Java Training Introduction to HTML - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Java Training Introduction to HTML


img src='cottage.jpg' alt='my cottage in Fairplay' Adding Images -3 ... a href='' img src='logo.jpg' /a Lists ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Java Training Introduction to HTML

Java TrainingIntroduction to HTML
  • Written by Jeff Smith

  • HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
  • HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
  • HTTPS Hypert Text Transfer Protocol Secure
  • CGI Common Gateway Interface
  • www World Wide Web
  • URL Uniform Resource Locator (web address)
  • CSS Cascading Style Sheet
  • IE Internet Explorer
  • AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML

What is HTML? -1
  • HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
  • It is a markup language designed to combine text,
    graphics, and formatting information in simple
    ASCII text that can be rendered in "browsers".
  • Enables documents to link to other documents
    using Hyper Links
  • Hyper links can link to another document or to a
    location within the current document
  • Web browsers like Internet Explorer understand
    HTML and render a web page according to the
    formatting information
  • You can create HTML files with any ASCII editor
  • They usually have an extension of either .HTM or

What is HTML? -2
  • HTML pages can be either
  • Static
  • Pages which are written as ASCII files and saved
    on the web server
  • Dynamic
  • Created on-the-fly as the user requests documents
    by clicking on various hyper links on a website
  • Dynamic pages are typically generated by some
    kind of program like Perl, PHP, ASP, or Java
    (either Java Server Pages or Servlets)

URLs -1
  • When you type in a URL into a browser or click on
    a link to a URL, your request might look
    something like
  • http//
  • domain
  • directory docs
  • document welcome.html

URLs -2
  • Domain
  • Your DNS (domain name service) server converts
    the domain name ( to its
    corresponding IP address (
  • All ISP (internet service providers) provide DNS.
    DNS is basically a database which maps domain
    names to IP addresses
  • You could enter the IP address yourself like so
  • http//

URLs -3
  • Directory
  • Web servers generally map a URL directory (like
    "docs") to some corresponding physical directory
    on the server
  • This mapping is generally specified in the web
    server configuration files
  • For example "docs" could be mapped like so docs

URLs -4
  • You can also specify a specific port in your URL.
    The standard (default) http port is 80. So you
    could write your URL like so
  • http//www.wrfportal.org80/docs/welcome.html
  • Other common port numbers
  • 443 -- SSL (secure sockets layer)
  • Can be specified using "https"
  • 8080 -- Tomcat (used to run servlets, JSPs)
  • 23 -- Telnet
  • 21 -- FTP
  • 22 -- SSH

URLs -5
  • Java Servlet Example
  • To request a dynamic page in your URL, you
    request a URL like so
  • http//
  • The web server parses this URL and determines
    that you are trying to access a servlet named
    "GuestBookServlet". It then passes this request
    on to your servlet engine (e.g. Tomcat) which
    executes the Java Servlet.
  • The servlet runs and builds an HTML string which
    is passed back to the web server which passes it
    back to the web browser

Getting Web Pages With URLs
HTML Development Tools
  • You can write HTML in many ways
  • Using a text editor like Notepad, TextPad, or
  • Download CuteHTML shareware fromhttp//www.cuteft
  • Download TextPad shareware fromhttp//www.textpad
  • Using a WYSIWYG development tool such as
  • Macromedia Dreamweaver -- the website development
    tool of choice among professional web designers. was developed with it.
  • Microsoft Frontpage or Microsoft Word
  • Dynamically generating HTML from a CGI program,
    Java Servlet, or Javascript code

A Word About Browsers-1
  • The main browsers in use today are Internet
    Explorer (IE), Netscape Navigator, Firefox,
    Opera, Mozilla, Konqueror
  • They support JavaScript by default (only IE has
    built in support for VBScript)
  • The same HTML may look slightly different in
    different browsers
  • Different versions the browsers support different
    versions of HTML (although all the browsers
    released in the last couple of years at least
    support HTML 4)
  • Thankfully today, most people have browsers which
    support HTML 4.01, so you can design your website
    to that spec
  • Some browsers have their own "extensions" to HTML
    4.01 (like dynamic HTML/XHTML). Avoid using these
    extensions if you want your website to work with
    all browsers

