Maung Aung Naing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Maung Aung Naing


ECE 111 University of California, San Diego Spring 2005. GROUP. Specification: Intelligent System ... Always green on main road if no traffic at all ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Maung Aung Naing

Intelligent Programmable
Traffic Light Controller
Project Presentation
Presented by
Maung Aung Naing Maung Nay M Aung Than Khar Chin
ECE 111
University of California, San Diego

Spring 2005
  • Intelligent System
  • Red-Red condition before any light turns green
  • Always green on main road if no traffic at all
  • Change to other state if no more traffic on
    current lane even though timer is not up yet
  • Stay green if there is only traffic on current
    lane (ignoring max green timer)
  • Every state can go to any state
  • No more unnecessary green
  • Prioritized and Balanced System
  • Right Turn Lights
  • Operate as regular hour in weekend

Specification (cont.)
  • Programmable System
  • Ability to program Rush Hour (max 2 sets)
  • Ability to program different maximum green timer
    for each state between rush hour and regular hour
  • Pedestrian Lights Control System
  • Pedestrian Lights for all 4 Crosswalks
  • Always Red unless pedestrian request
  • 3 types of pedestrian light signal (Red,
    Blinking-Red White)
  • 7 segments countdown display

Specification (cont.)
  • Emergency vehicle Control System
  • Emergency vehicle detection sensors for all 4
  • Green light on the direction where emergency
    vehicle is heading (all other lights are red)
  • Priority Control System if more than one
    Emergency Vehicles are coming from different
  • Override Priority Memory if Emergency Vehicle
    does not follow Traffic Control
  • Assumption
  • Emergency vehicle detection sensors can detect
    ahead to get enough time for traffic control.

Specification (cont.)
  • Red Light Violation Control System
  • 8 sensors to detect red light crossing vehicles
  • 4 cameras
  • Malfunction Control System
  • Flashing red light if malfunction or power
  • Assumption
  • Temporary Backup Power is available .

Initial Behavior of the FSM
  • Every state can go into any other states.
  • Challenge All states need to have equal chances
    when traffic exists.

Traffic Control State Diagram (Scenario
1)Start from ?? states (state encoding 11)
Traffic Control State Diagram (Scenario 1)
Traffic Control State Diagram (Scenario
2)Start from ?? states (state encoding 00)
  • If the above conditions doesnt hold when timer
    up or no car on ?? , change into other direction.
  • When timer hasnt up yet, cars on one of the ??
    but not both
  • 1b. No car on ? but cars on ? and (no pedestrian
    crossing or pedestrian crossing only at the
    crosswalk correspond to ?)
  • 2b. No car on ? but cars on ? and (no pedestrian
    crossing or pedestrian crossing only at the
    crosswalk correspond to ?)

Traffic Control State Diagram (Scenario 2)
Traffic Control State Diagram (Scenario
3)Start from ?? states (state encoding 01)
  • When timer up or no car on ? lane
  • 1a. When theres cars on both ??
  • 1b. Not condition 2 and cars on ? or
    corresponding pedestrian crosswalk request
  • 1c. Not condition 2 and a pedestrian is
  • 1d. Not condition 2 and car on ? and timer
    hasnt up yet
  • 2. Not condition 1a and cars on both ?? lanes
    and pedestrian is not crossing
  • If the above conditions dont hold, change to
    other direction.
  • When timer up on ?? or no car on both ?? lanes
  • 3a. no pedestrian crossing and car on ? lane
  • 3b. Pedestrian crossing that correspond to ?
    and car on ? lane
  • 4a. When timer up on ?? or no car on both ??
    lanes and no pedestrian is crossing, change into
    other direction.
  • 4b. If theres no car on other direction, go
    back to one of the previous state in current
    direction (But scenario change to make sure the
    state it is going is the last state so that it
    can change into other direction immediately.)

