ChargedParticle Interactions in Matter III - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ChargedParticle Interactions in Matter III


Estimating Path Lengthening Due to Scattering in the Foil ... However, the percentage path lengthening in thicker foils may be roughly ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ChargedParticle Interactions in Matter III

Charged-Particle Interactions in Matter III
  • Calculation of Absorbed Dose

Dose in Thin Foils
  • Consider a parallel beam of charged particles of
    kinetic energy T0 perpendicularly incident on a
    foil of atomic number Z
  • We assume that the foil is thin enough so that
  • the collision stopping power remains practically
    constant and characteristic of T0, and
  • every particle passes straight through the foil,
    that is, scattering is negligible

Dose in Thin Foils (cont.)
  • At the same time we will assume that
  • the net kinetic energy carried out of the foil by
    ? rays is negligible, either because the foil is
    thick compared to the average ?-ray range, or
    because the foil is sandwiched between two foils
    of the same Z to provide CPE for the ? rays
  • Backscattering may be ignored, as it
    insignificant for heavy particles, and the
    average energy deposited by electrons in a thin
    foil is practically the same whether they are
    backscattered or transmitted

Dose in Thin Foils (cont.)
  • For heavy charged particles it is usually
    feasible to satisfy all of these requirements
    reasonably well if the foil thickness is only a
    few percent or less of the range
  • For electrons assumption b is the weakest, but
    may still give an adequate approximation in low-Z
  • Corrections for failure of each of these
    assumptions will be addressed later

Dose in Thin Foils (cont.)
  • The energy lost in collision interactions by a
    fluence of ? (charged particles/cm2) of energy T0
    passing perpendicularly through a foil of mass
    thickness ?t (g/cm2) is
  • where (dT/?dx)c (MeV cm2/g particle) is the
    mass collision stopping power of the foil medium,
    evaluated at T0, and ?t is the particle
    pathlength through the foil

Dose in Thin Foils (cont.)
  • Under assumption c the energy thus lost by the
    particles remains in the foil as energy imparted
  • Hence the absorbed dose in the foil can be gotten
    by dividing this energy by the mass per unit area
    of the foil
  • in which the foil thickness ?t cancels,
    leaving the dose as simply the product of fluence
    and mass collision stopping power

Dose in Thin Foils (cont.)
  • This cancellation is very important, meaning that
    the dose in the foil is independent of its
    thickness as long as the particles travel
    straight through and do not lose enough energy to
    cause the stopping power to change significantly
  • Within these limitations, even tilting the foil
    away from the perpendicular does not alter the

Estimating ?-ray Energy Losses
  • In the case where the foil is comparable in
    thickness to the range of the ? rays produced in
    it, assumption c may not be satisfied unless the
    target foil is sandwiched between buffer foils
    of the same material
  • Otherwise ? rays leaving will carry out energy,
    and other ? rays from adjacent but dissimilar
    materials may carry a different amount of energy
    in, producing a non-CPE situation for the ? rays
    in which the dose may differ from that given by
    the equation above

Estimating ?-ray Energy Losses (cont.)
  • If such a foil is isolated so that only the
    primary charged particles (no ? rays) are
    incident on it, one can estimate the dose in it
    by modifying the equation
  • The mass collision stopping power is replaced by
    the corresponding restricted stopping power,
  • Here (dT/?dx)? is that portion of the collision
    stopping power that includes only the
    interactions transferring less than the energy ?

