- The Role of Financial Personnel
- Pre and Post PPP Contract
- presented to
- Association of Government Accountants,
- Montgomery Chapter - Montgomery, Alabama
- By
- Edward G. Kamnikar Troy University Montgomery
- March 13, 2008
- Financial Personnel
- Privatization / Devolution
- Infrastructure / Facilities
- Government vs. Private Sector
- Performance Reporting
- Benchmarks
- Capital Needs
- The Texas Ranger Arrives (PPP)
3Todays Program Outline
- Todays Seminar Purpose Is To Provide
Participants with - - Background and History of PPP
- - Working Definition of PPP
- - PPP Terminology
- - PPP Tools for Analysis and Review
- - PPP Best Practices Found in Selected EU
Countries - - Accountants and Auditors Methodology for
PPP Analysis - Regarding Asset Stewardship and Oversight
4Today's Seminar Schedule
- 100 PM Seminar Begins
- 200 PM Break (15 minutes)
- 315 PM - Break (15 minutes)
- 430 PM - Q A and Participants Inputs
- 500 PM - Seminar Ends
5 Selected EU States
6Seminar Outline
- History of Privatization/PPP
- Definition and Elements of a PPP
- EU Observations and Practices
- Business Tools and Business Plans
- Financial Steward and Oversight
7Seminar Outline (continued)
- Selected EU States, Best Practices
- Selected Best Practices Recommendations
- Financial Analytical Tools
- Current USA PPP Contracts
- Summary
8Brief History of Privatization and PPP
- 18th and the 19th Century
- Bridges, Ferries and Roads
- Civil War
- Railroads
- National Park(s)
9History The 20 and 21st Century
- Bureaucracy and Growth
- Wagners Law
- Hoover Dam
- Toll Roads, Toll Bridges and Turnpikes
- Interstate Highways
- Public Transportation
- Privatization and PPP
10Definition of a PPP
- A contractual agreement between public and
private sector partners that allows more private
sector participation and /or ownership than a
traditional method of public sector procurement. - PPP agreements define an expansive set of
relationships from relatively simple contracts to
very complicated shared ownership issues and
technical arrangements.
11Definition of a PPP (continued)
- Partnership Refers to
- A form of structured cooperation expressed in a
binding agreement - for the construction or the purchase of
infrastructure assets for there exploitation - with shared risk, costs, benefits, resources, and
12Definition of a PPP (continued)
- Examples
- Alabama toll bridges
- Alabama auto ferry
- Chicago Skyway
- Indiana toll road
- California toll road
- Colorado NW toll road
- Texas SW Corridor
13Definition (continued) - Elements of a PPP
- Usually a Business agreement
- Formal contract with concessions (tolls)
- Terms, 30 to 99 years
- Risk Sharing
- Profit Sharing ?
- Assets Maintenance Requirements
- Shadow concessions (tolls)
- Construction terms
- Financing terms
14Financial Stewardship and Oversight
- Stewardship
- The act of managing personal property or
financial affairs as an agent of another or
others. - Oversight
- The supervision or watchful care of assets.
15Financial Stewardship Best Outcomes
- Financial Stewardship begins before contract
initiation and includes - - best value for citizens from investment
- - establish partners have the where-with-all
- - evaluation of assets and asset sale, proposal
costs, project risk, adequacy of risk
sharing - - and follow-up project monitoring and
reporting with pre-determined audit methods and
November 6, 2009
16Financial Oversight (Monitoring)
- Financial Oversight includes the audit practices
during contract and post-contract periods
involving evaluation of work performed - use of project costing standards, distribution of
profits or revenues for concessions - compliance with contract provisions and
- an evaluation of overall price and quality of
services delivered. -
17Financial Stewardship (continued)
- Working Definition (Auditors)
- Financial Stewardship those audit practices
prior to contract initiation that include - Establishing the integrity of Business Plans
- Best value for money at the lowest overall cost
- Improving the value and quality of the project
- Reducing the time to complete the project
- Life-Cycle Costing
18Financial Stewardship (continued)
- Working Definition (Auditors)
- Financial Oversight the establishment of an
audit program during contract implementation to - Monitor the effective and efficient use of funds
- Evaluate all areas relating to financial
integrity, costs, quality and project delivery
and - Ensure compliance with contract provisions
- Evaluate profit or revenue sharing contract
elements -
19EU Observations and Practices
- General Background
- Deficit limits, 3 of GDP,
- and Debt limits, 60 of GDP
- Seamless Inter-country Highway and Rail Network.
- - Public Private Partnerships (PPP) to meet
infrastructure needs
20Observations Audit Environment
- European Audit Environment
- Independent audit at the national level of
government -
- Internal audit at the agency level
21Observations Audit Environment
- Audit Standards follow ISA by IFAC
- Internal Audit Standards follow IIA
- Best Practices INTOSAI ( International
Organizations of Supreme Audit Inst. - EUROSAI - European Organization of Supreme
Audit Institutions
- Meeting with the French Audit Agency at the
- top of the Grand Arche
- A presentation from the Office of the
Comptroller and Auditor General and from the
National Roads Authority in Ireland.