Traffic Control State Diagram (Scenario
4)Start from ?? states (state encoding 10)
  • When timer up or no car on ? lane
  • 1a. When theres cars on both ??
  • 1b. Not condition 2 and cars on ? or
    corresponding pedestrian crosswalk request
  • 1c. Not condition 2 and a pedestrian is
  • 1d. Not condition 2 and car on ? and timer
    hasnt up yet
  • 2. Not condition 1a and cars on both ?? lanes
    and pedestrian is not crossing
  • If the above conditions dont hold, change to
    other direction.
  • When timer up on ?? or no car on both ?? lanes
  • 3a. no pedestrian crossing and car on ? lane
  • 3b. Pedestrian crossing that correspond to ?
    and car on ? lane
  • 4a. When timer up on ?? or no car on both ??
    lanes and no pedestrian is crossing, change into
    other direction.
  • 4b. If theres no car on other direction, go
    back to one of the previous state in current
    direction (But scenario change to make sure the
    state it is going is the last state so that it
    can change into other direction immediately.)

Complete State Machine
  • Since the opposite direction has the same
    behavior, we can optimized into 4 states for
    normal operation mode.
  • Each direction can behave differently because
    they will have different maximum green timers.
  • Pedestrian lights will be dependent on Traffic
    Control States and vice versa.

Pedestrian State Diagram
  • Note Transition from Idle to any other states
    will be controlled by Traffic Control States.
  • Return to idle state will be dependent on
    pedestrian timer.

Block Diagram (Xilinx)
Block Diagram
Day (20)
Hour (30)
Minute (50)
Rush Hr Switch1
Rush Hr Switch2
4 Left-Turn Lights
Green Timer (50)
4 Right-Turn Lights
4 Pedestrian Lights
4 Pedestrian Countdown Displays
4 Ped Signals
4 Emergency Sensors
Ped timer 2
North Cross Walk
South Lights
East Lights
West Cross Walk
East Cross Walk
West Lights
North Lights
West Left-Turn Light
South Cross Walk
West Straight Light
West Right-Turn Light
South Pedestrian Light
Demo 1 FRIDAY 346 AM ( Installation Done
Testing time)
  • Setting
  • Turn on Circuit-Breaker
  • Reset the system
  • Set Current Time and Day
  • ( 346 AM Friday)
  • Set Rush Hr 1 start end time
  • ( 730 AM 1000 AM )
  • Set Rush Hr 2 start end time
  • ( 330 PM 615 PM )
  • Turn on Rush Hr Switches
  • Use default max green timers
  • Condition
  • No car
  • No pedestrian
  • Demo
  • Always GREEN on default E-W direction (Note
    Default Main Rd)
  • (Straight Lights Right-Turn Lights)

Demo 1
Circuit-Breaker Turn On
Set current time
Set Rush Hr1
Set Rush Hr2
Turn on Rush Hr Switches
Set Day
Green on Default Main Rd
Demo 2 FRIDAY 400 AM (Default Main Rd
unnecessary to check Pedestrian timer if possible
7 Segment Countdown for Pedestrian Cross Walk
  • Condition
  • No car at all
  • Pedestrian Request at South Cross Walk
  • Demo
  • Always GREEN on default E-W Road
  • (Straight Lights Right-Turn Lights)
  • Only South Cross Walk Pedestrian Light is turned
    ON (Note independence from North Cross Walk) (15
    seconds per cross)
  • 7 Segment Countdown Display for South Cross Walk
  • ( 15 -gt 14 -gt . . . -gt 01-gt off )

Demo 2
South Cross Walk Pedestrian Request
Green on Default Main Rd
South Cross Walk Light is turned ON
7 Segment Display for Pedestrian (15
Demo 2
South Cross Walk Pedestrian Request
Green on Default Main Rd
South Cross Walk Light is turned ON
7 Segment Display for Pedestrian (15
Demo 3 FRIDAY 430 AM (Independent Cross Walks
Red-Red Condition Default Main Rd)
  • Condition
  • No car at all
  • Pedestrian Request at East Cross Walk
  • Later, Pedestrian Request at West Cross Walk
  • Demo
  • Turn YELLOW RED on default main Road
  • Turn GREEN on S-N direction
  • East Cross Walk Pedestrian Light is turned ON
    (Note Independence from West Cross Walk)
  • (15 seconds per cross)
  • Later, West Cross Walk Pedestrian Light is turned
    ON (Note Independence from East Cross Walk) (15
    seconds per cross)
  • GREEN back on default main road

