Title: The Internet and the WWW are Different
1The Internet and the WWW are Different
- The Internet is a global digital infrastructure
that connects millions of computers and tens of
millions of people
- The World Wide Web is a mechanism that unifies
the retrieval and display of a subset of data on
the Internet
- An intranet is a local/global information
structure that connects an organization internally
2Network Basics
- A host is a computer that is enabled to function
on a network
- any set of hosts connected in such a way that any
two hosts can send and receive messages is called
a network
- a protocol is the method by which two computers
agree to communicate
- an address space is the set of names of computers
that can be referenced
- Developed at Xerox PARC in early 1970s
- Ethernet operates using broadcast technology
- a computer A requests a connection to computer B.
All computers hear the request, but only computer
B responds
- Ethernet implements carrier-sense multiple access
with collision detection (CSMA/CD)
- if a collision is detected, a random amount of
time is spent waiting until the request is
- A popular implementation consists of twisted-pair
cabling to a hub, called 10BaseT, meaning
- recently 100 MBPS is becoming more popular
4Basic Services of the Internet
- E-mail
- Telnet
- Telnet is the main Internet protocol for
creating a connection with a remote machine. It
gives the user the opportunity to be on one
computer system and do work on another, which may
be across the street or thousands of miles away.
Where modems are limited, in the majority, by the
quality of telephone lines and a single
connection, telnet provides a connection that's
error-free and nearly always faster than the
latest conventional modems. - FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- FTP is the primary method of transferring files
over the Internet. Given proper permission, it's
possible to copy a file from a computer in South
Africa to one in Los Angeles at very fast speeds.
This normally requires either a user id on both
systems or a special configuration set up by the
system administrator(s). - .
5LAN Internet Access
- Speak TCP/IP and add a Domain Name Server
- A router may be located either at your site
- or at your ISP
- In the late 1960s there were many LANs which were
- The Department of Defense (DoD) launched a
research project to connect LANs together
- ARPAnet becomes the first internetwork,
fundamental technologies it introduces include
- Packet switching
- Domain Name System
7Short History of the ARPAnet/Internet
- The US Dept. of Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (ARPA) conceives the idea of
connecting military research computers together,
late 1960s - TCP/IP protocol suite is developed by Cerf and
Kahn, early 70s
- TCP/IP is distributed along with BSD UNIX and
universities join the ARPANet, late 70s
- 1980s, Domain Name System is developed ARPAnet
expands to NSFnet and all colleges, universities,
and research centers are connected
- 1990, ARPAnet transforms into the Internet
systems that search for Internet content are
developed Gopher, WAIS, Archie, Veronica
- The Internet Advisory Board (IAB) and Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) guide developments
- 1997, the Internet connects more than 10 million
computers and 40 million peopleit continues to
grow at an exponential rate
8Packet Switching
- A packet switching system permits multiple pairs
of computers to communicate over a shared
- Messages/files are broken into segments of
varying size, called packets.
- Each packet is labeled with source and
destination addresses
- The receiver must reassemble the packets in the
proper order
9Packets Transfer Across the Network
Computer A
Computer C
Computer D
Computer B
Computer A sends packets across the network
to Computer C while Computer B sends packets
to Computer D
10Implications of Packet Switching
- Packets must be labeled with their source and
- Computers must have a unique identifier
- Packet sizes can vary from 1 character to some
maximum limit
- Many different devices can use packet switching,
promoting sharing e.g. printers
11IP and TCP/IP
- To be a host on the Internet your computer must
- have a domain name, e.g. design.ucla.edu
- be assigned a unique IP address, e.g.
- use the Internet protocol
- have a network connection that provides a route
to the Internet
12Layering of TCP/IP Protocols
applic layer transport layer network
data link layer
13Naming, Addressing
- A domain name specifies a host
- An address specifies the location of the resource
on the network
- in the telephone network Name John Doe, Address
- in the Internet, Name design.ucla.edu,
14The Internet has different communication protocols
15History of the WWW
- 1989-1990 Tim Berners-Lee conceives the
- WWW at CERN in Geneva
- 11/90 Berners-Lee releases WWW
- prototype on NeXt computer
- 01/92 Release of source code for line
- mode browser, lynx and HTTP
- 03/93 Mosaic browser from NCSA is released
- 09/93 WWW internet traffic now measures
- 1 of NSF backbone
- 12/94 Netscape Navigator 1.0 is released
- 08/95 Microsoft Windows 95 and Internet
- Explorer 1.0 released
- 12/95 Java is released
16Approximate History of WWW Growth
Month Web Sites Jul 1995 18,957 Dec 1
995 74,709 Jul 1996 299,403 Dec 1996
603,367 Jul 1997 1,203,096 Dec 1997
1,681,868 Jul 1998 2,594,622 Dec 1998
3,689,227 statistics from www.netcraft.co.uk
Can you locate more recent statistics?
18What is HTML
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language in
which one can describe
- The display and format of text
- The display of graphics
- Pointers to other html files
- Pointers to files containing graphics, digitized
video and sound
- Forms that capture information from the viewer
- HTML was developed by Tim Berners-Lee of CERN
around 1990
- HTML is understood by WWW browserse.g.,
Netscapes Navigator, and Microsofts Internet
Explorerwhich interpret and display the output
to the viewer
19An Example
- The nine planets of the solar system are
- mercury,
- venus,
- earth,
- mars,
- jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto.
- The very nearest star is about 7,000 times
farther away than pluto is to our sun.
