Title: More Current Issues
1More Current Issues
- Derek Newton
- CIGI Seminar 17 May 2005
2More Current Issues Agenda
- A word from our sponsors
- Some other recent current issues
- What could/should we do in the future?
3More Current Issues what is the Committee
supposed to do?
- Monitor current developments in general insurance
- Monitor external issues (including the work of
other committees) that might impact upon general
insurance business/actuaries - Report to/advise GI Board
- Formulate appropriate representations to external
bodies - Monitor the activities of other Practice Boards
- Support the GIRO and ECPD Committees
- Produce regular newsletter for members re current
issues - Liaise with other GI Committees (especially GI
4More Current Issues who is on the Committee?
- Derek Newton (Chairman)
- Peter Stirling (Secretary)
- Kate Angell
- David Costello
- Wendy Hawes
- Sheree Howard
- Tony Jordan
- Armoghan Mohammed
- Ruth Stephens
- Gerry Sweeney
- and
- Laurence Townley
- 4 consultants
- 2 reinsurers
- 2 Irishmen
- 3 company actuaries
- 1 regulator
- 1 Institute/Faculty person
5More Current Issues recent index
- Government and regulatory issues
- Solvency II
- International news
- Asbestos angle
- Compensation corner
- Other claims/legal issues
- Periodical payments and the Courts Act 2003
- Other news
6More Current Issues at the Chairmans request
- Internet revolution
- APH what next?
- Can we stop the cycle"?
- Solvent schemes
- Treating Customers Fairly what does this mean
for actuaries?
7More Current Issues Government and regulatory
- OFT and DWP liability reviews
- Insolvency Directive
- EU Physical Agents (Vibration) Directive
- Single European reinsurance market
- Gender discrimination
8More Current Issues Solvency II
- Dr Müllers Casebook
- Solvency II
- Protect policyholders
- Comparable and transparent
- Match risks
- Simple
- Up to date
- Consistent with IASB
- Avoid extra capital costs
9More Current Issues Solvency II
Pillar I Target capital Safeguard capital
Pillar II Risk mgnt (rules) Regy
review (Co. specific)
Pillar III Encourage market discipline Account
ing disclosure (fair value) Policy-holder
- Phase 1
- KPMG Report
- Sharma Report
- EU Report 2003
- Overall solvency
- Three-pillar approach useful
- Incentive to manage risks
10More Current Issues Solvency II
Groupe Consultatif
GI Solvency II team
Life Solvency II team
Annette Olsens group
UK actuarial profession
Comité Européen des Assurances
Other European actuarial professions
11More Current Issues Solvency II issues
- Technical Pillar 1 issues
- Definition of Technical Provisions
- Prudence in outstanding provisions
- Discount rate
- Equalisation reserves
- Target capital
- risk measure
- time horizon
- confidence interval
- Operational risk
- Correlation
12More Current Issues Solvency II recent papers
- First wave (June 2005)
- MCR, SCR SCR MCR buffer?
- Not prescriptive about internal models
- Second wave (October 2005)
- Third wave (February 2006)
- Cornerstones paper (February 2005)
- 8 cornerstones
- Prudent, risk sensitive, explicit, range of
control levels, use of standard more
personalised approaches
13More Current Issues Solvency II recent papers
- Groupe Consultatif
- Glossary
- EC
- Started drafting directive
- Possible amendment to framework to consultation
- Thinking behind Solvency II, including
- SCR 0.5 probability of ruin
- Provisions at best estimate plus risk margin
with 75 confidence - Outline of framework directive
- Lamfalussy
- 2010?
14More Current Issues Compensation Corner
- Man attacked by Dyson
- Woolf attacked by Dyson
- Conker trees and lime trees
- Candles
- Tobacco
15More Current Issues claims/legal rulings (and
other news)
- Exxon Valdez
- removal of debris/LMX spiral
- WTC, Enron, WorldCom and laddering
- Hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunami
- NHS recoveries
- The next latent claim
- Glaucoma from PC use
- Deafness from iPods
16More Current Issues what could/should we do in
the future?
- Main product currently the Current Issues
Newsletter - Does it meet anyones needs?
- How should it be enhanced?
- What else should we be covering?
- what has the greatest impact on the market, on
consumers, or on us as general insurance
actuaries? - on what do we have something to contribute ?
- How best to identify issues as (or even before)
they appear over the horizon? - How best to review/deal with these issues?
17More Current Issues
- Derek Newton
- CIGI Seminar 17 May 2005