Demo 3
Independent Cross Walk
East Cross Walk Pedestrian Request
West Cross Walk Pedestrian Request Later
Green on S-N Direction
RED-RED Condition
West Cross Walk Light is turned ON Later
East Cross Walk Light is turned ON
7 Segment Display for Pedestrians (15
Green back to Default Main Rd
Demo 4 FRIDAY 530AM(balanced system
Intelligence Default Main Rd)
  • Condition
  • One car is coming on East Left-Turn lane
  • Later, cars on South
  • South Left-Turn lanes
  • Demo
  • Turn YELLOW RED on default
  • E-W Road
  • Turn GREEN on E-W Left-Turn lanes (Note can go
  • Go to other state without waiting max green timer
    since no more cars on current state
  • Turn GREEN on South through South Left-Turn
    lanes (Note can go to any state of other
  • GREEN back on default main road without waiting
    max green timer since no more cars on current

Demo 4 FRIDAY 530AM(balanced system
Intelligence Default Main Rd)
  • Condition
  • One car is coming on East Left-Turn lane
  • Later, cars on South
  • South Left-Turn lanes
  • Demo
  • Turn YELLOW RED on default
  • E-W Road
  • Turn GREEN on E-W Left-Turn lanes (Note can go
  • Go to other state without waiting max green timer
    since no more cars on current state
  • Turn GREEN on South through South Left-Turn
    lanes (Note can go to any state of other
  • GREEN back on default main road without waiting
    max green timer since no more cars on current

Demo 4 FRIDAY 530AM(balanced system
Intelligence Default Main Rd)
  • Condition
  • One car is coming on East Left-Turn lane
  • Later, cars on South
  • South Left-Turn lanes
  • Demo
  • Turn YELLOW RED on default
  • E-W Road
  • Turn GREEN on E-W Left-Turn lanes (Note can go
  • Go to other state without waiting max green timer
    since no more cars on current state
  • Turn GREEN on South through South Left-Turn
    lanes (Note can go to any state of other
  • GREEN back on default main road without waiting
    max green timer since no more cars on current

Demo 4
Balanced system Every state can go to any other
Car on East Left-Turn lane
Car on South Straight lane
Car on South Left-Turn lane
South straight South Left-Turn Lights South
Right-Turn West Right-Turn Lights are turned
GREEN on default E-W direction
East West Left-Turn Lights South North
Right-Turn Lights are turned green (balance)
Green back on Default Main Rd
Demo 5 FRIDAY 550 AM (no more unnecessary
  • Condition
  • No car in E-W direction
  • Cars on all S-N lanes
  • Demo
  • Rotate in S_N Straights Lights S-N Left-Turn
  • Do not go to E-W direction since there is no car
    on that side
  • (Note No more unnecessary GREEN)
  • Bonus
  • South North Right-Turn Lights will be GREEN
    when S-N Straight Lights are GREEN
  • East West Right-Turn Lights will be GREEN when
    S-N Left-Turn Lights are GREEN

Demo 5 FRIDAY 550 AM (no more unnecessary
  • Condition
  • No car in E-W direction
  • Cars on all S-N lanes
  • Demo
  • Rotate in S_N Straights Lights S-N Left-Turn
  • Do not go to E-W direction since there is no car
    on that side
  • (Note No more unnecessary GREEN)
  • Bonus
  • South North Right-Turn Lights will be GREEN
    when S-N Straight Lights are GREEN
  • East West Right-Turn Lights will be GREEN when
    S-N Left-Turn Lights are GREEN

