Title: Ash Wednesday
1Music video Above All
2Ash Wednesday
3Im sorry
4Are you?
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7CHORUS O How He Love You and Me O how He loves
you and me, O how He loves you and
me, He gave His life, what more could He
give? O how He loves you , O how He loves
me, O how He loves you and me!
A 40-day journey
9Jesus, alone in the desert for forty days and
10Jesus heals the sick
11Jesus preaches
12Jesus calms the sea
13Jesus, Lamb of God
14Jesus with the children
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35The Ten Commandments
36- I am the Lord your God you shall have no other
gods but me.
37- You shall not make for yourself any idol.
38- You shall not dishonor the name of the Lord your
39- Remember the Lords day,
- and keep it holy.
40- Honor your father and your mother.
41- You shall not commit murder.
42- You shall not commit adultery.
43 44- You shall not be a false witness.
45- You shall not covet anything which belongs to
your neighbor.
46(please extinguish your candles)
47CHORUS Into My Heart Into my heart, into my
heart, come into my heart, Lord Jesus come
in today, come in to stay, come into my heart,
Lord Jesus.
48(please leave quietly and put your candles in the
box at the back)
49Music video You Are My All in All