Estimating ?-ray Energy Losses (cont.)
  • Thus if one chooses ? to be the energy of those ?
    rays having, say, lttgt ?t, then one discards all
    the energy given to ? rays having projected
    ranges greater than the foil thickness
  • This will roughly account for the energy carried
    out of a thin isolated foil by ? rays, and
    provide an improved estimate of the average dose
    remaining in the foil

Estimating Path Lengthening Due to Scattering in
the Foil
  • The average pathlength of heavy charged particles
    penetrating a foil in which only a few percent of
    the incident kinetic energy is lost is not
    significantly longer than a straight path through
    the foil in the direction of the entering
  • This is evident from the fact that the entire
    range of protons is usually not more than 3
    greater than the projected range
  • Therefore a correction to the equation for path
    lengthening is not necessary for heavy particles

Path Lengthening Due to Scattering (cont.)
  • For electrons, however, significant path
    lengthening results from multiple scattering, and
    a correction may be indicated
  • That is, the factor t in the numerator of the
    equation, which represents the mean electron
    pathlength traversed, becomes greater than the
    foil thickness t in the denominator, and should
    be given a modified symbol t
  • Thus t/t becomes greater than unity, and
    constitutes a correction factor to take account
    of path lengthening

Path Lengthening Due to Scattering (cont.)
  • The following figure gives values of 100(t -
    t)/t, the mean percentage path increase of
    electrons traversing a foil of mass thickness ?t
  • In order to make the figure common to all foil
    media, the foil thickness is normalized by
    dividing it by the radiation length of the
    medium, which is the mass thickness in which
    electron kinetic energy would be diminished to
    1/e of its original value due to radiative
    interactions only

Percentage increase in mean electron pathlength
relative to normalized foil thickness ? foil
mass thickness ?t divided by the radiation length
of the medium
Radiation Lengths for Selected Elements
Mean Dose in Thicker Foils
  • In foils that are thick enough to change the
    stopping power significantly (i.e., cause failure
    of assumption a, but not to stop the incident
    particles) one makes use of charged-particle CSDA
    range tables instead of stopping-power tables to
    calculate the average absorbed dose, which of
    course will no longer be uniform in depth through
    the foil
  • ?-ray effects may be neglected (that is,
    assumption c is satisfied), since the foil
    thickness is now large compared to most ?-ray

Mean Dose in Thicker Foils (cont.)
  • Assumption b, however, requiring straight tracks
    through the foil, will not be satisfied for this
    case, especially for electrons
  • As pointed out before, the resulting
    path-lengthening error is small (1) for heavy
    particles, and that correction will not be
    discussed here

Dose from Heavy Particles
  • Using appropriate heavy-particle range tables,
    one first enters the table to find the CSDA range
    (g/cm2) of the incident beam of particles having
    kinetic energy T0, in the appropriate foil
  • The foil mass thickness in the beam direction is
    then subtracted, to find the residual CSDA range
    of the exiting particles
  • The range table is again entered to find the
    corresponding residual kinetic energy, Tex,
    interpolating as necessary

Dose from Heavy Particles (cont.)
  • Thus the energy spent in the foil by each
    particle is
  • and the energy imparted per unit
    cross-sectional area of particle beam is
  • where ? is the fluence

Dose from Heavy Particles (cont.)
  • The average absorbed dose is then obtained by
    dividing this energy by the mass thickness ?t if
    the beam passes through perpendicularly, or
    ?t/cos? if the beam makes an angle ? with the
    perpendicular to the foil plane
  • Thus

Dose from Electrons
  • In this case we combine the technique of using
    range tables with that in which the path
    lengthening is corrected for
  • A further complication arises from the effect of
    bremsstrahlung production on the range
  • To avoid needless complication let us assume that
    the beam is perpendicularly incident it will be
    obvious from the preceding section how to modify
    the calculation for a tilted foil

Dose from Electrons (cont.)
  • The first step is to estimate the true mean
    pathlength for the electrons
  • If the foil is too thick to be covered by the
    diagram above, this method is probably inadequate
    and computer radiation transport calculations
    should be employed
  • However, the percentage path lengthening in
    thicker foils may be roughly estimated by
    noticing that it is proportional to foil
    thickness in this approximation