Demo 5
Cars on all S-N lanes (no car in E-W lanes)
GREEN on S-N Straight Lights S-N Right-Turn
no more unnecessary GREEN
GREEN on S-N Left-Turn Lights E-W Right-Turn
Demo 6 FRIDAY 640 AM (unnecessary to wait
Pedestrian timer if possible Intelligence
ignoring max green timer )
  • Condition
  • Cars are moving on S-N Left-Turn Lanes
  • Cars are waiting on E-W through lanes
  • Pedestrian Request at North Cross Walk
  • Later, no more car on South Left-Turn Lane
  • S-N Left-Turn max green timer is up
  • Demo
  • GREEN on S-N Left-Turn Lights E-W Right-Turn
  • Go to other direction since timer is up
  • (Note no need to go to Straight-Straight
    State to change to other direction. In the other
    word, it can exit from any state of one side)

Demo 6 FRIDAY 640 AM (unnecessary to wait
Pedestrian timer if possible Intelligence
ignoring max green timer )
  • Condition
  • Cars are moving on E-W through Lanes
  • North Cross Walk Pedestrian is crossing
  • Later, no more car on West Lane cars are
    arriving on East Left-Turn Lane
  • Demo
  • GREEN on E-W straight Lights E-W Right-Turn
  • North Cross Walk Pedestrian Light is ON
  • Change from E-W Straight Lights to East Straight
    East Left-Turn Lights without waiting
    Pedestrian Crossing and max green timer
  • (Note North Pedestrian still can cross)

Demo 6 FRIDAY 640 AM (unnecessary to wait
Pedestrian timer if possible Intelligence
ignoring max green timer )
  • Condition
  • Cars are moving on East straight and East
    Left-Turn Lanes
  • North Cross Walk Pedestrian is still crossing
  • Later, no more car on East through and East
    Left-Turn Lanes
  • Cars are waiting on all North Lanes
  • Demo
  • GREEN on East straight East Left-Turn Lights
    East Right-Turn and South Right-Turn Lights
  • North Cross Walk Pedestrian Light is still ON
    until 15 sec timer is up
  • Change from East Straight East Left-Turn Lights
    to North Straight North Left-Turn Lights
  • (Note can exit from any state of one side
    and go to any state of the other side)

Demo 6 FRIDAY 640 AM (unnecessary to wait
Pedestrian timer if possible Intelligence
ignoring max green timer )
  • Condition
  • Cars are moving on all North Lanes
  • No cars on all other lanes
  • Demo
  • GREEN on North straight North Left-Turn Lights
    North Right-Turn and East Right-Turn Lights
  • Stay GREEN on current lanes since there are cars
    on current lanes and no cars on all other lanes
    (ignoring max green timer)
  • (Note reduce travel time and it makes a
    lot of sense)

Demo 6
Every state can go to any other state
Cars are arriving on East Left-Turn Lane
Cars on S-N Left-Turn lanes
North Pedestrian Request
Cars are arriving on E-W through Lanes
Cars are arriving on North Straight Lane
GREEN on East Straight, East Left-Turn, E S
Right-Turn Lights
GREEN on E-W Straight Lights E-W Right-Turn
Stay GREEN on N Straight N Left-Turn, N
Right-Turn E Right-Turn Lights (ignoring max
green timer)
North Pedestrian Light
GREEN on S-N Left-Turn Lights E-W Right-Turn
Demo 7 FRIDAY 729 AM (Rush Hr Start Red
Light Violation Control Camera Action)
  • Condition
  • Cars on all Lanes
  • One car crosses RED light some cars cross
    YELLOW lights
  • 1 more minute to Rush Hr
  • Demo
  • Some West Left-Turn cars are crossing YELLOW
    Light and Camera does not take action
  • Next, Some West through cars are crossing YELLOW
    light and Camera does not take action
  • East through car crosses RED light and Camera
    takes Action
  • (Note camera action is very sharp)
  • 730AM, then Rush Hour Mode is turned ON

