Title: Formal Logic
1Formal Logic
- Representation Inference
- As a knowledge representation mechanism
- As state space search in And/Or graphs
- As a formalism for heuristic rules
- Propositional Calculus
- propositions, connectives
- symbols, sentences, well formed formula
- Predicate Calculus
- predicates, constants, variables, functions,
- clauses, connectives, qualifiers
2Propositional Logic
- Propositions are statements about the world
- Propositions can either be true or false
- Simple propositions copper is a metal true
- wood is a metal false
- viviane is nice true
- Logical connectives
- And ? conjunction
- Or V disjunction
- Not negation
- If ... Then ... ? implication
- ? equivalence
3Propositional Calculus
- The symbols of the propositional calculus are
- Propositional symbols P, Q, R, ...
- Thruth symbols true, false
- Connectives Not, And, Or, ?, ?
- Well Formed Formula or Legal Sentences are
defined as - A simple proposition is a formula
- If P is a formula then Not (P) is a formula
- If P and Q are formula then
- (P And Q) (P Or Q) (P ? Q) (P?Q)
- are formula
4Propositional Calculus
- An Interpretation of a set of propositions is
the assignment of a truth value (T or F) to each
propositional symbol - The interpretation or thruth value of a sentence
is defined by the Thruth Tables for the
5Proving Equivalences
- Not(Not(P))?P
- (POrQ)?(Not(P)gtQ)
- (PgtQ)?(Not(Q)gtNot(P)) contraposition
- Not(POrQ)?(Not(P)AndNot(Q)) de Morgan
- Not(PAndQ)?(Not(P)OrNot(Q))
- (PAndQ)?(QAndP) commutative
- ((PAndQ)AndR)?(PAnd(QAndR)) associative
- (POr(QAndR))?(POrQ)And(POrR) distributive
6A Proof (Not(P)OrQ)?(PgtQ)
7Legal Inference
- Modus Ponens If P Then Q
- P Q
- If (Bill has cancer) Then (Bill feels bad)
- Bill has cancer)
- Bill feels bad
- ModusTollens If P Then Q
- Not Q
- Not P
- If (Bill has cancer) Then (Bill feels bad)
- Not (Bill feels bad)
- Not (Bill has cancer)
8Illegal inference
- Abduction If P Then Q
- !!! not legal Q
- offers explanation P
- If (Bill has cancer) Then (Bill feels bad)
- Bill feels bad
- Bill has cancer
9Proving Assertions
- today is Saturday P
- the current season is fall Q
- If (today is Saturday) If (P And Q)
- And (the current season is fall) Then R
- Then (there is a football game)
- there is a football game R is proven
10Predicate Calculus Symbols
- Symbols
- Thruth Symbols true, false
- Constant Symbols 5, pipe-1, helen
- Variable Symbols X, Person, Day
- Function Symbols sin, father !arity
- Terms helen saturday
- Person X
- times(2,5) father(helen)
- times(X,5) father(Person)
- Predicate Symbols likes, part-of, free !arity
11Predicate Calculus Sentences
- Propositions or Atomic Sentences
likes(helen,bart) likes(helen,father(bart)) - likes(Person,bart) likes(helen,father(X))
- on (block-1,block-2) on (X,Y)
- Connectives Not, And, Or, ?, ?
- Variable Quantifiers ???universal quantification
- ? existencial quantification
- Sentences
- likes(helen,bart) likes(bart,(father(helen)))
- ??X likes(X,ice-cream) ?Y likes(Y,bart)
- ?X ?Y likes(X,Y) ? likes(X,(father(Y)))
12Predicate Calculus Semantics
- An Interpretation of a set of predicate calculus
sentences is an assignment of the entities in a
domain of discourse to each constant, variable,
predicate, and function symbol - The thruth value of an atomic sentence is
determined by the interpretation, for non-atomic
sentences the Thruth Tables are used for the
connectives, and in addition - the value of ??X ltsentencegt is T if ltsentencegt
is T for all possible assignments to X - the value of ??X ltsentencegt is T if there is an
assignment to X for which ltsentencegt is T
13First Order Predicate Calculus
- First Order Predicate Calculus allows quantified
variables to refer to objects in the domain of
discourse and NOT to predicates or functions - If it does not rain tomorrow, tom will go to the
sea. - weather(rain,tomorrow)?go(tom,sea)
- All basketball players are tall.
- ?X (basketball-player(X)?tall(X))
- Some people like anchovies.
