Title: Ubiquitous Computing based on VPW research summary
1Ubiquitous Computingbased on VPW (research
- Kyung-Lang Park
- (2006. 7. 26)
- Introduction
- VPW Model
- System architecture
- VPW-based service model
- Evaluation
- Conclusion and future work
- Ubiquitous computing
- Users can use services anytime, anywhere with
multiple heterogeneous devices - Global computing infrastructure support
- Sharable devices, sensors, and objects
- We should personalize them to use services
- Related work
- Location-based approach (GAIA, AURA)
- Local server manage devices in an administrative
domain - Not user-centric at all
- Hard to consider users own devices
- Hard to manage devices spared over multiple
administrative domains - Ranged approach (Nakajima, Khatib, M-GAIA)
- Manage personal space, a list of devices
surrounding users - It is hard to assert those devices are always
adequate for users - All are occupied by other users
- Quality is low
- The user is just passing through
- It is Personalized location-based approach
- VPW-based approach
4Ubiquitous computing
A local server can manage them and resolve
conflicts between users,
5Ubiquitous computing
A local server cannot manage them. How about 4
local servers?
6Ranged-based approach More like personal spaces,
but not enough
7VPW Model
- Virtual Objects (VO)
- Uniform representation of all objects
participating ubiquitous computing - Services
- Operations to be delivered to users
- Neighbors
- Other people related to the user
8State of elements
9Representation of VPW
XML VPW Profile
10Spatial model of VPW
- VPW span represents the physical range of VPW
- Users scope of action in probability
- Users can set a VPW span
- Spot, radius, and a probability (pspan)
- Users can set multiple spans
- Probability of each span should be recalculated
- Service areas can be VPW spans
- Union of all the operational ranges of VOs that
are being used by services - VPW Spans are used in several parts in managing
11Examples of VPW Spans
Basic VPW span (pspan p0)
Multiple VPW Spans
Multiple VPW Spans (Overlapped)(p0 p0 p1)
Two spans are overlapped(p2 p0 p1)
Service area is a VPW span
12System architecture
Omitting several components
13Old version
Virtual Personal World
Personal Terminal
Service Provider
Service Hosting Env.
Service Controller
Service Core
Service Activator
Gateway Interface
Service Negotiation
Personal Agent
Personal World Manager
Personal Engines
Adhoc Connection
Managing Shared Objects
Personal World Private World
Shared World
Shared World
Shared World
Context Engine (Managing Sensors)
Object Engine (Managing Objects)
Actuator Engine (Managing devices)
Private World
WorldWide Gateway Network Infrastructure
- Focus on POM, especially VPW Manager
- Do not consider local gateway
- POM directly connect to the VODs
- Do not consider context engine
- Simplify application services
- Sensors, objects, and devices are unified into
virtual objects
15Virtual object daemon
- VOD is a software that interfaces to a real
object - It consists of a device driver and an operation
module - Operation module performs pre-defined operations
and exchange messages with external components - Communication object provide basic communication
functions and discovery facilities SLP - Device profile stores capabilities and
characteristics of the object CC/PP
16VPW container
- VPW container is a class instance which has three
lists of elements which are VOs, services, and
neighbors. - When managers decide to add an element into VPW,
it creates an instance of the element - State transition from recognized to available or
intend - VPW can be accesses only through the VPW
container - It stores VPW profiles into the personal database
17VPW Control Interface
- VPW control interface provides a graphical user
interface to control VPW - Lists up all the element in the VPW
- Draw spatial models
- VPW spans, service areas, operation ranges
- Users can trigger a service or control virtual
objects by using VCI
18VPW Control Interface
19VO manager
- VO manager discovers VOs, decides whether to
include them in the container, and changes states
of VOs - It only includes usable Vos by using a
probability function denoted as Puse
- Event GI is that the user gets in the operational
range of the VO - Event IS is that the user invokes a service that
can use the VO - Event UV is that the service uses the VO
- The event GI and IS are independent
- According to the multiplication rule
- There can be more than on service that can use
the VO - PGI is obtained by VPW spans
- PIS is obtained from VPW
- If a service i is intend, PISi can be 1
- P(UVIS) is the probability that the service
actually uses the VO when it is executed
21? (minimum puse )
- VO manager calculates puse of all the Vos in the
recognized list. - The minimum puse denoted as p is specified in the
user policy - If a puse of a VO is higher than ?, it could be
included in the VPW - User policies also specify the maximum number of
VOs in a category and the maximum number of VOs
in total
22Service manager
- Service manager manages services
- It discovers services by initializing, looking up
local service registries, and communicating with
other service managers, - When it discovers a service, it retrieves the
service description and adds it into the list of
recognized services - If a user wants to use the service, it could be
included in the VPW and changed into intend - Explicit by using VPW control interface
- Implicit by specifying conditions in policies
23Negotiation phase
- If a service intended, it goes into negotiation
phase - Checks the possibility to run the service by
analyzing the service description and VPW
Example of Service Description
24Neighbor manager
- Neighbor manager communicate with other neighbor
managers - If it discovers a neighbor, it adds the neighbor
into the list - If it receive the message for sharing or for
being exclusive to a service, it changes the
state to the join
25VPW-based Service Model
- When a service is triggered, it invoke the
executable specified in the service description - Service firstly performs initialization
- retrieve VPWProxy from the VPW container
- Obtains information of VOs assigned for the
service - Sends commands to VOs and receives results
26Example of services
27Service reconfiguration
- When the VPW changed, VPW container sends signal
to the application - Application performs the callback function
- Retrieve update of VPW
- Service could be blocked when the VPW do not
satisfy the conditions to run the service
28Sequence diagram
29Providing services on multiple users
- Service could be provided on multiple users
- It generate a temporal VPW by using set
operations - Service run on the temporal VPW
Exclusive mode
Sharing mode
- Basic performance
- Initialization time and adaptation time according
to the size of VPW
- Operation times according to number of elements
- Simulation-based experiments
- Generates Vos
- Generates services
- Define users
- User policies
- Behavior model
- Generates action lists
- Run action lists
- Monitors annoyance
- Calculate average user satisfaction rate
- Metrics
- Average user satisfaction rate (AURS)
- Obtain by measuring annoyance (annoyance points)
- Service is delayed or not executed (delayed time
unites) - Quality of the service is lower than the users
request ( of unsatisfied functions / total) - Conflicts occur (0.1)
- AUSR can be defined as Eq. (9)
- VO inclusion rate according to the number of
neighbors and ?
IR is in reverse proportion of ? of neighbor
affects IR.
- Annoyance rate and AUSR according to IR
No neighbor
Five neighbors
- Comparison of three approaches
No neighbor
Five neighbors
- VPW provide more abundant and accurate
information of users, so that it helps
application services adapt their operations for
the user - Experimental results show that the proposed
system has reasonable performance in running
application services and managing personal spaces
39Future work
- The paper focused on VO management
- Its very small part of our research!!
- Implementation
- Application services
- Address ambiguous things
- How to discover Vos, services, neighbors?
- Automatic execution
- VPW Profiling
- VPW-based service model
- VO hierarchy
- Conflict resolution
40Personal schedule (2 weeks)
- Submit the paper to wcm journal (ESCI)
- Implement POM more
- Support
- Jookyoungs paper
- MPI project
- RFID/WSN project
- Study VPW-related research
- Service discovery
- Profiling (Some AI techniques)
- Ontology