Computer Science 425 Distributed Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computer Science 425 Distributed Systems


Network administrators may overestimate (or underestimate) future growth ... (10.z.y.x, 172.16.y.x, 192.168.y.x) that IANA considers for private internets ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computer Science 425 Distributed Systems

Computer Science 425Distributed Systems
  • Lecture 12

IP Packet Layout
  • IP address allocation problem
  • Network administrators may overestimate (or
    underestimate) future growth
  • of their networks and request Class B (or Class
    C) address.
  • Three existing solutions
  • IP v6
  • Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR)
  • Problem scarcity of Class B addresses, and
    plenty of class C addresses
  • Network Address Translation (NAT)

(1) IPv6 Header Layout
0-8 time-insensitive traffic 8-15
time-sensitive traffic
Establishment of virtual circults
IPv6 addresses are 128 bits (16 bytes) long
sufficient to provide 7 x 1023 IP addresses per
square meter across the entire surface of the
(2) CIDR
  • Classless Interdomain Routing
  • Problem
  • Shortage of class B addresses requires sites with
    multiple networks to obtain class C network IDs,
    instead of a single class B network ID
  • Every class C network requires now a routing
    table entry
  • Solution
  • CIDR prevents this explosion of Internet routing
  • Basic Concept
  • Allocate multiple IP addresses that allow
    summarization into a smaller number of routing
    table entries
  • Use Network Prefix and Mask in routing tables to
    allow for single entry for the range of class C
    addresses in the same subnet

(3) Network Address Translation (NAT)
  • Not all devices have assigned globally-unique IP
  • NAT-enabled router translates global registered
    IP address into unregistered IP addres
  • Example
  • Home network has been allocated single registered
    IP address by the Internet Service
  • All Internet-enabled devices on the home network
    have been assigned unregistered IP addresses on
    the 192.168.1.x Class C subnet
  • Internal devices are allocated individual IP
    addresses dynamically via Dynamic Host
    Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
  • It is conventional to use addresses from one of
    the three blocks of addresses (10.z.y.x,
    172.16.y.x, 192.168.y.x) that IANA considers for
    private internets

NAT Protocol
  • Sender on local home network sends UDP or TCP
    packet to a host outside
  • Router receives the packet and saves the source
    IP address and port number in its address
    translation table
  • Router replaces the source address in the packet
    with routers IP address and the source port with
    a virtual port number that indexes the table slot
    containing senders address
  • Packet is forwarded to the destination by the
  • When the router receives UDP or TCP packet, it
    uses the destination port number to access slot
    in the address translation table. It replaces the
    destination address and port with the internal
    address/port and forwards to the internal home

PCs,routers, switches nodes
links edges
The Internet (Internet Mapping Project, color
coded by ISPs)
We have LANs what are these othernodes that
connect them?
  • Hubs connects Ethernet hosts
  • Simply repeats packet (connects multiple Ethernet
    devices together making them act as a single
    network segment
  • Highest layer data link layer
  • Bridges connect different types of networks
  • Translate a packet from one format into another,
    e.g., Ethernet to FDDI
  • Highest layer data link layer (multiple)
  • Switches connect and route between two LANs
    (e.g., two Ethernet segments)
  • Routing algorithms
  • Highest layer data link layer
  • Routers connect and route between two networks
  • Routing algorithms
  • Highest layer network layer
  • Tunneling encapsulate and send an
    unimplemented protocols packets through from
    network layer to network layer
  • IPv6 packets can be tunneled through the IPv4

How do peer layers talk?
MAC/Data Link layer match the MAC addresses (48
bits) Network Layer e.g., IP match the IP
address (32 bits) Transport Layer e.g., TCP
match the port number (8 bits)
Application message
TCP header
IP header
Ethernet header
Ethernet frame
Translation Who discovers these addresses for
the destination?
  • Port number from the IP address ( a standard
    port number)
  • IP address from the resource name/URL (through
    the DNS)
  • Ethernet address from the IP address (through

