Title: Efficient Contention Resolution Protocols for Selfish Agents
1Efficient Contention Resolution Protocols for
Selfish Agents
Uri Nadav, Joint work with Amos Fiat and Yishay
Mansour Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Second Israeli Seminar on Computational Game
Theory, 22/2/2007
2Broadcast Channel
Transmission probability 1/n is not in equilibrium
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
- Symmetric solution every agent transmits with
probability 1/n, the expected waiting time is
O(n) slots. (Social optimum)
- If all others transmit with probability 1/n, I am
better off transmitting all the time
3Classical Results
- Maximizing the throughput
- Aloha (fixed probability) 0.37
- More advanced algorithms 0.48 MoH85
- Impossibility result 0.56 TsL88
4- Well established research.
- Mostly in the 80s
- To learn more
5Classical View versus Our view
- The classical view
- Find a good protocol
- Assumes agents follow any protocol.
- Our view
- What would happen if agents are selfish
- Agents can adjust their transmission
probabilities - Rather than optimization consider equilibrium.
- Utility Waiting time until success
Strategy Transmission probability is a function
of the number of pending agents k and current
waiting time t
Equilibrium Following the protocol is best
Protocol Symmetric equilibrium
7Simplified model
- n agents (with a packet each) at time 0
- No arrivals
- Known number of agents
8Two users Equilibrium
- Best response is to Quiescence
2-agents Eq. q ½, minimizes time to first
9Broadcast Channel
Strategy Always transmit!
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
- Equilibrium
- The channel is blocked anyway
- Also in subgame perfect equilibrium
- Remark For at least 3 players
- Not quite what we look for
- Is this the only equilibrium?
10Summary of Results
- All protocols where transmission probabilities do
not depend on the time have exponential latency - We give a time-dependent protocol where all
agents are successful in linear time
11Related Work Strategic MAC
- Altman et al 04
- Incomplete information number of agents
- Stochastic arrival flow to each source
- Restricted to a single retransmission probability
- Shows the existence of an equilibrium
- Numerical results
- MacKenzie Wicker 03
- Multi-packet reception
- Transmission cost due to power loss
- Characterize the equilibrium and its stability
- Also Gang, Marbach Yuen
12Time-Independent Equilibrium
- Theorem There is a unique time-independent,
symmetric, non-blocking protocol in equilibrium
for latency cost with transmission probabilities
Very high Price of Anarchy
- Expected Delay of the first transmitted packet
- Probability even one agent successful within
polynomial time bound is negligible - Compare to social optimum
- All agents successful in linear time bound, with
high probability
13Latency Equilibrium
- Proof idea (assuming q qk qk-1)
- For the other k-1 agents
- ak-1 Prall silent (1-q)k-1
- ßk-1 Prsuccess q(k-1)(1-q)k-2
- Consider always Transmit
- Expected Cost 1/ak-1
- Consider Quiescence and then Transmit
- Expected cost 1/ßk-11/ak-2
14Latency Equilibrium
- Proof idea (assuming q qk qk-1)
- Equilibrium Equation
- 1/ak-1 1/ßk-11/ak-2
- Simplifying 1-q-(k-1)q20
- Solution q 1/vk
- A major simplification qk qk-1
15Main Intuition
Effectively, no message gets through here
- Fight for every slot
- Cooperation is more important when trying to
prevent a large payment - How to create a large leap in cost function?
- Using external payments
- Agents go crazy everyone continuously
transmits - Time dependent
- Analyze step cost function
16Deadline Cost Function
D (Deadline)
- Deadline utility (scaled)
- Success before deadline cost 0
- Success after deadline cost 1
Alright people, listen up. The harder you
push, the faster we will all get out of here.
