Title: International Web Auction
1International Web Auction
A leading whiskey producer launched a new
initiative to promote its brand whilst also
raising money for charity via an online web
auction. We showed the impact of editorial
coverage generated by the initiative on the
campaign itself and the brand.
- The clients Key Messages were separated into
three distinct groups - Brand Key Messages
- The brand
- Celebrating 200 years of excellence
- Website
- Auction Key Messages
- Lot Descriptions
- Dates Specified
- Charities Key Messages
- Global charity partners
- Local charity partners
2Brand Representation
Findings Brand Key Messages accounted for 28
of the all key messages coverage in Japan and for
23 in China, compared with all-countries average
of 17
3Which Countries did not Work?
- France limited coverage, a lack of local
lots? Monsieur magazine stated that the French
had not been the most generous or the most
imaginative in the Auction. - Spain attention was paid to local lots and
various other lots. However, it was said that the
Spanish participation in the auction was
limited - Brazil no local lots were provided, but
Brazilian journals often cited the brand manager
in Seagram Brazil, in the context of the Auction.
4Lifespan of a Campaign
MML can assess the lifespan of a campaign and how
this impacts future coverage.
Benefits Shows peaks and troughs which can be
used to judge each campaign and this information
is also held and can be used to help plan future