ARP Address Resolution Protocol between IP and
Underlying Networks
  • Most hosts are attached to a LAN by an interface
    board that only understands LAN addresses. For
    example, every Ethernet board is equipped with a
    globally unique 48-bit Ethernet address.
  • The boards send and receive frames based on
    48-bit Ethernet addresses. They know nothing
    about the 32-bit IP addresses.
  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) maps the IP
    addresses onto data link layer addresses (e.g.,

ARP Example
Routers have multiple network Interface
cards/devices. Each interface has a different
MAC/IP address.
  • Suppose host 1s IP layer ( gets a
    packet from its transport layer destined for
  • (host 2)?
  • Host 1s IP layer broadcasts an ARP packet onto
    the Ethernet asking
  • Who owns IP address''
  • Host 2 responds with its Ethernet address (E2).
  • The IP layer on host 1 builds an Ethernet frame
    addressed to E2, puts the IP packet
  • in the payload field, and transmits it on the
  • The Ethernet board of host 2 detects this frame
    and causes an interrupt, to deliver the packet to
  • the IP layer on host 2.
  • Thus, the packet is transmitted from host 1s IP
    layer to host 2s IP layer

  • The performance of ARP can be improved by caching
    the broadcast results.
  • Host 1 can include its own IP to Ethernet mapping
    in the ARP packet.

  • Suppose host 1s IP layer ( gets a
    packet from its transport layer with
  • destination address set to (host 4)?
  • Host 1s IP layer broadcasts an ARP packet onto
    the Ethernet asking
  • Who owns IP address''
  • Router E3/F1 responds with its Ethernet address
  • The IP layer on host 1 transmits an Ethernet
    frame addressed to E3
  • The E3 Ethernet board of router F1 receives the
    frame and delivers it to the IP layer on F1
  • F1s IP layer knows from the destination address
    of in the packet that it has to
  • be next sent to
  • F1s IP layer sends an ARP on the FDDI ring for
    IP address
  • Router E4/F3 replies.
  • F1s IP layer transmits an FDDI frame
    (containing the packet) addressed to F3
  • The FDDI board of F3 receives the frame, and
    delivers it to the IP layer.
  • F3 knows from the destination address of in the packet that it has to
  • be next sent out to through the
    interface E4
  • F3 does an ARP on the EE Ethernet for IP address
  • Host 4 responds with E6
  • F3 transmits the packet inside an Ethernet frame
    addressed to E6, and it reaches host 4s IP layer

Knows How?
  • Routing Algorithms!
  • In the Network layer

Routing Algorithms
  • Programmed in the network layer
  • determine the next hop, given the destination
    IP address,
  • thus determine the route for each packet as it
    travels through the net,
  • dynamically update routing information to reflect
    failures, changes and congestion.
  • Two approaches
  • link-state (e.g., OSPF)
  • Every node knows status of each link in the
  • distance-vector (e.g., RIP)
  • Every node knows the next-hop for each possible
    destination LAN
  • Information maintained as a table
  • Tables updated either
  • Proactively periodically, or
  • Reactively when a neighbor/some link status

Distance Vector Routing
  • Also termed as distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm
    or Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, included in RIP
    (routing information protocol), AppleTalk, and
    Cisco routers.
  • Each node/router maintains a table indexed by
    each destination node. Entry gives the best known
    distance to destination and which link to use for
  • Once every T seconds each router sends to each
    neighbor its own entire table (proactive)

Distance Vector Routing
To Link Cost A 1
1 C 2 1 D
4 2 E 4
1 B local

Routing Table for A
Routing Table for B
To Link Cost B 1
1 C 1 2 D
3 1 E 1
2 A local
To Link Cost A 2
2 B 2 1 D
5 2 E 5
1 C local
Link number (all links have cost1)
Routing Table for C
Pseudo-Code for RIP
Send Each t seconds or when Tl changes, send Tl
on each non-faulty outgoing link. Receive
Whenever a routing table Tr is received on link
n for all rows Rr in Tr if ( not equal
n) Rr.cost Rr.cost 1 n if
(Rr.destination is not in Tl) add Rr to Tl
// add new destination to Tl else for all rows Rl
in Tl if (Rr.destination Rl.destination and
(Rr.cost lt Rl.cost or n)) Rl Rr //
Rr.cost lt Rl.cost remote node has better
route // n remote node is more
Link State Routing
  • Each router must
  • Discover its neighbors and learn their network
  • When a router is booted, it learns who its
    neighbors are by sending a special Hello packet
    on each point-to-point link.
  • The router on the other end sends back a reply.
  • Measure the delay or cost to each of its
  • A router sends a special Echo packet over the
    link that the other end sends back immediately.
    By measuring the round-trip time, the sending
    router gets a reasonable delay estimate.
  • Construct a packet telling all it has just
  • Broadcast this packet

