LIS 558: Database Management Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LIS 558: Database Management Systems


Faculty of Information Studies, University of Western Ontario. November ... conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user=username, passwd=password, db=dbname) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LIS 558: Database Management Systems

LIS 558 Database Management Systems
November 16, 2006
  • ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity)
  • Margaret Kipp

Faculty of Information Studies, University of
Western Ontario
  • Introduction to ODBC

  • The Client Server Model
  • ODBC
  • ODBC Examples
  • ODBC Exercises

The Client/Server Model
  • client/server interactions are like calling a big
    company with a phone tree
  • you are the client
  • the company with the phone tree is the server
  • client/server interactions involve the client
    making requests and the server carrying out the
    request and then returning results or messages

Client/Server (cont.)
  • the Internet is a client/server system
  • the web browser is a client
  • the server is a machine named by the IP address
    typed into the browser
  • e.g. using SFTP
  • use the secure file transfer tool
  • connect to with your user
    name and password, now you can copy files to the
    server from the lab machine

What is ODBC?
  • ODBC or Open DataBase Connectivity is a standard
    method (protocol) used to connect to databases
    using a user written application
  • ODBC uses SQL to access data in the database
  • ODBC is very commonly used and often built into
    DBMS applications
  • ODBC is a client server application

ODBC Client Server Model
ODBC Architecture
  • ODBC has four components
  • Application - processes and calls ODBC functions
    to submit SQL statements and retrieve results
  • Driver Manager- loads drivers for the application
  • ODBC Driver- processes ODBC function calls,
    submits SQL requests to a specific data source,
    and returns results to the application
  • Data source - consists of the data to access and
    its associated operating system, DBMS, and
    network platform (if any) used to access the DBMS

ODBC Architecture (cont.)
  • Using ODBC
  • the user runs an application (web browser or
    local software)
  • the user enters user name, password, database
  • the application calls the driver manager to
    select the right ODBC driver
  • the ODBC driver connects to the database
  • now the user can query the database

How ODBC Works (in brief)
  • working with ODBC is like working with cursors
  • create a connection connect to DB on server
    using a connect string
  • create a cursor
  • fetch data from the cursor
  • do something with the data/display the data
  • close the cursor (possibly also the connection)

  • ODBC with Python

Python ODBC Example - MySQL
  • This script accesses the MySQL database using
  • The script will prompt you for a user name and a
  • it will connect to the database and allow you to
    perform queries from a menu
  • run at the command line
  • python

ODBC with Python (Steps)
  • Step 1 import the MySQLdb ODBC driver
  • import MySQLdb
  • Step 2 connect to the database
  • conn MySQLdb.connect(host"localhost",
    userusername, passwdpassword, dbdbname)
  • Step 3 create a cursor
  • conn.cursor()

ODBC with Python (cont.)
  • Step 4 execute a query
  • cursor.execute("SELECT FROM Book")
  • Step 5 fetch the data from the cursor (select
  • data cursor.fetchall()
  • Step 6 print the data (or do something with it)
    (select only)
  • for item in data
  • print item

ODBC with Python (cont.)
  • Step 7 close the cursor and the connection
  • cursor.close()
  • conn.close()

ODBC with Python (cont.)
  • Note that steps 5 and 6 were for SELECT
    statements only
  • for other statements, you should commit or
    rollback after step 4
  • e.g. conn.commit() or conn.rollback()
  • It is also possible to select from the table you
    have just modified to make sure updates
    succeeded, simply do steps 4, 5 and 6 for the
    table you've updated

ODBC with Python (SELECT)
  • import MySQLdb
  • conn MySQLdb.connect(host"localhost",
    user"username", passwd"password",
  • cursor conn.cursor()
  • cursor.execute("SELECT FROM Book")
  • data cursor.fetchall()
  • for item in data
  • print item

ODBC with Python (Modify)
  • import MySQLdb
  • conn MySQLdb.connect(host"localhost",
    user"username", passwd"password",
  • cursor conn.cursor()
  • cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Child (Name,
    ReadingLevel, PlaceOfRegistration) VALUES ('Jacob
    Two Two', 'Early Readers', 3)")
  • cursor.commit()

