Econometric Modelling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Econometric Modelling


However as this variable is insignificant, the sign is of less importance. ... rp:2.333, we conclude that y, i and rp are significant and p is insignificant. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Econometric Modelling

Econometric Modelling
  • To examine some econometric results from various
    financial models
  • To use the results to determine levels of
    significance of the variables and whether the
    results fit the theory
  • To use the results for testing specific
  • Suggest some potential problems when assessing
    model results

Carrying out a regression
  • Set out the model/theory, including expected
    signs and magnitudes of the coefficients
  • Gather data
  • Estimate the model using a relevant technique
  • Interpret results, assess diagnostic tests.
  • If model fails the diagnostic tests, respecify

Stock price return Model
  • Given the following model, We wish to obtain
    estimates of the constant and slope coefficients

  • We would estimate this model using ordinary least
    squares (OLS), although as we will find out later
    other methods may be more appropriate.
  • The model is estimated using monthly data from
    2000m1 to 2005 m12.
  • This gives 6 years of data producing 72

  • The signs on the coefficients are as we
    hypothesised with the possible exception of p.
  • However as this variable is insignificant, the
    sign is of less importance.
  • For y, a unit rise in y gives a 0.8 of a unit
    rise in the dependent variable s(t). For p, a
    unit rise in p gives a 0.2 of a unit rise in s(t)

  • Firstly test if the 4 variables are individually
    different to 0, using the t-test (we usually
    ignore the constant)
  • E.g. y 0.8-0/0.24
  • Critical value is 2.000 (5) (72-5 degrees of
    freedom, 60 d of f is nearest in tables)
  • As 4gt2 we reject the null hypothesis that y0,
    therefore y is said to be significantly different
    to 0.
  • The t-statistics for p 1, i 10 and rp2.333, we
    conclude that y, i and rp are significant and p
    is insignificant.
  • This result would suggest we might consider
    removing p from our model.

  • The adjusted R-squared statistic is 0.58, which
    is relatively good explanatory power.
  • The F-test for the significance of the goodness
    of fit is 25. The critical value for F(4,67) is
    2.53 (5).
  • As 25 gt 2.53, the goodness of fit of the
    regression is significant, or the joint
    explanatory power of the variables is
    significantly different to 0.

DW statistic
  • We first need to find the dl and du values from
    the tables. As k is 4 and we have 72
    observations, the critical values are dl-1.49
    and du 1.74.
  • The DW statistic is 1.84, which is between du
    (1.74) and 4-du (2.26), so we accept the null
    hypothesis of no 1st order autocorrelation.

LM test for higher autocorrelation
  • Given that we have monthly data, we test for 12th
    order autocorrelation.
  • The critical value for chi-squared (12) is
  • As the LM statistic is 12.8 lt 21.026, we accept
    the null hypothesis of no 12th order

Whites test for heteroskedasticity
  • This follows a chi-squared distribution with 14
    degrees of freedom (including cross product
  • The critical value with 14 degrees of freedom is
    23.685 using the chi-squared tables
  • As 15.2 lt 23.685, we accept the null hypothesis
    that there is no heteroskedasticity.

Market Model
  • According to the market model, the return on an
    asset is determined by a constant and the return
    to the market index.

Market Model
  • As before we would wish to run an OLS regression,
    then interpret the coefficient, t-statistics and
    various diagnostic tests for autocorrelation and
  • In this model we would expect ß gt 0, the closer
    to 1, the closer asset i follows the market
  • If we have 100 days of daily data for the
    regression, we get the following result

Market Model
Market Model
  • The result shows that a unit rise in the market
    produces a 0.9 of a unit rise in asset i. This
    suggests this asset closely follows the market
    and would be considered safe.
  • The t-statistic shows that the market index is
    significant, 0.9-0/0.19. critical value is 1.98.
    As 9 gt 1.98, we reject the null hypothesis and
    say that the market has a significant effect on
    asset i.
  • The usual diagnostic tests would have been
    produced and interpreted as before.

The Market-Adjusted-Returns-Model
  • Based on the original model, termed the market
    model, we can test a restriction using the t-test
    to determine if the model we have is an
    alternative specification, termed the
    market-adjusted-returns model.

  • This model implies the following
  • ß1
  • We can use a t-test to determine if this
    condition holds.

  • A t-test can also be used to determine if ß 1.
  • The critical value is the same as before, the
    test is

  • As 1lt 2 (ignore the sign the t-statistic is an
    absolute value), we fail to reject the null
    hypothesis and conclude that the market adjusted
    model applies.
  • In this case the hypothesis is

F-test of a restriction
  • The main use of this F-test is to determine if a
    group of explanatory variables are jointly equal
    to 0.
  • However we can test alternative theories or
  • The most common restriction is that 2 or more
    explanatory variables sum to 1.
  • The best example of this is the Cobb-Douglas
    production function.

Cobb-Douglas Production Function
  • This model suggests that output is a function of
    capital and labour, in logarithmic form it can be
    expressed as

  • We can then test if constant returns to scale
    applies by testing the restriction that the
    coefficients on the capital and labour
    coefficients sum to 1.
  • Constant returns to scale are a proportionate
    increase in all inputs produces a proportionate
    increase in outputs.
  • This allows us to rewrite the Cobb-Douglas
    production function in terms of output per unit
    of labour (divide through by l)

Test for Constant Returns to Scale
  • Run the regression in its unrestricted form with
    both explanatory variables (k and l)
  • Collect the RSS (unrestricted)
  • Run the following restricted version, with
    constant returns to scale and again collect the
    RSS (restricted), then use the formula used
    previously (see over)

Test for constant returns to scale Cont..
Test for constant returns to scale.
  • If we get a RSS (unrestricted) of 1.2 and a RSS
    (restricted) of 1.4 and we have 60 observations.
    We would get an F statistic of

Constant returns to scale
  • We would reject the null hypothesis of constant
    returns to scale, therefore we would use the
    unrestricted model with capital and labour
    included separately. The null hypothesis is

  • When running an OLS regression, we need to assess
    the coefficients, t-statistics and diagnostic
  • We can also use the t-statistic to determine if a
    coefficient equals 1.
  • The F-test can also be used to test a specific
    restriction in a model.
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