Title: Module 5
1Module 5
- The Cultural Context
- of Prevention
- What does culture mean?
- What are your expectations when it comes to
talking about culture? - What words, topics, and information do you expect
to hear and discuss?
3A Definition of Culture
- The collectively agreed upon knowledge,
experience, values, ideas, attitudes, skills,
tastes and techniques that are passed on from
more experienced members of a community to new
4Dimensions of Diversity
- What does Diversity mean?
- In pairs review the definitions and discuss
- Which definition or definitions are most relevant
to your current work in prevention? - Which definition or definitions do you want to
learn more about in order to be more successful
as a preventionist?
5Why Study Culture and Diversity?
- Think about this question as it relates to the
following areas
- Assessment
- Capacity building
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- Sustainability
6Quilt Activity Instructions
- Orient your quilt square horizontally
- Draw pictures or words depicting a belief, value,
or custom from your own culture that relates to
health, wellness, and/or substance use/abuse - Write your name on your quilt square if you are
willing to answer questions about it - Tape your quilt squares into rows and columns on
the wall
7Conflicting Messages about Substance Abuse
8Values of Dominant U.S. Culture
- Individualism
- Activity and work
- Material comfort
- Science
- Achievement and success
- Freedom
- Group superiority
- Equal opportunity
- Progress
- Practicality and efficiency
(Macionis, 1991)
9U.S. Values Activity Instructions
- Look at the different values posted on signs
around the room - First, choose the value that you think best
encourages substance use or abuse stand by that
value and share your thoughts with others who
have chosen the same value - After the class has discussed their choices as a
group, select the value that you think most
discourages substance use/abuse and move to stand
by that value share again
10Viewpoints of Prevention
- Moral Crusader
- Socioeconomic and Ethnic Chauvinist
- Doctor
- Scaremonger
- Educator
- Blamer
11Our Records
- Acquired from many sources
- Influence behavior and decisions making
- Unavoidable, BUT
- Manageable
CSAP training library Principles for Prevention
Partnerships Part 2 Valuing Cultural Diversity
- Behaviors and attitudes based on the assumption
that adults are better than young people, and are
entitled to mistreat and disrespect young people
simply because they are young.
Understanding Adultism A Key to Developing
Positive Youth-Adult Relationships by John Bell
full text at http//freechild.org/bell.htm
13Interrupting AdultismActivity Instructions
- Divide into pairs/trios
- Think of at least one example of Adultism you
have witnessed (preferably in prevention work)
and prepare a SHORT (1 min) role play of one of
these examples - 1 or 2 groups will perform their role play
- As you watch, think about ways that we could
interrupt and/or prevent this type of behavior
14Cultural Competence for Prevention Professionals
- Review the requirements of a culturally effective
prevention professional - Circle the numbers with which you have had some
success - Check the items about which you would like to
learn more
15A Culturally Effective Prevention Program
Utilizes resources to appropriately address the
diverse needs, histories, cultures and strengths
within a community
16Strategic Prevention Framework
Assessment Profile population needs, resources,
and readiness to address needs and gaps
Capacity Mobilize and/or build capacity to
address needs
Planning Develop a Comprehensive Strategic Plan
Implementation Implement evidence-based
prevention programs and activities
Evaluation Monitor, evaluate, sustain, and
improve or replace those that fail
17Strategic Prevention Framework Activity
- Form case study groups
- Your group will be assigned one step of the
Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) - Reflecting on your case study community, discuss
ways you would consider issues of culture and
diversity in your stage of the SPF - Be prepared to report to the large group
18Gathering Information About a Community
- Consult with the Experts
- Individuals/groups from the target community
- Others working with similar groups
- Academicians
- Library Research
- Census data, reports and statistics
- Medical and public health references
- Behavioral and social science literature
- Local newspapers
19Assess Your Own Organization
- Organizational diversity
- Community interfacing
- Capacity for investment
- Appropriateness of materials and process
- Where is your organization successful?
20Envision the Perfect Prevention Program Now,
whats your plan to get there?