Title: Guelph Soccer Centennial Community Athletics Centre
1 Guelph SoccerCentennial Community Athletics
2The Vision
- A Centre for Sports Excellence
- Accessible to everyone
- A Source of Civic pride
- An indoor, year-round sports facility
- High quality, well lighted, properly irrigated
and protected sports fields
3Short Term Plan
- Indoor sports facility
- by January 2006
- at Centennial
4Centennial Park Site Plan
- Near other
- facilities
- Close to
- Services
5Example Interior View
- Multi-Use Facility
- Features
- 200 meter running track
- 200ft x 94ft Soccer Field
- Field Turf
6Municipal Support for Indoor Facilities
7City of Guelph Contributes
- Nominal Lease Rate for 10 years 2 X 5
- Building Permits Costs, Development Charges and
Taxes - Servicing Costs
- Approvals for January 1st 2006 Opening
8Why Approve
- Expands recreational services
- Can easily revert back to original use
- Non-Profit / Private / Public Partnership
- Minimal expense to City
- Solid Business Plan projected capacity at 3-4
years - Building Community Partnerships (Track, Ultimate,
School Boards, Baseball, U of G) - Compliments long-term Vision
9But this is Guelph!Yes, but lets Make It
- Call your ward representative and the Mayor
- Tell them to Make It Happen
- Tell them specifically to waive the phantom
Development and Building Charges - Tell them to waive taxes
- Tell them to contribute Service Costs
- Tell them Guelph has waited too long
10Guelph SoccerCentennial Community Athletics
Excitement is Building To provide a
soccer program to enable participants to reach
their potential, focusing on sportsmanship and
skill development within a fun and safe
environment through the effective use of
11Floor Plan