Title: Portfolio Optimization
1Portfolio Optimization Web Queries
2Warning Big Time Simplification and Hand Waving
- Investment Science is a complex subject (see text
of same name by Luenberger) - We will gloss over many details and hidden
assumptions - Underscores value of combining
- Domain knowledge (e.g. finance)
- Mathematical modeling skills (e.g. probability,
statistics) - Information systems skills (e.g. VBA, application
development) - Financial Engineering at graduate programs
throughout the country
3Portfolio Optimization
- Given a set of investments, how do we find the
portfolio that has the lowest risk and yields an
acceptable expected return? - The single period mean-variance Markowitz model
(1991 Nobel Prize) - You saw this in your Intro Finance course
4The End ProductCh 27 in VBA
Easy to relate T and R.
Easy to relate X0 and X1 through R.
6The Expected Return (ER) of a Portfolio
- Let Si (random) return on 1 invested in
investment i - Let mi expected return on 1 invested in
investment i ESi - Let xi fraction of each investment invested
in investment i
7Measuring Portfolio RiskA Variance Approach
- Let s2i variance of return on 1 invested in
investment i VarSi - Let rij correlation between Si and Sj
- VarR is used as a model for risk
- Why do you think correlations are relevant?
8Covariance and Correlation
9A Portfolio Optimization Model
- What are the decision variables?
- Is the objective function linear or non-linear?
So what? - Are the constraints linear or non-linear? So what?
10A Portfolio Optimization Model
Subject to
- What are the decision variables?
- Is the objective function linear or non-linear?
So what? - Are the constraints linear or non-linear? So what?
11Variants of the Basic Problem
- Ex. 7.9 The Basic Markowitz model
- Ex. 7.10 Scenario approach to future
uncertainty - Ex. 7.11 Includes transaction costs (trading
isnt free)
12Estimating the Inputs
From where?
- mi ? , sample average of returns on
investment i. (AVERAGE) - Fundamentally REALLY, REALLY DIFFICULT to
estimate the mean return with much precision
using purely historical data - s2i ? s2i, sample variance of returns on
investment i (VAR) - rij ? rij, sample correlation between investments
i and j (CORREL)
13Web Queries
- Pull data from tables on HTML pages into Excel
- Can get formatting too
- Relies on Connection String
- A little tricky
- Lets do some from Yahoos Finance pages
- Then automate with VBA
- No doubt, this will get easier over time
14The Connection String
15A Porfolio Optimization DSS Application
1. Get stock choices
2. Get date range
3. Clear old stuff
4. Get stock data from web
5. Consolidate returns
6. Calc model parameters
7. Create model
4.1 Add new sheet
8. Solve Opt. problem
9. Efficient Frontier
4.2 Web Query
9.1 Range of returns
4.2.1 Connection String
10. Update Chart
9.2 Solve opt. probs
4.2.2 Run Query