Dose from Electrons (cont.)
  • Using electron range tables, one enters at the
    incident kinetic energy T0 and obtains the
    corresponding CSDA range
  • From this the true mean pathlength of the
    electrons is subtracted to obtain the residual
    range of the exiting electron
  • The table is then reentered to obtain the
    residual kinetic energy Tex
  • The energy lost by the particle is just T0 - Tex

Dose from Electrons (cont.)
  • Some of this energy is carried away by
    bremsstrahlung x-rays, which can usually be
    assumed to make a negligible contribution to the
    energy imparted (or the dose) in the foil
  • To estimate the production of x-rays, the
    radiation yield column in the Berger-Seltzer
    tables in Appendix E is employed
  • As explained before, the radiation yield Y(T) of
    an electron of kinetic energy T is the fraction
    of T that is spent in radiative collisions as the
    electron slows down and stops

Dose from Electrons (cont.)
  • Consequently the energy fraction spent in
    collision interactions is 1 Y(T)
  • The energy spent in collision interactions in the
    foils is
  • where Y(T0) and Y(Tex) are obtained from
    column 6 in Appendix E
  • For a fluence ? the average dose in the foil of
    mass thickness ?t is given in grays by

Mean Dose in Foils Thicker than the Maximum
Projected Range of the Particles
  • If the charged particles cannot penetrate through
    the foil of mass thickness ?t, then there will be
    a layer of unirradiated material beyond their
    stopping depth
  • If ? particles/cm2 of energy T0 are
    perpendicularly incident and backscattering is
    negligible, then the energy imparted in the foil
    per cm2 equals the energy fluence (except for the
    correction for radiative losses)
  • where the radiation yield Y(T0) is zero for
    heavy particles

Foils Thicker than the Maximum Projected Range
  • The average absorbed dose in the foil is given by
  • The dose of course changes radically with depth
    in the foil, as will be discussed shortly

Foils Thicker than the Maximum Projected Range
  • If the radiative losses are considerable and the
    foil thickness is great enough, the dose
    throughout the foil may be significantly enhanced
    by the resulting x-ray field
  • A very crude estimate of the reabsorbed fraction
    of the energy invested in these x-rays can be
    gotten by calculating
  • where ?en/? for the foil material is to be
    evaluated at some mean x-ray energy, say 0.4T0
    for thick target bremsstrahlung

Foils Thicker than the Maximum Projected Range
  • Multiplying the Y(T0) by the above exponential
    term roughly corrects for x-ray absorption,
    assuming the rays must pass through half the foil
    thickness to escape
  • An accurate treatment of this problem requires
    computer calculations, taking account of x-ray
    distributions vs. angle and energy

Electron Backscattering
  • As noted before, the effect of particle
    backscattering on dose calculation has been
    neglected so far
  • For heavy particles this is justified by the fact
    that they are seldom scattered through large
  • For electrons, backscattering due to nuclear
    elastic interactions can be an important cause of
    dose reduction, especially for high Z, low T0,
    and thick target layers

Electron Backscattering (cont.)
  • In this connection, an infinitely thick foil with
    respect to the backscattering of an incident beam
    of charged particles will be provided by a
    thickness of tmax/2
  • Particles penetrating beyond that depth in a
    thicker layer obviously cannot return to the

Electron Backscattering (cont.)
  • Electrons incident on a thin foil, in which a
    backscattering event is equally likely to occur
    in the first or the last infinitesimal layer of
    the foil, require no backscattering correction to
    the absorbed dose
  • On average, backscattering can be assumed to
    occur in the midplane of the foil
  • The energy spent in the foil by an electron
    reflected from the midplane is the same as if it
    passed straight through without backscattering
  • The energy distribution vs. depth in the foil is
    thus shifted toward the entry surface, but the
    average absorbed dose through the foil remains
    the same to a first approximation

Electron Backscattering (cont.)
  • For thicker foils a backscattering correction
    requires a knowledge of what fraction of the
    incident energy fluence is redirected into the
    reverse hemisphere
  • For electrons perpendicularly incident on
    infinitely thick layers, this fraction may be
    called the electron energy backscattering
    coefficient, ?e(T0, Z, ?)