Demo 7
Rush Hr Control internal clock (Hr, Min, Sec,
RED Light Violation of East through car
730AM Rush Hour Mode is turned ON
Camera Action for RED Light Violation
Next, Some West through cars are crossing YELLOW
light and Camera does not take action
Some West Left-Turn cars are crossing YELLOW
Light and Camera does not take action
Camera Rush Hr Control
Demo 7
Rush Hr Control internal clock (Hr, Min, Sec,
RED Light Violation of East through car
730AM Rush Hour Mode is turned ON
Camera Action for RED Light Violation
Next, Some West through cars are crossing YELLOW
light and Camera does not take action
Some West Left-Turn cars are crossing YELLOW
Light and Camera does not take action
Camera Rush Hr Control
Demo 8 FRIDAY 959 AM (Rush Hr End Emergency
Vehicle Control))
  • Condition
  • 1 minute to go back to Regular Hr
  • E-W lanes are going to empty in a few minutes
    More Cars are on N-S through North Left-Turn
  • 1st Emergency Vehicle from West
  • 2nd Emergency Vehicle from South
  • 3rd Emergency Vehicle from East
  • Demo
  • 1000AM, then Rush Hour Mode is turned OFF
  • Later, Emergency Vehicles are coming
  • Change North through North Left-Turn Lights to
  • West through Light is turned GREEN by 1st

Demo 8 FRIDAY 959 AM (Rush Hr End Emergency
Vehicle Control))
  • Condition
  • 1 minute to go back to Regular Hr
  • E-W lanes are going to empty in a few minutes
    More Cars are on N-S through North Left-Turn
  • 1st Emergency Vehicle from West
  • 2nd Emergency Vehicle from South
  • 3rd Emergency Vehicle from East
  • Demo
  • Then, East Emergency Vehicle turns Right without
    waiting GREEN Light that is 3rd priority
  • South through Light is turned GREEN by 2nd
  • No GREEN for 3rd priority Emergency Vehicle since
    it is not there anymore
  • (Note Priority system for Emergency
    Vehicle Control, but can override the priority
    memory if the Emergency Vehicle does not follow
    Traffic Light Control )

Demo 8 FRIDAY 959 AM (Rush Hr End Emergency
Vehicle Control))
  • Condition
  • 1 minute to go back to Regular Hr
  • E-W lanes are going to empty in a few minutes
    More Cars are on N-S through North Left-Turn
  • 1st Emergency Vehicle from West
  • 2nd Emergency Vehicle from South
  • 3rd Emergency Vehicle from East
  • Demo
  • When it is done with Emergency Vehicle control
    system, the system will find which state to
    start. It will give GREEN Lights to the lanes
    with Cars

Demo 8
Emergency Rush Hr
3rd Emergency Vehicle from East (does not wait
GREEN traffic control)
2nd Emergency Vehicle from South
1st Emergency Vehicle from West
1000AM Rush Hour Mode is turned OFF
GREEN for West Emergency Vehicle
After Emergency Control, it will go to state with
Reduce YELLOW timer for Emergency Vehicle Control
No GREEN for East Emergency Vehicle
GREEN for South Emergency Vehicle
Demo 9 FRIDAY 1215PM (rotate in 4main states
if cars on all lanes)
  • Condition
  • Cars on all Lanes
  • Demo
  • Rotate in 4 main states which are the following
  • S-N Straight-Straight
  • S-N Left Turn-Turn
  • E-W Straight-Straight
  • E-W Left Turn-Turn

Demo 9 FRIDAY 1215PM (rotate in 4main states
if cars on all lanes)
  • Condition
  • Cars on all Lanes
  • Demo
  • Rotate in 4 main states which are the following
  • S-N Straight-Straight
  • S-N Left Turn-Turn
  • E-W Straight-Straight
  • E-W Left Turn-Turn