A Word About Browsers-2
  • Sometimes you will design a page that looks OK in
    IE and yet you get a page error in Navigator or
  • This probably indicates that you have written
    "badly formed" HTML and IE is just doing its best
    to display the page anyway
  • Navigator tends to be a little pickier about
    requiring properly formed HTML
  • Note Dreamweaver has a nice tool that analyzes
    your website and tells you which versions of
    which browsers it is compatible with

HTML Applications
  • HTML is used in
  • web pages
  • help documents for applications
  • Javadoc comments
  • Selling items on ebay (editing the product
  • Wikipedia - editing entries
  • It has become the most popular and universal
    standard for formatting documents

HTML Tags-1
  • HTML documents are comprised of tags (elements)
    and text content
  • Tags take one of two formats
  • .....
  • To make things more confusing, sometimes the
    ending tag is optional (as with the paragraph
  • Most elements have a start tag and an end
    tag . For example, you can have a and a
    (bold tag)
  • HTML tags are NOT case sensitive
  • Indenting your HTML code is not required, but it
    does make your code more readable

Tags With Attributes
  • Some tags need to specify additional information
  • For example, a font tag might need to specify a
    size, a color, and a type face
  • HTML tags specify attributes to accomplish this
  • Attributes can be in single quotes, double
    quotes, or not in quotes at all (if the attribute
    doesn't have any spaces in it)
  • The general syntax is

HTML Doc Structure -1
  • HTML documents are generally split into two
    sections a head and a body.
  • My First HTML Page
  • Isn't my web page interesting

HTML Doc Structure -2
  • The head specifies things like
  • page title
  • meta tags (like keywords used by search engines)
  • javascript functions (or VBScript functions)

HTML Doc Structure -3
  • The body tag can contain the following attributes
  • bgcolorcolor (specifies a background color for
    the page)
  • textcolor (text color)
  • linkcolor (hyperlinks color)
  • alinkcolor (activated links color)
  • vlinkcolor (visited links color)
  • alink"maroon" vlink"fuchsia"
  • The standard (browser safe) colors are defined as
    Silver, Gray, White, Black, Maroon, Red, Green,
    Lime, Purple, Fuchsia, Olive, Yellow, Navy, Blue,
    Teal, Aqua

HTML Development Tip
  • When learning HTML and testing your pages, its
    tedious to have to continually reopen the browser
    and reload your page
  • Load the page you are working on in IE (and leave
    it open)
  • Edit your page in Notepad and save the changes
    you make (but dont close NotePad!)
  • To view your changes, press F5 (refresh) in IE
  • This will reload the page from disk

Exercise One
  • Class exercise Type the preceding HTML into
    notepad, save the file as "FirstPage.html" and
    load it into Internet Explorer. You should see
    something like this
  • Notice that the appears as the IE window
  • Extra credit set the background of your page

Common Formatting Tags -1
  • You can jazz up your page with some additional
  • Headings
  • the biggest heading
  • the second biggest heading
  • the smallest heading
  • Line breaks
  • The carriage returns (or linefeeds) you put in
    your HTML document are ignored when rendered in
    the browser.
  • You explicitly specify a line break with the

  • The
    tag doesn't have a corresponding

  • HTML comments (just like XML)

Common Formatting Tags -2
  • Text can be formatted in three basic ways
  • Usage -- suggest the way text should look by its
    usage (e.g. tag for emphasis).
  • Using usage tags is a bit problematic because
    different browsers may implement the "suggested"
    format differently (sometimes in ways you don't
    like). I tend to stick with the Physical tags
  • Physical -- specify the physical style you want
    (e.g. bold or italic )
  • By using style sheets (e.g. CSS -- cascading
    style sheets)

Common Formatting Tags -3
  • Common Physical formatting tags
  • BOLD text
  • This text is very bold
  • ITALIC text
  • This text is very italic
  • You can nest the bold and italic tags like so
  • This text is very bold and italic
  • Underline
  • and

Common Formatting Tags -4
  • Strike through
  • and
  • Teletype (monospaced)
  • and
  • SuperScript
  • and
  • SubScript
  • and

Paragraph/Line/br Tags
  • You can break up blocks of text in your html
    document with paragraphs
  • Each paragraph will start at the beginning of a
    line (no need to use a
    tag). The syntax is
  • Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is
    some text.
  • Here is some text.
  • You can use a horizontal line to break up a page
  • You can force a line break by using the
  • First line
  • Second line

