Title: UTPB UNIV 1001 Freshmen Seminar Chapter 3
1UTPB UNIV 1001Freshmen Seminar Chapter 3
- Goal Setting
- and Time Management
2Sources of Values?
- Parents, guardians, or relatives
- Friends and peers
- Religious belief and study
- Authority figures
- Instructors, supervisors, mentors
- Media
- Books, magazines, television, or other
- Workplace and school
3Choosing and Evaluating Values
- Does it feel right?
- What effects might it have on my life?
- Am I choosing it just to please others?
- Reevaluate often, values grow
4How Values Relate to Goals
- Goals help you achieve what you value.
- Goals enable you to put values into practice.
- Motivation increases when you focus on what you
5How to Set and Achieve Goals
- Definition of Goal An end toward which effort
is directed an aim or intention.
6Personal Mission Statement
- by Stephen Covey
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Mission statement outlines
- What you want to be (character)
- What you want to do (contributions)
- Principles by which you live
7Personal Mission Statement
- Example from author Carol Carter
My mission is to use my talents and abilities to
help people of all ages, stages, backgrounds,
and economic levels achieve their human potential
through fully developing their minds and their
talents. I also aim to balance work with people
in my life, understanding that my family and
friends are a priority above all else.
8Placing Goals in Time
- Setting Long-Term Goals
- Examples
- I will graduate from school
- I will earn passing grades in all my classes
9Best Treatment for Procrastination is
Setting Obtainable Goals
- Setting Short-Term Goals
- divide long-term goals into smaller ones
- 6 month goal
- I will pass Math 010 so I can take Math 100
- 1 month goal
- I will complete five of the ten essays for
English - Weekly
- I will complete a draft of my research paper and
ask my English instructor to review it. - Daily
- By 3 p.m. today I will brainstorm ideas for my
10Linking Goals Together
- Figure 3-1 transparencyPage 57
11Goals in five Life Areas
- Personal
- Family
- School/Career
- Financial
- Lifestyle
12 Educational Goals
- Examples
- I want to build marketable skills.
- I am studying for a specific career.
- I dont know what else to do right now.
- What are your educational goals?
13Managing Time
- Building a Schedule
- Keep a date book
- Set weekly and daily goals
- Link daily, weekly goals
and long-term goals
14- Prioritize tasks
- Priority 1
- Most important activities
- Priority 2
- Routine activities
- grocery shopping, school club
- Priority 3
- Activities that can be rescheduled
- list separately so do not have to rewrite
15- Keep Track of Events in Date Book
- Due dates for papers, projects, presentations,
tests - Meetings, medical appointments, bills
- Birthdays and other special occasions
- Commitments to friends
- Steps toward goal
16Time Management Strategies
- 1. Plan your schedule each week.
- 2. Make and use to-do lists.
- 3. Make thinking about time a priority.
- 4. Refer to your schedule.
- 5. Post monthly/yearly calendars at home.
- 6. Schedule down time.
- 7. Be flexible.
- 8. Leave unscheduled time in schedule.
17Strategies to Fight Procrastination
- What is the benefit of completing it?
- Set reasonable and obtainable goals.
- Get started.
- Break the task into smaller parts.
- Ask for help with tasks and projects at school,
work, and home. - Dont expect perfection!
- How would you act if you really wanted to do
- Saying yes when you dont have the time.
- Studying at a bad time of day.
- Studying in a distracting location.
- Not thinking ahead.
- Not curbing your social time.
- Not delegating.
- Pushing yourself too far.
19(No Transcript)