Electron Backscattering (cont.)
  • The measurement of ?e is best accomplished by
    calorimetry, comparing the known incident energy
    flux (i.e., the number of primary electrons
    multiplied by their individual energy) with the
    heating of the target
  • An example of such data for the energy range T0
    1 to 3.5 MeV is shown in the following figure

Fraction ?e of incident energy flux carried away
by backscattered electrons
Electron Backscattering (cont.)
  • For lack of additional data on electron
    backscattering, one can make use of information
    on backscattered-electron numbers as an upper
    limit on the backscattered energy
  • For electrons with incident energies T0 ? 1 MeV,
    the backscattering coefficient ?(T0, Z, ?) has
    been given as
  • which applies for T0 at least up to 22 MeV,
    although it tends to underestimate small values
    of ? ? 2

Electron Backscattering (cont.)
  • This formula predicts that ? increases with Z and
    decreases with increasing electron energy
  • For electrons below T0 1 MeV, this equation
    probably underestimates ?
  • ?e(T0, Z, ?) should be less than ?(T0, Z, ?),
    because each backscattered electron has less
    energy than it had when it was incident on the
    scattering material

Dose vs. Depth for Charged-Particle Beams
  • Panes a, b, and c of the following figure show
    how the number of charged particles penetrating
    through a layer of some absorbing medium varies
    with the layer thickness
  • The variation of absorbed dose vs. depth in a
    medium shows quite different characteristics
  • The shape of this function depends on the
    particle type and energy, the medium being
    penetrated, and the geometry of the beam

(No Transcript)
The Bragg Curve
  • Heavy charged particles (protons and heavier)
    penetrating a material in which nuclear
    interactions are negligible show a dose-vs.-depth
    distribution in the shape of the classical Bragg
    curve, as illustrated in the following figure
  • This is a consequence of the ? T02 dependence of
    the range at low energies, which in turn results
    from the ? ?-2 dependence of the stopping power

Dose vs. depth for 187-MeV protons in water,
showing Bragg peak
The Bragg Curve (cont.)
  • This means that if a particle spends the first
    half of its initial kinetic energy along a
    pathlength x, the remaining half of the energy
    will be spent in distance ? x/3, thus crowding
    the spatial rate of energy expenditure toward the
    end of the track
  • The dose decreases from its maximum as the
    particles run out of energy and stop
  • This descending limb of the Bragg curve roughly
    coincides with the corresponding curve of
    particles vs. depth

The Bragg Curve (cont.)
  • The highly localized dose maximum shown in the
    figure suggests the possible usefulness of such a
    beam for delivery of therapeutic doses of
    ionizing radiation to tumors at some depth in the
    body while minimizing dose to overlying normal
  • The Bragg peak needs to be smeared out in depth
    if tumors even 1 cm in diameter are to be
    uniformly dosed
  • Such devices as oscillating wedges can be used to
    produce a distribution of incident energies,
    resulting in a roughly square-topped Bragg peak,
    but at the expense of increasing the plateau
    dose level relative to the Bragg peak dose

The Bragg Curve (cont.)
  • Negative pions are captured by atoms of tissue
    when they stop, causing the atomic nuclei to emit
    neutrons, ?-rays, and heavy charged particles
  • The latter particles, being of relatively short
    range, enhance the dose in the vicinity of the
    Bragg peak
  • The following figure shows the resulting enhanced
    Bragg curve, in comparison with the corresponding
    curve for positive pions that are not captured

Dose vs. depth in water for 65-MeV positive and
negative pion beams
Dose vs. Depth for Electron Beams
  • As noted before, the small mass of electrons
    makes them scatter easily
  • As a result, they do not give rise to a Bragg
    peak near the end of their projected range as
    heavy particles do
  • Instead, a diffuse maximum is reached at roughly
    half of the maximum penetration depth, as shown
    in the following figure for broad beams of
    electrons of several incident energies