Specifying a Font
  • Font tag syntax is
  • For example
  • Albert
  • The size here is not the actual font "point size"
  • Size is a value between 1 and 7 with1 being the
    smallest, 7 being the largest. Contrast this with
    headings which range from 1 to 5 and get smaller
    as the number gets bigger -)
  • The default font size is 3

Adding Images -1
  • The tag creates an image in your web page
  • The src attribute identifies the location of the
  • In this case, because no path information is
    provided, it is assumed to be in the same
    directory as the HTML file itself
  • Hint you usually want to use a
    tag before
    the tag so the image will appear on its own
  • To specify an image that resides somewhere on the
    WWW, just specify the URL like so
  • o.jpg"

Adding Images -2
  • The tag has an optional attribute
    which is text that is displayed if the browser
    has images disabled
  • Who would want to disable images?
  • Blind people!
  • They can't see images, but their special browsers
    can read the text out loud
  • A few years ago, AOL was sued in a class action
    suit for not including enough tags on their
  • Fairplay"

Adding Images -3
  • Instead of creating your own images for a web
    page, sometimes you may just want to "borrow" an
    existing one from another website.
  • To do this, just
  • navigate to the website with the picture you like
  • right click on the image in IE and select "Save
    picture as". At this point, you can either copy
    the picture to your local machine or just note
    the name of the image
  • Cancel out of the "save" operation and right
    click on the web page and select the "View
    Source" option.
  • Once the source code is visible in notepad,
    search for the image name to determine its
    directory location

Adding Images -4
  • Additional and optional tag attributes
  • AlignTopMiddleBottomRight (image position
    within current line)
  • Widthpixels, Heightpixels (gives the image a
    fixed size)
  • borderpixels (places a border around the image,
    the default is no border)
  • HSpacePixels, VSpacePixels (create horizontal
    and vertical spaces around the image)
  • For example

Exercise Two
  • Modify your FirstPage.html file so the page looks
    something like the picture below. Note You don't
    have to use the Java logo--you can use any image
    you "borrow" from the web.

A Word On URLs
  • Whenever possible, it is better to use relative
  • For example, use
    instead of
  • Relative URLs allow us to move pages from one
    directory structure to another without worrying
    about updating all the links in our HTML code

Regular Hyperlinks
  • Hyperlinks (or links) enable people to click on
    an image or word in a web page and then "jump" to
    a new page.
  • Hyperlinks use an "anchor" (a) tag. The basic
    syntax isclick
    hereorclick here
  • The text highlighted in yellow ("click here" is
    the caption for the link).

Image Hyperlinks
  • You can also turn images into hyperlinks by
    imbedding an image inside an anchor tag. Here is
    an example
  • src"logo.jpg"

  • HTML provides for three kinds of lists
  • unordered list (list with bullets beside each
  • ordered list (list with numbers beside each item)
  • definition list (lists terms and their
  • Lists can be nested
  • You can have an ordered list inside a definition
    list, for example

Lists (Unordered)
    • Unordered List
    • Each list item uses the
    • tag
      • first item
      • second item
      • third item

    Lists (Ordered)
      1. Ordered List
      2. Each list item uses the
      3. tag
        1. first item
        2. second item
        3. third item

    Lists (Definition)
    • Definition List
    • Divided into (definition term) and
      (definition description tags
    • first term
    • its definition
    • second term
    • its definition
    • third term
    • its definition

    Tables -1
    • Tables are used to format the majority of pages
      on the web
    • Tables can be nested within other tables (and
      often are)
    • Tables can have an invisible border (and often do
      when used to format or "lay out" a web page)
    • Tables are very powerful but can be tedious to
      code by hand. They are used to
    • format sections of web pages
    • Display tabular data
    • Create captions for images
    • Sidebars, etc.
    • You may need to create tables by hand when you
      write Servlets or JSPs which return dynamic web

    Tables -2
    • Table tags
    • and tags specify a table
    • Each table row is specified using the and
    • For the text in each column, you use the table
      data ( and ) tags.
    • You can think of the table data as "cells" in a
    • The , , and tags all support
      optional attributes

    Tables -3
    • Simple Table Example
    • Row 1, Col 1
    • Row 1, Col 2
    • Row 2, Col 1
    • Row 2, Col 2

    Tables -4
    • The preceding code generates a table that looks

    Tables -5
    • Each "cell" or tag can contain
    • Simple text
    • Text with HTML markup
    • Lists
    • Images
    • Links