ODBC with Python (Modify) 2
  • import MySQLdb
  • conn MySQLdb.connect(host"localhost",
    user"username", passwd"password",
  • cursor conn.cursor()
  • cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Child (Name,
    ReadingLevel, PlaceOfRegistration) VALUES ('Jacob
    Two Two', 'Early Readers', 3)")
  • cursor.execute("SELECT FROM Child")
  • data cursor.fetchall()
  • for item in data print item

User Input
  • Example
  • tablename raw_input("Please enter the table
    name ")
  • cursor.execute("SELECT FROM s" (tablename))
  • this code can be used to replace the
    cursor.execuse command in the existing select
  • asks the user for a table name

ODBC with Python and Access
  • for Access with Python, just use a different
    connect string and import different drivers
  • import dbi
  • import odbc
  • conn odbc.odbc('DriverMicrosoft Access Driver
  • note there is a space between the word Driver
    and the parenthesis
  • all other steps are the same!

ODBC Exercise
  • write a python script to access the database and
    print out everything from the child table
  • use the sample script for select statements and
    modify the SQL statement

ODBC Exercise
  • write a python script to access the database and
    print out everything from a user specified table
  • see and take a look at how this script
    gets user input and adds it to the SQL statement
  • tablename raw_input("Please enter the table
    name ")
  • cursor.execute("SELECT ID FROM s" (tablename))

  • ODBC with VBA

ODBC with Access (Steps)
  • Step 1 declare variables
  • Dim conConnector As ADODB.Connection
  • Dim strConnection As String
  • Step 2 connect to the database
  • Set conConnector New ADODB.Connection
  • strConnection "Provider'Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0
    'Data Source'SummerReading.mdb'"
  • conConnector.Open strConnection

ODBC with Access (cont.)
  • For modifications...
  • Step 3 execute the SQL statement
  • conConnector.Execute "INSERT INTO Child (Name,
    ReadingLevel, PlaceOfRegistration) VALUES ('Jacob
    Two Two', 'Early Readers', 3)"
  • Step 4 close the connection
  • conConnector.Close

ODBC with Access (cont.)
  • For selecting...
  • Step 3 declare additional variables
  • Dim rstRecordSet As ADODB.Recordset
  • Dim fldFields As ADODB.Field
  • Step 4 create the record set (cursor)
  • Set rstRecordSet New ADODB.Recordset
  • rstRecordSet.Source "SELECT FROM Child",
    conConnector, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic,
  • rstRecordSet.Open

ODBC with Access (cont.)
  • For selecting...
  • Step 5 loop through the rows
  • For Each fldFields In rstRecordSet.Fields
  • MsgBox fldFields.Name, fldFields.Value
  • Next
  • Step 6 close the connection
  • conConnector.Close
  • Set conConnector Nothing

ODBC with Access (SELECT)
  • Private Sub cmdConnector_Click()
  • Dim conConnector As ADODB.Connection
  • Dim strConnection As String
  • Dim rstRecordSet As ADODB.Recordset
  • Dim fldFields As ADODB.Field
  • Set conConnector New ADODB.Connection
  • strConnection "Provider'Microsoft.JET.OLEDB
    .4.0'Data Source'SummerReading.mdb'"
  • conConnector.Open strConnection

ODBC with Access (SELECT) 2
  • Set rstRecordSet New ADODB.Recordset
  • rstRecordSet.Source "SELECT FROM Child",
    conConnector, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic,
  • rstRecordSet.Open
  • For Each fldFields In rstRecordSet.Fields
  • MsgBox fldFields.Name fldFields.Value
  • Next
  • conConnector.Close
  • Set conConnector Nothing
  • End Sub

ODBC with Access (Modify)
  • Private Sub cmdConnector_Click()
  • Dim conConnector As ADODB.Connection
  • Set conConnector New ADODB.Connection
  • strConnection "Provider'Microsoft.JET.OLEDB
    .4.0'Data Source'SummerReading.mdb'"
  • conConnector.Open strConnection
  • conConnector.Execute "INSERT INTO Child
    (Name, ReadingLevel, PlaceOfRegistration) VALUES
    ('Jacob Two Two', 'Early Readers', 3)"
  • conConnector.Close
  • End Sub

More Information
  • This is a tutorial on using Access with VBA
  • http//
  • Python is installed in the labs (look for Active
  • Can also be downloaded for free
  • http//
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