crowd in post office at tax filing deadline
182 agents 1 Slot before deadline
- Suppose a non-blocking equilibrium exist
- Transmission probability q lt 1
Non-blocking equilibrium does not exists
- Let Lisa play according to protocol
- If Bart plays
- Quiescent cost is 1
- Transmit expected cost is q
Transmit is dominant strategy
Slot 17
19Deadline Cost Few slots
- Theorem In a symmetric equilibrium, whenever
there are more agents than time slots until
deadline,agents transmit (transmission
probability 1)
- Proof By backward induction (on the time t)
- At any time more agents than time slots
- At times tgtt no successful transmission
- Fight for the chance to succeed
20Finite horizon Prisoners Dilemma
- Deadline reminds us of finite horizon prisoners
dilemma - Defect the last game played
- Inductively, no cooperation on any game
Not our case successful agents leave
21Deadline Analysis 2 Agents
Slot 16
Slot 17
- Bart plays quiescent
- With probability q Lisa will transmit and leave
- Bart plays transmit
- With probability 1-q Lisa will play quiescent
q 1-q ) q ½
Generally 2 agents any number of time slots q
½ n agents, n time slots left Transmission
probability lt 1
22Deadline non-blocking Equilibrium
- Theorem There exists a symmetric equilibrium,
such that whenever there are at least as many
time slots as agents, transmission probability is
less than 1
23Solving with MATHEMATICA
- q20(t) Transmission probability when 20 agents
are pending as a function of the time t , in
Transmission Probability
24Solving with MATHEMATICA
- qk(4k) Transmission probability when k agents
are pending at time 4k, before deadline, in
25Efficiency of a linear deadline
- Theorem
- There exists a symmetric equilibrium for
- D-deadline cost function such that
- if the deadline D gt 20n
- then, the probability that not all agents succeed
prior to the deadline is negligible (e-cD)
If there is enough time for everyone, a nice
26Equilibrium Equations
Probability one of the other k-1 agents leaves
Probability the other k-1 agents are silent
In a strictly mixed Equilibrium, individual is
indifferent between Transmit and Quiescent
? Ck-1,t1
? ?(t1)
(1 - ?) Ck,t1
(1- ? ) Ck,t1
Ck,t expected cost of k agents at time
t ?(t) cost of leaving at time t
27Equilibrium Equations
?k,t(?(t1))(1- ?k,t )Ck,t1 ?k,t Ck-1,t1
(1- ?k,t ) Ck,t1
- ?k,t(?(t1)-Ck,t1) ?k,t(Ck,t1-Ck-1,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
Ck,t1- ?(t1)?(t1)-Ck-1,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(Fk,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(Fk,t1-
(1-qk,t) Fk,t1 (k-1)qk,t (Fk,t1-Fk-1,t1)
28Transmission Probability in Equilibrium
- Lemma (Manipulating equilibrium equations)
Benefit from losing one agent
2/k gt
1/k lt
gt 1/2
- Observation
- Either transmission probability in 1/k,2/k
- Or, limited benefit from loosing one agent
Fk,t Ck,t - ?(t) expected future
cost Ck,t expected cost of k agents at
time t
29Upper Bound on Cost
One descendant
Fn,t1 gt 2 Fn-1,t1
Fn,t1 lt 2 Fn-1,t1
) Transmission probability in 1/k, 2/k
lt 2
1-? lt 0.8
? lt 0.3
Fn,t ? Fn-1,t1 (1-?) Fn,t1
Fn,t lt Fn,t1 lt 2 Fn-1,t1
Good edges
Doubling edges
30Upper Bound on Cost
F17,D 1
31Upper Bound on Cost
- Consider all runs that fail
- Some agent does not meet the deadline
- The weight of such a path
- At least D-n good edges
- Weight at most (1-ß)D-n2n
- Number of paths at most
Set D gt 20n to get an upper bound of e-c n on cost
- Let D an, then total weight at most
- 2(1-ß)D-n2n anen 22e(1-ß)a-1an
32Protocol Design from Deadline to Latency
- Embed artificial deadline into deadline protocol
- Deadline Protocol
- Before time 20n transmission probability as in
equilibrium - If not transmitted until 20n
- Set transmission probability 1 (blocking)
- For exponential number of time slots
- Sub-game perfect equilibrium
- Social optimum achieved with high probability
- Unique non-blocking equilibrium for Aloha like
Protocols - Exponential latency
- Deadlines
- If enough (linear) time, equilibrium is
efficient - Protocol Design
- Make ill behaved latency cost act more polite
- Using virtual deadlines
- No monetary bribes or penalties
34Two users Equilibrium
- Best response is to Quiescence
2-agents Eq. q ½, minimizes time to first
Notation Ck,t expected latency with k agents
at time t Fk,t Ck,t - t