24Observations Audit Environment
- Similarities with the USA
- - Compliance
- - Performance
- - Finance/internal control
- - Project/special issues
- - Advisory services
25Selected EU Practices Accountants and Auditors
- Robust Business Plans (Model)
- - Return on Investment
- - Present Value Techniques or
- - Capital Budgeting
- Concessions
- Estimated Revenues and Costs
- Audit Techniques and Controls
- Performance Audits
- Compliance Audits
- Value for Money Process
26Business Plans/Model
- A business model is a business plan.
- A clearly written document that identifies the
business, it products, its goals and its
objectives. A plan is developed for each capital
investment and includes, but is not limited to - Goals
- Objectives
- Cost
- Financing
- Contribution to the overall organization
- Expected Returns (financial, social, risk
analysis, expected returns). - A business plan should incorporate Robust
financial analysis using present value and
internal rate of return.
27EU Practices (continued)
- CONTACTS (England)
- National Audit Office
- Director
- Audit Principal
- Value for Money Director
- Manager, Public Private Partnerships
- Highways Agency
- Internal Audit
- Centre for Excellence
- Operational Policy Division
- Safety Standard Research
- Engineering
28Value for Money Model
- Key Questions
- Is this the best price
- Is it worth the
- Can we afford it
- Assessment Method
- Cost Comparison
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Affordability Test
29EU Practices (continued)
- CONTACTS (Ireland)
- - Project Manager
- Head of Program Management
- Head of PPP Network Tolling
- Department of Finance
- Public Private Partnership Officer
- Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General
30EU Practices (continued)
- Contracts (Portugal)
- Corporation for all Enterprises Operations
- Auditors involved at planning stages
- Super profits sharing
- Internal Financial Consultants
31Government Enterprise Operations
- All public enterprise operations are common stock
corporations. - Stock held by one public conglomerate
corporation. - Administered by a Board of Directors that appoint
the corporate officers. - Profit are transferred to the State via corporate
dividends. - Performance measured/compared to private sector.
32EU Practices (continued)
- Robust Business Plans
- Value For Money (VFM) Audits
- Non-financial audits to measure the
- Effectiveness,
- Economy,
- Efficiency
- Life Cycle Auditing
33EU Practices (continued)
- Business Planning Models
- Project vision statement
- Project mission statement
- Project objectives
- Financial modeling
- Alternative delivery systems
- Return on investment (pv/irr)
- Satisfying the public at the best price
- Super profit addressed
34Super Profits
- Super profit are profits earned on a PPP
contract that are more than could be earned in
the private sector, given the project risk
35EU Practices (continued)
- Extensive use of Value for Money (VFM) audits
- Robust Business Plans
- Capital Budgeting before PPP contract signed
- Accountants and Auditors involved at process
start - Life-Cycle auditing
- Concessions auditing
36 RecommendationsHuman Resource Issues
- Accountants and Auditors KSAs (knowledge,
skills, abilities) - New requirements
- Training for current staff
37Accounting and Financial KSAs
- Ability to understand and apply the following
- Managerial Accounting Techniques
- FASB, GASB, GAGAS, IIA Standards
- Capital Budgeting Techniques of PV IRR to
industry appropriate situations - Complex Financial Plan Modeling
- Prepare complex robust business models
- New contract language needed
- Terms/Tolls/Traffic Counts
- Profit Sharing / Revenues
- Shadow Tolls
- Shadow Tolls out of favor
39RecommendationsCapital Project Costing
- Use of capital budgeting techniques IRR and PV
- Discount rate selection government capital
financing rate - Preparing project comparables
40RecommendationsCapital Project Bid Selection
- Audit and finance personnel involved with bid
preparation, project costing, and bid approval - Use of robust business and financial modeling in
development of the project - Only use PPP if it makes business sense
- Establish partners where-with-all
41RecommendationsContract Terms/Clauses
- Clear, concise, and complete
- Contract life / Finance or Sale
- Clearly define and assign risk, private vs.
42Contract Life
- What is the purpose of the PPP?
- Financing of Capital Needs?
- Outright Sale of Public Assets?
- Public/Private Joint Venture?
- Who shares the risk, public or private?
- Contract could be revisited every 7 years?
- What would be the normal finance period?
43RecommendationsContract Terms/Clauses
- Refinancing profits are shared
- Avoid super profits
- Incorporate revenue or profit sharing
- to maintain citizen/constituency support
44RecommendationsContract Terms/Clauses
- Revenues of any sort or Traffic counts and toll
charges are clearly established for the length of
the contract. - State and preferably National tolling systems
should be inter-operational for citizens use as
well as to enhance the audit function
45RecommendationsAudit Techniques Processes
- Revenues of all kind and traffic counts should be
in real time with verifiability for both the
government and concessionaire - Audit objectives need to be established for each
stage of the major project procurement process
46RecommendationsAudit Techniques Processes
- Auditing oversight requires a concise, clear and
comprehensive contract - Compliance and Performance audits will be
conducted throughout the project life cycle
- Chicago Skyway
- Indiana Toll Road
- Colorado NW Parkway
- Virginia Pocahontas Parkway
- Texas SW Corridor
- California Toll way
- Bridges in Alabama
- Auto Ferry at Fort Morgan
48Lessons Learned ??
- Contract Term not complete
- Unlimited or Super Profits for Private Partner
- Contract Renewal or Revisit, absent
- Shadow Tolls provide little or no advantage
- Exclude Competition
- Failure to negotiate contracts with the private
sector with the same tools that are used by them! - Failure to train public employees or hire