    Table Attributes
    • Optional attributes
    • Border
    • bgcolor
    • AlignLeft Center Right
    • Table alignment within document
    • Widthpixels percent
    • How to indicate percent
    • Width in pixels or as a pct. of the document
    • CellSpacinglength
    • Width of border around cells
    • CellPaddinglength percent
    • White space between a cell border and data in the

    Table Row Attributes
    • Optional attributes
    • AlignLeft Center Right
    • Horizontal alignment of row
    • VAlign
    • Vertical alignment of row

    Table Data Attributes
    • Optional attributes
    • WidthPixels percent
    • HeightPixels
    • RowSpanNumRows
    • Number of rows to span (one "cell" can span
      multiple rows in the table)
    • ColSpanNumCols
    • Number of columns to span (one "cell" can span
      multiple columns in the table)
    • AlignLeft Center Right
    • VAlignTop Middle Bottom
    • BGColorColorValue

    Exercise Three (Tables)
    • Create a web page that looks like the picture
      below. Note that the Java icon should be a
      hyperlink to Sun's website!

    HTML Forms -1
    • HTML forms allow you to place controls like check
      boxes, buttons and edit fields into your HTML
    • HTML forms allow for interactive web pages (the
      user fills out a form, clicks the submit button,
      and a new page is returned). For example
    • A developer could fill out an HTML form to submit
      a SQL change to a DBA so he could review it
    • A customer could fill out an HTML form to request
      the status of an order he has place.

    HTML Forms -2
    • There are distinct tasks involved in creating
      functional HTML forms
    • Creating the HTML form (the easy part)
    • Writing program code to process the form
    • Using Javascript (if you want the client to
      process the form)
    • Using a server application written in a language
      such as CGI, ASP, or Java
    • We'll cover this "task" when we get to the
      Servlets/JSP section of the course

    HTML Forms -3
    • You create HTML forms using the tag
    • There are two important attributes of the form
      tag which determine how (and which) program will
      process the HTML form
    • ActionURL (the URL of the programwhich will
      receive and process this forms data)
    • MethodGet Post (the manner in which data is
      sent to the server--more on this when we get to
    • methodget
    • ....

    HTML Forms -4
    • Between the and tags, use form
      element tags to describe the form's input fields
    • Input fields include
    • text
    • check boxes
    • The general syntax for input field's is
    • size
    • (Tip Always name the fields your program code
      will access
    • these fields using the names you specify here)

    HTML Form Elements -1
    • Between the and tags, use form
      element tags to describe the form's input fields
    • Input fields include
    • text -- one line text field
    • CheckBox
    • Password -- text field which echoes chars
    • Hidden -- used for storing info (usually state
    • Radio
    • Submit -- button sends form contents to action
    • Reset -- clears the form fields to defaults
    • Image -- image to click instead of submit button
    • Button -- generic button

    HTML Form Elements -2
    • The general syntax for input field's is
    • size

    Text and Password Fields
    • Attributes for Text and Password fields
    • ValueInitialValue (initial value for the
    • MaxLengthN (max number of characters which may
      be entered into the field)
    • For example
    • User20
    • Passwd20

    Hidden Fields
    • Hidden fields are invisible to the user
    • Has a value attribute which stores its contents
      (and can be used as a variable)
    • Why use hidden fields?
    • The HTTP protocol is stateless. Each request /
      response is independent, with no memory of what
      happened on a previous page
    • So programmers use hidden fields to store
      information in HTML forms which was retrieved
      from a previous form
    • For example
    • HTML form requires user to enter a customer
    • User then proceeds to a second form
    • How can the second form retrieve the customer ?
    • (Answer store it in hidden fields on this second

    CheckBox Fields
    • CheckBox Attributes
    • ValueSomeValue its current value this is
      what is returned to Java servlets/JSPs
    • Checked Set to default the check box to
    • Examples
    • Yes
    • CheckedFullTime
    • Yes
    • Salaried

    Radio Button Fields
    • Radio Buttons Attributes
    • NameGroupName (To group radio buttons, create
      several with Name set to the same string)
    • Value SomeValue (value returned to server
    • Checked (indicates whether this radio button is
    • Example
    • checkedSingle
    • Married
    • Divorced

