to prepare young men to serve
- The Family
- Teaches children application of gospel principles
- Teaches children how to work, be responsible, and
serve others - Provides a loving environment in which boys and
young men can feel the Spirit and develop a
testimony - Provides opportunities for parents and family to
work together in all Scouting programs
4How the Church (quorum), family, and Scouting
work together to prepare young men to serve
- The Church
- Teaches the doctrines by which boys and young men
should live - Provides an environment in which every you man
can feel that he belongs - Helps prepare boys to receive and honor the
Priesthood and to serve. - Helps strengthen families.
- Develops leadership in young men so they are
strong and righteous family, church and community
5How the Church (quorum), family, and Scouting
work together to prepare young men to serve
- Scouting
- Teaches values that are in harmony with gospel
principles - Provides opportunities to practice and apply
gospel principles in an outdoor/activity setting - Provides leadership opportunities for boys and
young men to prepare them for missions, be
righteous husbands, fathers, and community
leaders - Promotes family unity
- Allows for learning, application of skills, and
practice of lifes experiences which helps
develop wisdom, fairness, compassion, and common
6How the Aaronic priesthood, Young Men, and
Primary together strengthen families
7Questions for discussion
- As a parent, what do you hope for as your son
participates in Scouting? - As a church leader, what benefits have you seen
come to young men as a result of Scouting? - What concerns do you have for the youth in your
area that might be addressed by a Scouting