Title: EPDS
Health All bulls have been vaccinated for IBR,
PI3, BVD,BRSV, 8-Way with Somus, Pasteurella
pneumonia, Dewormed, and TB tested
Announcements McCullough Ranch acquired new
managers in August, 2008. The McCullough bulls
did not receive creep fed. MC will designate
McCullough bulls, HH will designate Double-H
bulls. Any announcements made from the block on
sale day take precedence over printed material.
Breeders Guarantee Bulls twelve months
and older will be semen tested. All bulls are
sold as guaranteed breeders by the owner. Any
bull that has not proven itself a breeder within
six months after the date of sale, if in healthy
condition, may be returned to the seller at
buyers expense. A veterinarian report and semen
test must accompany the bull. Should the bull
fail to be a breeder, the seller, at his option,
may either return the purchase price to the
buyer or replace the bull with another of equal
value, in full settlement and satisfaction of all
claims. In case the animal in question should
develop to be a problem breeder due to negligence
or improper management by the purchaser, the
sellers guarantee does not apply. All
complaints regarding breeding difficulty must be
reported in writing by the buyer to the seller
within the time limit specified above and animal
(s) returned free from disease and in good