    Submit and Reset Fields
    • Submit Button Type (attribute)
    • ValueString (caption of the submit button, if
      left blank then the word "submit" is used)
    • Reset Button Type (attribute)
    • ValueString (caption of the reset button, if
      left blank then the word "reset" is used)
    • For example

    Button Fields
    • Button Type (attribute)
    • You can add regular buttons to a HTML form by
      using the button attribute to the input tag
    • You might use this to execute some custom program
      code (perhaps Javascript code)
    • This standard button type doesn't have any
      default behavior associated with it. If you add
      one to your HTML form without writing any event
      handler code, pushing the button won't result in
      any action.
    • onClick"window.close()"
    • Note when you click on this button, the
      JavaScript code,
    • window.close() executes, closing the browser

    Image Fields
    • Image Attributes (an image to use in place of the
      Submit button)
    • Srcimage url
    • For example

    TextArea Element
    • tags create a multi-line input field
      (like a memo)
    • Note these are independent tags (not part of the
    • Attributes
    • ColsN (number of columns)
    • RowsN (number of rows)
    • For example
    • Initial text in row 1
    • Initial text in row 2

    Select Element -1
    • tags create combo boxes and list boxes
    • These are not part of the input tag
    • Within and tags, you specify
      tags to list options
    • For example
    • Broomfield
    • Westminster
    • Arvada

    Select Element -2
    • attributes
    • NameElementName
    • SizeN (number of rows visible)
    • If N1, then the select looks like a drop down
      combo box (this is the default value)
    • If N1, then the select looks like a list box
    • Multiple (can the user select more than one
    • Option Attribute
    • Selected (select this option initially)

    Exercise Four (Forms)
    • Create a web form that looks like the image
      below. The "Clear Form" button should restore the
      form to its state before any information was
      typed in.

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) -1
    • External Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
    • Added with HTML 4.0
    • Allows you to override tag behavior by creating
      entries in a .css (text) file. This enables
      certain animation effects as well as allows web
      designers to make global "look and feel" changes
      to a website by editing a single .css file
    • CSS also let you place things by specifying an
      exact location on a page (using the pixel
      distance from the left and top of the browser

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) -2
    • A CSS is just a text file with the .css
      extension. It contains a series of user defined
      tags or classes. Colors are given in RGB values
      (RRGGBB). For example, you might have a CSS file
      called style.css
    • .heading
    • font-family Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times,
    • font-size 14px
    • font-weight bold
    • color 258A00
    • .bigheading
    • font-family Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times,
    • font-size 16px
    • color 254A00
    • font-weight bold

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) -3
    • You can link (or attach) the CSS into one or more
      of the web pages in your website.
    • type"text/css"
    • This paragraph will
      use the big heading
    • element defined in my style.css file

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) -4
    • You might have 80 html pages in your website with
      a total of 320 references to bigheading. If you
      decide you want to make bigheading a different
      color, you dont have to edit 80 html filesjust
      change the color in your style.css file like so
    • .bigheading
    • font-family Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times,
    • font-size 16px
    • color 333300
    • font-weight bold

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) -5
    • You can also define style sheets inside of
      individual web pages, although this isnt done as
      often because most web designers prefer to make
      all the styles global inside a single .css file
    • There is a lot more to CSS than what we covered
    • You can learn more about CSS at these websites
    • http//
    • http//

    • AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
    • Is based on JavaScript, HTML, and HTTP, so it
      does not require any browser plugins (like
      ActiveX, Java, or Flash)
    • With AJAX, JavaScript inside your web page
      communicates directly with the web server, using
      the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object.
    • With this object, your JavaScript can trade data
      with a web server, without reloading the entire
      page (this makes your website much more
      responsive and faster appearing)
    • AJAX can update just a portion of your web page
    • AJAX was greatly popularized with the huge
      success of Google Maps. Many AJAX website exist
      on the web today

    Topics Not Covered
    • Javascript
    • Standard client-side scripting language that
      enables simple animation, form validation, html
      re-writing, etc.
    • Java Applets and ActiveX
    • Frames
    • A web "page" can be subdivided into separate (and
      possibly scrollable) "frames"--each of which can
      contain a separate html file

    Exercise Five (CSS)
    • Define two custom classes (tags) in an external
      CSS called style.css
    • NormalText (should be medium sized and blue)
    • BigText (should be large, bold, and a darker
      shade of blue)
    • Link (or attach) style.css to one of your
      existing web pages or a new one, and then test
      that both classes work
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