Title: Mayfield High School
1Mayfield High School
- GCSE Coursework
- Data Handling Project
2Mayfield High School
Total Students 1200
3Mayfield High School
- Age
- Year Group
- IQ
- Weight
- Height
- Hair Colour
- Eye Colour
- Shoe Size
- Distance to School
- Travel to School
- No of siblings
- KS2 results
- KS3 results
4Mayfield High School
What to Study?
- Variation in Eye or Hair Colour
- Distance from school and method of travel
- Height and Weight
- IQ and exam results
- KS 2 and KS 3 results
- Your own choice!
5Mayfield High School
6Mayfield High School
- Structured Work
- Clear Diagrams
- Accurate Calculations
- Reasons and Explanations
7Structured Work
- Introduction
- Question/Hypothesis
- Sampling
- Display Data
- Comparisons
- Correlation
- Conclusions
8Clear Diagrams
- Grade G
- Tally / Bar / Pie
- Grade D
- Scatter Graph
- Grade B
- Cumulative Frequency
- Box Whisker
Dont forget labels and titles on all graphs!
9Accurate Calculations
- Check all calculations carefully!
- Computer calculations are allowed and would be a
GREAT way to check your own answers!
10Reasons and Explanations
- Before - WHY ?
- are you doing something?
- do you expect something?
- After - WHAT?
- does that show?
- does that mean?
11Mayfield High School
12Mayfield High School
- There is an intended approximate link between
grade F and mark 3, grade C and mark 5 and grade
A and mark 7 Edexcel 2002
13Mayfield High School
There are three strands for marking. 8 marks are
available on each strand, making 24 in total.
- Specify the problem and plan
- Collect, process and represent data
- Interpret and discuss results
14Specify the Problem and Plan
1 or 2 marks very simple problem, well defined
aims, sensible data, uses only one feature of the
data (e.g. eye colour) 3 or 4 marks Grade
F routine problem, quantitative data, good
description, still only one feature of the data
(e.g. IQ) 5 or 6 marks Grade C substantial
problem, 2 way data (e.g. height weight),
reasons and description, considers outliers 7 or
8 marks Grade A Complex problem, reasons,
predictions, full explanations
15Collect, process and represent data
1 or 2 marks any sample, tally charts, bar/pie
charts 3 or 4 marks Grade F any sample,
average/range, dual bar charts, scatter graph 5
or 6 marks Grade C random sample, box
whiskers, lines of best fit, equations of lines
of best fit, cumulative frequency diagrams 7 or 8
marks Grade A Stratified sample, histograms,
non-linear scatter diagrams, IQR, percentiles,
standard deviation, correlation measures
(Spearmans rank correlation)
16Interpret and discuss results
1 or 2 marks simple comments, ordered data 3 or
4 marks Comments on average/range Comment on
correlation 5 or 6 marks Comments on all graphs,
comparisons and contrasts, comments on outliers 7
or 8 marks Full comparisons on all diagrams,
full argument/reasoning for why something may be
true, full discussion of data sampling.
17Mayfield High School
How much time should I spend on it? How long
should it be?
18Mayfield High School
Quote from Edexcel August 2002
a total time allocation of equivalent to two
weeks of class and homework time is sufficient.
Projects need to be succinct and avoid repetition
and unnecessary calculations and diagrams. It is
this misuse of time which often places pressure
on the students
19Mayfield High School - Coursework
Important dates
- W/C 13th March Coursework begins Decide what
you will investigate. Find sources of help.
Write the plan - W/C 20th March Sampling - get your sample. What
statistical methods will you use, why etc.
Calculate simple statistics (e.g. averages)
AND MAKE COMMENTS - W/C 27th March Work on more advanced
statistics (scatter diagrams, cumulative
frequency, box plots etc) and refine the work - W/C 3rd April LAST LESSON ON COURSEWORK LAST
CHANCE TO ASK ANY QUESTIONS !!! - Easter Holidays Write up project
20For further help
School subjects\Maths\Coursework
- Copy of this presentation
- Copy of Mayfield data spreadsheet
- 3 sets of hints Data Handling Checklist,
Coursework Guidelines and Structured Notes - Coursework record form
21For further help
- Chapter 11B Page 228 Higher Text Book
- Chapter 9B Page 127 Intermediate Text Book
- Chapter 12B Page 200 Foundation Text Book
- www.edexcel.org.uk
22Mayfield High School Maths Coursework
Important dates
- W/C 13th March Coursework begins Decide what
you will investigate. Find sources of help.
Write the plan - W/C 20th March Sampling - get your sample. What
statistical methods will you use, why etc.
Calculate simple statistics (e.g.averages)
AND MAKE COMMENTS - W/C 27th March Work on more advanced statistics
(scatter diagrams, cumulative frequency, box
plots etc) and refine the work - W/C 3rd April LAST LESSON ON COURSEWORK LAST
CHANCE TO ASK ANY QUESTIONS !!! - Easter Holidays Write up project