Dose vs. depth in water for broad electron beams
of the indicated incident energies
Dose vs. Depth for Electron Beams (cont.)
  • An electron beam is defined as broad if its
    radius upon entry is at least equal to its CSDA
  • The following figure shows the effect of
    decreasing the radius below that value (indicated
    as ? in the figure), for a 10-MeV beam
  • The curve shape is evidently affected very

Dose vs. depth in water for circular electron
beams of radius r at incidence
Calculation of Absorbed Dose at Depth
  • At any point P at depth x in a medium w where the
    charged-particle fluence spectrum is known, the
    absorbed dose can be calculated as
  • where ?x(T) is the differential
    charged-particle fluence spectrum, excluding ?
    rays, in particles/cm2 MeV (dT/?dx)c,w is the
    mass collision stopping power for medium w, in
    units of MeV cm2/g particle, given as a function
    of kinetic energy T T is in MeV

Calculation of Absorbed Dose at Depth (cont.)
  • The exclusion of ? rays from ?x(T) is based on
    the assumption that CPE exists at P for the ?
  • Thus any energy carried out of a small volume
    around P by ? rays will be replaced by other ?
    rays from elsewhere
  • The use of the mass collision stopping power,
    rather than a restricted stopping power, is
    consistent with this assumption

Calculation of Absorbed Dose at Depth (cont.)
  • ?-ray CPE requires that the medium and the
    particle fluence be homogeneous within the
    maximum ?-ray range from P
  • In practice this assumption is usually adequately
    satisfied because most ? rays tend to have short
    ranges (? 1 mm) in condensed media

Calculation of Absorbed Dose at Depth (cont.)
  • The problem of determining ?x(T) at the point of
    interest is, of course, nontrivial, generally
    requiring radiation-transport calculations for a
    good solution
  • However, an estimate can be obtained rather
    easily from range tables for a monoenergetic
    plane-parallel beam of heavy charged particles
    incident on a homogeneous medium, since
    scattering and energy straggling are small
  • One enters the range tables at initial energy T0,
    determining the range ?

Calculation of Absorbed Dose at Depth (cont.)
  • From this the depth x is subtracted to determine
    the remaining range ?r of the particle when it
    reaches depth x
  • Then the table is reentered at range ?r to
    determine the remaining kinetic energy Tr
  • The particle fluence ?x at depth x in this simple
    case is taken to be the same as the ?0 incident
    on the surface (neglecting nuclear interactions),
    and all particles are assumed to have energy Tr

Calculation of Absorbed Dose at Depth (cont.)
  • Thus the integral can be dispensed with, and the
    dose (Gy) is given by
  • where ?0 is in particles/cm2 and (dT/?dx)c,w
    is the mass collision stopping power for the
    medium w, evaluated at Tr
  • This method begins to fail when x approaches the
    particle range, making ?x lt ?0

Calculation of Absorbed Dose at Depth (cont.)
  • For the case of a broad beam of monoenergetic
    electrons of energy T0 gt 1 MeV perpendicularly
    incident on a semi-infinite homogeneous low-Z
    medium, one can roughly estimate the most
    probable energy of the electrons at depth
  • Since the range is proportional to the kinetic
    energy for megavolt electrons, the modal energy
    decreases from T0 to 0 approximately linearly
    with depth as x goes from 0 to the range ?
  • However, the electron fluence at depth is not
    easily estimated, mainly because of multiple

Calculation of Absorbed Dose at Depth (cont.)
  • The problem of measuring dose in a medium by
    inserting a small sensor or probe (e.g., a cavity
    ion chamber) at the point of interest involves
    cavity theory
  • The usefulness of the above method for estimating
    the electron modal energy vs. depth will become
    useful with in-phantom dosimetry, as it provides
    an effective energy at which stopping-power
    ratios (used in cavity theory) can be evaluated
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