- ?X (person(X) ? likes(X,anchovies))
- Nobody likes taxes.
- ?X(likes(X,taxes))
- Most natural language sentences can be written
as first order predicate calculus sentences
14Predicate Calculus Example
- Given mother(eve,abel)
- mother(eve,cain)
- father(adam,abel)
- father(adam,cain)
- ? X ? Y father(X,Y) V mother(X,Y) ??parent(X,Y)
- ? X ?Y ??Z parent(Z,X) ? parent(Z,Y) ?
sibling(X,Y) - Inferred parent(eve,abel)
- parent(eve,cain)
- parent(adam,abel)
- parent(adam,cain)
- sibling(abel,cain)
- sibling(cain,abel)
- sibling(cain,cain) !!! logic is all form
- sibling(abel,abel) no meaning
15Inference Rules
- Modus Ponens P ? Q
- P
- Q
- Modus Tolens P ? Q
- Not(Q)
- Not(P)
- Universal ?X P(X)
- Instantiation a is from the domain of X
- P(a)
16Inference Example
- Given (1) ?X man(X)?mortal(X)
- (2) man(bill)
- Inferred
- (3) man(bill)?mortal(bill) from (1) and (2) with
UI - (4) mortal(bill) from (3) and (2) with MP
17Pattern Matching and Unification
- Unification is an algorithm for determining the
substitutions needed to make expressions match - Example match foo(X,a,goo(Y)) with
- foo(X,b,foo(Y)) no match
- foo(X,Y) no match
- moo(X,a,goo(Y)) no match
- foo(fred,a,goo(Z)) fred/X, Z/Y
- foo(W,a,goo(jack)) W/X, jack/Y)
- foo(Z,a,goo(moo(Z))) Z/X, moo(Z)/Y
18Pattern Matching Algorithm
- (1) Constant/Constant Matches only when
identical - (2) Constant/Variable Matches
- a. unbound variable variable becomes bound to
constant - b. bound variable refer to (1)
- (3) Variable/Variable Matches
- a. two unbound variables always match !also in
future - b. bound/unbound variable refer to (2) a.
- c. two bound variables refer to (1)
- (4) Expression/Expression Matches
- only when function or predicate names and
arities identical - then match arguments one by one
- The scope of a variable is one sentence. Once a
variable is bound, future unifications and
inferences must take this binding into account
19Logic Inference as State Space Search
- A set of proposition or predicate calculus
sentences form a AND/OR or Hypergraph - And nodes indicate problem decomposition, all
subproblems must be solved (proved true) - Or nodes indicate alternative problem-solving
strategies, solving one (prove it to be true) is
enough - Both goal and data directed search is possible
- To implement it, extra bookkeeping in the
algorithm is necessary
20And/Or Graphs
- a
- b
- c
- a ? b ? d
- a ? c ? e
- b ? d ? f
- f ? g
- a ? e ? h
- b V z ? y
- y ? z ? g
21The Dog Example
- Fred is a collie collie(fred)
- Sam is Fred's master master(fred,Sam)
- the day is saterday day(Saturday)
- it is cold on Saturday warm(Saturday)
- Fred is trained trained(Fred)
- Spaniels are good-dogs and so are trained collies
- ?X (spaniel(X) V (collie(X) ? trained(X))
?gooddog(X) - A good dog will be with his master
- ?X,Y,Z (gooddog(X) ? master(X,Y) ? location (Y,Z)
? location(X,Z)) - If it is Saturday and warm then Sam is at the
park - day(Saturday) ??warm(Saturday) ?
location(Sam,park) - If it is Saturday and not warm then Sam is at the
museum - day(Saturday) ??warm(Saturday) ?
22The Financial Advisor
- individuals with inadequate savings should
increase the amount saved, regardless their
income - individuals with adequate savings and adequate
income should consider investment in stock market - individuals with lower income but with adequate
savings should consider to split their surplus
income between savings and stock - with
- adequate savings 5000 per dependent
- minsavings(X) 5000 X
- adequate income 15000 4000 per dependent
- minincome(X) 15000 (4000 X)
23A Logic System for the Financial Advisor
- savings_account(inadequate) ? investment(savings)
- savings_account(adequate) ? income(adequate) ?
investment(stock) - savings_account(adequate) ? income(inadequate) ?
investment(combination) - ?X amount_saved(X) ? ?Y (dependents(Y) ?
greater(X,minsavings(Y))) ? savings_account(adequa
te) - ?X amount_saved(X) ? ?Y (dependents(Y) ?