Demo 9
GREEN on S-N Straight Lights S-N Right-Turn
GREEN on E-W Left-Turn Lights S-N Right-Turn
GREEN on S-N Left-Turn Lights E-W Right-Turn
GREEN on E-W Straight Lights E-W Right-Turn
Rotate in 4 main states if cars on all lanes
Demo 10 FRIDAY 223PM (STOP sign if Malfunction
or Power Breakdown Intelligence)
  • Condition
  • Cars on all Lanes
  • Pedestrian Request at South Walk
  • Power Breakdown for 10 minutes
  • Pedestrian Request at East Walk
  • Cars are moving by STOP sign priority
  • Only cars left on South through and South
    Left-Turn lanes when power is back
  • Demo
  • All lights become flashing RED pedestrian
    light changes to RED when Malfunction or Power
  • (Assume There is Temporary Backup Power
  • Pedestrian Request does not work during
  • When power is back, the system will find which
    state to start. It will give GREEN Lights to the
    lanes with Cars

Demo 10
When power is back, the system will find which
state to start. It will give GREEN Lights to the
lanes with Cars (GREEN on South through South
Left-Turn Lanes)
Pedestrian Request does not work during
Flashing RED if Malfunction or Power Breakdown
RED-RED condition before Normal Mode
Pedestrian Lights change to RED if Malfunction
STOP sign Red-Red condition Intelligence
Demo 11 FRIDAY 230PM (Programmable GREEN
  • Demo
  • Setting Testing Max Green timers

UCSD Express
Demo 11a
E-W Left Turn-Turn
W Straight-Left Turn
E Straight-Left Turn
E-W Straight-Straight
For Rush Hr
S-N Left Turn-Turn
N Straight-Left Turn
S Straight-Left Turn
S-N Straight-Straight
OFF Mode
E-W Left Turn-Turn
S-N Straight-Straight
W Straight-Left Turn
S Straight-Left Turn
E Straight-Left Turn
N Straight-Left Turn
S-N Left Turn-Turn
E-W Straight-Straight
For Regular Hr
Programmable Max GREEN Timer
Demo 11b Friday 230PM Regular Hr
3 seconds for S-N Straight-Straight
6 seconds for E-W Straight-Straight
3 seconds for E-W Left Turn-Turn
6 seconds for S-N Left Turn-Turn
Programmable Max GREEN Timer
Demo 11c Friday 330PM Rush Hr
4 seconds for E-W Straight-Straight
5 seconds for S-N Straight-Straight
Evening Rush Hr
3 seconds for E-W Left Turn-Turn
6 seconds for S-N Left Turn-Turn
Programmable Max GREEN Timer
Demo 12 FRIDAY 1159PM (no more unnecessary
Green Day change )
  • Condition
  • Cars on all Left-Turn lanes
  • No cars on all through-Lanes
  • One East Cross Walk Pedestrian Request
  • Demo
  • Rotate in S-N Left Turn-Turn Lights and E-W Left
    Turn-Turn Lights
  • Not necessary to go to Straight-Straight State to
    change Direction
  • (Note No more unnecessary GREEN)
  • Go to S-N Straight-Straight State for a while
    since there is one East Cross Walk Pedestrian

Demo 12
Go to S-N Straight-Straight State just for East
GREEN on E-W Left Turn-Turn lanes
Saturday start here!
Rotate in Turn-Turn lanes since no car on through
lanes (no more Unnecessary GREEN) Day change
GREEN on S-N Left Turn-Turn lanes
Demo 13 Saturday 729 AM (No Rush Hr
Emergency Vehicle Balance System)
  • Condition
  • Cars on only E-W through lanes
  • One Cross Walk request from East side
  • Emergency come in from south lane
  • Cars on E-W through lanes and on East Left turn
  • Cars come in later on South through and South
    Left turn lanes
  • Demo
  • Stay green on E-W lanes when theres no car on
    other lanes (Ignore max green timer)
  • A pedestrian wants to cross from east cross walk

Demo 13 Saturday 729 AM (No Rush Hr
Emergency Vehicle Balance System)
  • Condition
  • Cars on only E-W through lanes
  • One Cross Walk request from East side
  • Emergency come in from south lane
  • Cars on E-W through lanes and on East Left turn
  • Cars come in later on South through and South
    Left turn lanes
  • Demo
  • A pedestrian wants to cross from east cross walk
  • Give green to S-N through lanes to let pedestrian