Link State Routing
  • A router broadcasts a link-state-advertisement
    (LSA) packet after booting, as well as
    periodically (or upon topology change). Packet
    forwarded only once, TTL-restricted
  • Initial TTL is very high.

Link State Routing
  • Broadcast the LSA packet to all other routers in
    the subnet.
  • Each packet contains a sequence number that is
    incremented for each new LSA packet sent.
  • Each router keeps track of all the (source
    router, sequence) pairs it sees. When a new LSA
    packet comes in, it is checked against the pairs.
    If the received packet is new, it is forwarded
    on all the links except the one it arrived on.
  • The age of each packet is included and is
    decremented once per time unit. When the age hits
    zero, the information is discarded. Initial age
    very high
  • For routing a packet, since the source knows the
    entire network graph, it simply computes the
    shortest path (actual sequence of nodes) locally
    using the Dijkstras algorithm.

Transport Layer Transmission Control
  • Function 0 provide an application with a
    connection-oriented view of the network (IP is
  • Function 1 (Message decomposition and
    reassembly) Breaks messages into packets at the
    transmitting end and reassembles packets into
    messages at the receiving end.
  • E.g., using identification and fragment offset
    fields in IPv4 header
  • Function 2 (Multiplexing and demultiplexing)
    Multiplexes several lower-rate sessions, all from
    the same source and all going to the same
    destination, into one session at the network
  • Function 3 (Reliable communication) Provides
    reliability to the application by acks
    retransmissions in an end to end manner
  • Function 4 (End-to-end congestion/flow control)
    Reduces rate at which data is sent when
    congestion is detected in the network. (TCP
  • All these functionalities are a part of TCP.

Session/Presentation/Application Layers
  • The session and presentation layers deal with
    setting up virtual sessions (e.g., SSL), data
    encryption, data compression etc.
  • The application layer actually does the work
    required by the users, e.g., FTP, HTTP, p2p.
  • The application/presentation/session layers are
    not clearly distinguished in the Internet
    protocol stack.

  • Tuesday (7 October) Midterm Exam.
  • Location Here (Classroom).
  • Closed book.
  • Duration 75 minutes.
  • 2.00 pm - 3.15 pm

Midterm Review
  • Topics Lectures 1-10
  • What is a distributed system and examples of
    distributed systems
  • Time and Synchronization
  • Cristians Algorithm, Berkeley Algorithm and NTP
  • Happens-Before Relation, Lamport Timestamps,
    Vector Logical Clocks
  • Global States and Snapshots
  • Consistent state, liveness, safety properties
  • Chandy Lamport Snapshot Algorithm
  • Causality violation
  • Multicast
  • B-multicast
  • Reliable multicast (integrity, validity,
    agreement properties)
  • Ordered Multicast Total, FIFO, Causal Ordering

Midterm Review Topics
  • Implementing FIFO Ordering, Total Ordering,
    Causal Ordering
  • Mutual Exclusion
  • Evaluation criteria (client delay,
    synchronization delay)
  • Centralized control , token ring, Ricart and
    Agrawala, Maekawas Algorithms, Raymonds
    token-based approach
  • Election
  • Ring election, modified ring election, Bully
  • Consensus problem
  • Consensus problem in synchronous systems
  • Consensus problem in asynchronous systems,
    commutative schedules
  • Failure Detectors
  • Properties of failure detector (completeness,
  • Ping-ack, heart-beating protocols
  • Failure detection in distributed system (ring
  • Failure types

Midterm Review Topics
  • Peer-to-peer systems
  • Napster protocol and search
  • Gnutella protocol and search
  • FastTrack protocol and search
  • Chord, distributed hash tables, search under peer
    failure, new peers joining
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