greater(X,minsavings(Y))) ? savings_account(inade
quate) - ?X earnings(X, steady) ? ?Y (dependents(Y) ?
greater(X,minincome(Y))) ? income(adequate) - ?X earnings(X, steady) ? ?Y (dependents(Y) ?
greater(X,minincome(Y))) ? income(inadequate) - ?X earnings(X, unsteady) ? income(inadequate)
- amount_saved(22000)
- earnings(25000,steady)
- dependents(3)
24Alternative Styles for Rules
- P ? Q Q ? P
- If premise Then conclusion Q If P
- If condition Then action Q - P
- If antecedent Then consequent Q When P
- Sometimes constrained to
- no disjunction in the premise
- no negation in the conclusion
- no disjunction in the conclusion
- When variable quantifiers are omitted
- variables that appear on both sides of the rule
are universally quantified. - variables that appear in the premise of the rule
only are existentially quantified
25Prolog A family example
- parent(michel, nina)
- No.1 yes No more solutions
- parent(michel, X)
- No.1 X emma
- No.2 X nina No more solutions
- parent(X, nina)
- No.1 X viviane
- No.2 X michel No more solutions
- parent(X, Y)
- No.1 X viviane, Y nina
- No.2 X viviane, Y emma
- No.3 X maria, Y michel
- No.4 X julia, Y viviane
- No.5 X michel, Y emma
- No.6 X michel, Y nina
- No.7 X jozef, Y michel
- parent( X, Y)- mother( X, Y).
- parent( X, Y)- father( X, Y).
- mother( viviane, nina).
- mother( viviane, emma).
- father( michel, emma).
- father( michel, nina).
- father( jozef, michel).
- mother( maria, michel).
- father( jules, viviane).
- mother( julia, viviane).
26Prolog A family example (2)
- grandparent(jozef, Y)
- No.1 Y emma
- No.2 Y nina
- No more solutions
- grandparent(X, nina)
- No.1 X maria
- No.2 X julia
- No.3 X jozef
- No.4 X jules
- No more solutions
- parent( X, Y)- mother( X, Y).
- parent( X, Y)- father( X, Y).
- mother( viviane, nina).
- mother( viviane, emma).
- father( michel, emma).
- father( michel, nina).
- father( jozef, michel).
- mother( maria, michel).
- father( jules, viviane).
- mother( julia, viviane).
- grandparent( X, Y)- parent( X, Z), parent( Z,
27Prolog The dog example
- location(fred, L)
- No.1 L park
- No more solutions
- location(billie, L)
- No.1 L home
- No more solutions
- collie( fred).
- master( fred, sam).
- today( saturday).
- warm( saturday).
- trained( fred).
- spaniel( billie).
- master( billie, viviane).
- location( viviane, home).
- location( sam, park)- today( saturday), warm(
saturday). - location( sam, museum)- today( saturday), not
warm( saturday). - gooddog( X)- collie( X), trained( X).
- gooddog( X)- spaniel( X).
- location( D, P)- gooddog( D), master( D, X),
location( X, P).
28Prolog The advisor example
- investment(savings)- saving_account(inadequate).
- investment(stock)- saving_account(adequate),
income(adequate). - investment(combination)- saving_account(adequate)
, -
income(inadequate). - income(inadequate)- earnings( X, unsteady).
- income(adequate)- earnings( X, steady),
dependents( Y), - X gt (15000
(4000 Y)). - income(inadequate)- earnings( X, steady),
dependents( Y), - X lt (15000
(4000 Y)). - saving_account(adequate)- amount_saved( X),
dependents( Y), - X gt
(5000 Y). - saving_account(inadequate)- amount_saved( X),
dependents( Y), -
X lt (5000 Y).
29Prolog The advisor example (cont)
- amount_saved(22000).
- earnings(25000, steady).
- dependents(3).
- amount_saved(22000).
- earnings(25000, steady).
- dependents(8).
- amount_saved(22000).
- earnings(30000, steady).
- dependents(2).
- investment(X)
- No.1 X combination
- No more solutions
- investment(X)
- No.1 X savings
- No more solutions
- investment(X)
- No.1 X stock
- No more solutions
30Control and Implementation of State Space Search
- General (Abstract) Search Algorithms
- Pattern Directed Search
- implements search in And/Or graphs
- separates problem solving knowledge from
implementation and control - Production Systems
- implements search
- models human problem solving
- separates knowledge and control
- separates general static problem solving
knowledge from case data in working memory