Demo 13 Saturday 729 AM (No Rush Hr
Emergency Vehicle Balance System)
  • Condition
  • Cars on only E-W through lanes
  • One Cross Walk request from East side
  • Emergency come in from south lane
  • Cars on E-W through lanes and on East Left turn
  • Cars come in later on South through and South
    Left turn lanes
  • Demo
  • Give green to S-N through lanes to let pedestrian
  • Emergency coming in from South lane
  • Cars waiting on E-W through lanes, and East left
    turn lanes

Demo 13 Saturday 729 AM (No Rush Hr
Emergency Vehicle Balance System)
  • Condition
  • Cars on only E-W through lanes
  • One Cross Walk request from East side
  • Emergency come in from south lane
  • Cars on E-W through lanes and on East Left turn
  • Cars come in later on South through and South
    Left turn lanes
  • Demo
  • Give green to E through lane and East left turn

Demo 13 Saturday 729 AM (No Rush Hr
Emergency Vehicle Balance System)
  • Condition
  • Cars on only E-W through lanes
  • One Cross Walk request from East side
  • Emergency come in from south lane
  • Cars on E-W through lanes and on East Left turn
  • Cars come in later on South through and South
    Left turn lanes
  • Demo
  • Give green to E through lane and East left turn
  • Change to E-W through lane when timer up

Demo 13 Saturday 729 AM (No Rush Hr
Emergency Vehicle Balance System)
  • Condition
  • Cars on only E-W through lanes
  • One Cross Walk request from East side
  • Emergency come in from south lane
  • Cars on E-W through lanes and on East Left turn
  • Cars come in later on South through and South
    Left turn lanes
  • Demo
  • Give green to E through lane and East left turn
  • Change to E-W through lane when timer up
  • Back to E through lane and East left turn lanes
    since theres no car on S-N direction
  • Cars coming in from South through and South Left
    turn lanes

Demo 13 Saturday 729 AM (No Rush Hr
Emergency Vehicle Balance System)
  • Condition
  • Cars on only E-W through lanes
  • One Cross Walk request from East side
  • Emergency come in from south lane
  • Cars on E-W through lanes and on East Left turn
  • Cars come in later on South through and South
    Left turn lanes
  • Demo
  • Back to E through lane and East left turn lanes
    since theres no car on S-N direction
  • Cars coming in from South through and South Left
    turn lanes
  • Change to South through and South Left turn lanes
    when E through and East Left turn lanes timer is
    up (ignore which state E-W direction are in)

Demo 13
Demo 13 No Rush Hour on Weekend
730 AM Saturday No Rush Hour on weekend!!!!
Logical Synthesis
  • Macro Statistics
  • FSMs 6
  • Adders/Subtractors 9
  • Registers 263
  • Comparators 31
  • Multiplexers 27
  • Priority Encoders 2
  • Xors 10

Physical Synthesis
  • Device utilization summary
  • Selected Device 2s200fg256-6 (Spartan 2)
  • Number of Slices 2183 out of
    2352 92
  • Number of Slice Flip Flops 368 out of
    4704 7
  • Number of 4 input LUTs 3942 out of
    4704 83
  • Number of bonded IOBs 150 out of
    180 83
  • Number of GCLKs 1 out
    of 4 25
  • Timing Summary
  • Speed Grade -6
  • Minimum period 47.521ns
  • Maximum Frequency 21.043MHz
  • Minimum input arrival time before clock 59.911ns
  • Maximum output required time after clock
  • Maximum combinational path delay 9.647ns

Floor Plan
  • Fighting and arguing 3 x 10 Hours
  • Specification and design 3 x 26 Hours
  • VHDL development 3 x 50 Hours
  • Testing and Debugging 60 Hours
  • Synthesis 2 Hours
  • Final Presentation 25 Hours
  • ------------------------------------
  • Total 345 Hours

  • Designing State Machine
  • To implement that every state can go to any other
  • To avoid unnecessary green
  • To implement prioritized and balanced system
  • To avoid sticking in one direction

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