- Save this file as example1.txt
- Save this file as example1.html
20Browser Output - Example 1
21Example 2 Adding Some Markup
- The nine planets of the solar system are
mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn,
uranus, neptune and pluto.
- The very nearest star is about 7,000
times farther away than pluto is to our sun.
22General Structure
- HTML documents have a head and body
- head should contain a title
- body may have paragraphs
- The Solar System
- The nine planets of the solar system are...
23Browsers Are Tolerant
- Browsers follow the rule of being tolerant of
mistakes in the input
- They ignore markup they dont understand
- Netscape Navigator/Microsoft Internet Explorer
are tolerant browsers
- They do not insist that the HTML document begin
and end with
- and/or tags are not required
- But, there is no guarantee that this behavior
will be the same for all browsers
- Elements may have parameters, called attributes
- Attributes are placed in the start tag before the
final ""
- Attributes have the form namevalue
- E.g. is the first heading tag
- Start of Chapter 1
- Attribute values are often enclosed in quotes,
either double or single
- Quotes are not required when the value contains
only letters, digits, hyphens, and periods.
- Attribute names are case insensitive, but not
necessarily attribute values
25Example of tag attributes
- Using inline style settings to set the font size,
background and color of text
- Setting Body Attributes
- color"FF0000" The nine planets of the solar
system ...
26Browser Output - Body Tag Attributes
- There are six levels of headings
- Navigator and Internet Explorer render them left
aligned and bold
- Includes paragraph breaks before and after and
sufficient white space to render the heading
- The Solar System Headings
- The Solar System
- The Solar System
- The Solar System
- The Solar System
- The Solar System
- The Solar System
28Browser Output
29Example - Center Entire Document
- The Solar System
- BODY text-align center
- The nine planets of the solar system are
mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn,
uranus, neptune and pluto.
- The very nearest star is about 7,000
times farther away than pluto is to our sun.
- Note element is deprecated
30Browser Output for Centering
31Horizontal Rule
- The tag causes a horizontal line to be
drawn attributes include
- Size, thickness in pixels
- No Shade turns off shading
- Width, either pixels or percent
- The default positioning of a line is centered,
but that can be overridden with the ALIGN
attribute its options are left, right, and
32Example - Horizontal Rule
Examples of Horizontal
rule Examples of Horizon
tal Rules Rules of different sizes, SI
ZE5, 10, and 25. NOSHADE Rules of different a
lignment, ALIGNleft, center and right.
Rules of different width, width10, 25, and
50 gncenter
33Browser Output
34Anchors Away
- An anchor is a way to designate a link to another
document or to a specific place in the same
- Begins with and ends with
- The link location is given by the attribute HREF
(Hypertext Reference) e.g.,
- See r02/189-2/index.html"Class Home Page for the
Design Media Arts in Times of War website.
- Hypertext links are displayed using underlining,
color, or highlighting
- Depends on the browser defaults or the use of
style settings
- Once a link is taken, it should change color
35Example Using Anchors for Naming
Welcome to my HTML Tutorial
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
. . . Lots of text here . . .
Introduction This docum
ent contains a short tutorial on how to write
HTML. ... Chapter 1B
In this chapter we learn what a markup lan
guage . . . Chapter
In this chapter we learn about anchors
and their...
36Browser Output for Naming
37Examples of Anchors
- a file in the same directory
and same domain as the current page
- a file on your
local machine in directory G\351
- a file in directory mydocs on machine
design.ucla.edu, a WWW site
38More Examples of Anchors
- Given the current position, this moves up
one directory, connects to Docs/Style/ and
displays the document Overview.html
- Connects to lycos and runs pursuit with three
- ertextMarkupLanguage"
- An anchor that executes the ftp program to fetch
a file
- D
ownload RFC1866
39Changing the default color of a link
My pagey bgcolor"FFFFFF" link"009999"
vlink"FFCC00" alink"990066"This
is my link Use Photoshop
colors to get web colors in hexadecimal values
40Setting Color
- Expressed either as Red, Green, Blue (RGB) triple
or using predefined color names
- four equivalent forms of specifying color
- EM color f00 / rgb /
- EM color ff0000 / rrggbb /
- EM color rgb(255,0,0) / integer 0,255/
- EM color rgb(100, 0, 0) / float range
0.0 - 100.0 /
- Pre-defined color names
- Black"000000 Green"008000"Silver"C0C0C0"
Lime"00FF00"Gray"808080" Olive"808000"Wh
ite"FFFFFF" Yellow"FFFF00"Maroon"800000" N
avy"000080"Red"FF0000" Blue"0000FF"Purple
"800080" Teal"008080"Fuschia"FF00FF" Aqua"
41 Element
- The IMG element embeds an image in the current
document, e.g.
- Some attributes of include
- Aligntop, middle, or bottom to align text around
an image
- border to place a border around an image
- If set to 1 or higher, places a black box around
the image
- If set to 0, leaves no surrounding box
- height and width to control the dimensions of the
- Alt to replace an image with text, if the image
is unavailable or a text browser is used e.g.,
- Tower"
42Example - Images
Example ofImages
Example of Images /images/const2.gif" ALT"under construction"
BORDER 0 under construction" if" ALT"under construction" BORDER 10
construction" BORDER10 WIDTH100 HEIGHT100 IMG SRC"../images/const2.gif" ALT"under
construction" BORDER10 WIDTH50 HEIGHT50 DY
43Active Images
- Active images are images that can be clicked and,
just like an anchor, they act as a hypertext
- Active images have a border around them and the
cursor changes shape when passed over
- You can erase the border by placing border"0
inside the img tag
44About the Internet
HTML Tutorials