Title: Writing Graphic Applications
1Writing Graphic Applications
2Simplest Graphic Application
- Import the java.swing. for the JFrame
- A public class that has a main method
- The main method has
- A JFrame declared, created
- One content pane is requested
- A label is added to the contentpane
- The frame is made visible
- import javax.swing.
- public class simplegraphics
- public static void main(String args)
- //declaring and creating a frame and label
- JFrame framenew JFrame(I am a frame)
- JLabel label new JLabel(I am a label)
- //getting a pane for the frame and adding the
label to the pane. - frame.getContentPane().add(label)
- //make the frame visible when the program
executes - frame.setVisible(true)
- Simple.java -Simple Graphics Program
4adding components
- Other components can be added directly to the
ContentPane of the frame. Jpanel objects and
other components can be created in main and added
to the content pane, - Alternatively an object of a custom panel can be
created in main and write the custom panel class.
The other components will be created here and
added to the panel. - For either option, if interactive components,
such as buttons are used, an implementation of
the ActionListener interface is required. This
means an actionPerformed method either - in the class where the buttons and textfield are
created or - write a new class with this method in it, and
declare an object of this class where the buttons
and textfield are created.
5The option we have usually used
- We have usually had a separate class for the
panel and components - One class with main, in which you declare and
create a frame, and declare and create a custom
panel (instead of a plain JPanel, its a MyJPanel
which extends JPanel and is defined in another
class), and add the panel to a ContentPane of
the frame - We then have a second custom panel class. This
class extends Jpanel. In this class we create
and add components. - We also declare and create a custom
actionlistener or have the the listener method
(e.g. actionPerformed) in this class. If we
declare a custome listener, then a third class is
written for our custom actionlistener either as
an inner class or as a separate class. It
implements ActionListener interface and has only
one method, the actionPerformed method - Why?
6It makes the program cleaner
- Without a separate panel class, everything is
done in the main method. - The frame is created, a contentpane is gotten
- If there is a panel, it is declared and created
- The buttons and textfields and actionlisteners
are declared and created - The buttons and textfields are added to the panel
or frame - The actionlisteners are added to the buttons and
textfields - The custom actionlistener is declared and created
or the actionPerformed is written in the same
class. - When more components are added, main becomes long
and complicated, harder to maintain or modify.
7 The programs that follow will have at least two
- One class will have the main method. In this
method, a frame will be created, and one or more
custom panel objects will be created and added to
the frame. - Another class will extend JPanel, will have a
constructor method, in which components (such as
buttons) will be created and added to the panel,
custom actionlistener object(s) will be created
and added to the components. This class may also
override the paintComponent() method (which
paints the screen) to provide repainting of the
screen at particular. If the program has
components, - The custom panel class will also ll implement
ActionListener or other Listeners and will
contain the methods that the listener interfaces
require, such as actionPerformed - More classes will be added If the programs use
objects of other classes, which have to be
- Given this structure how would you use
- Control Structures
- Arrays
- Additional classes representing objects
- Class concepts, such as inheritance, interfaces
- Dialog boxes
- Timer class for animation
- String methods
9 Control Structures
- Drawing different shapes with radio button
options - ControlMain11 (class with main)
- ControlPanel11 (custom JPanel class)
- Notice the use of the switch structure
- Notice the set up of radio buttons in groups
- Notice the use of Random() to get pixel sizes and
locations - Random Circles fitting into 400x400 panel
- RandomCirclesMain (class with main)
- RandomCirclesPanel (custom panel)
- Note that this is only one simple method of
insuring circle is inside panel..
10Additional Class
- Candy Machine Representation -restocking and
selling - CandyMachine (class for candy machine object)
- UseMachine (class with main)
- CPanel (custom panel class)
11Arrays and Layouts
- Keypad that displays last number pressed and can
be reset - OOMain11 (class with main)
- OOPanel11 (custom panel)
- Note the use of the grid layout on a panel that
is placed in the Center of a Border Layout - Note the two statements that are necessary to
create a JButton array. The array must be
declared and then the Jbutton constructor must be
called for each element
12Arrays and Additional Class
- Skyline at night -Using additional classes
- ClassMain11 (class with main)
- ClassPanel11 (custom JPanel class)
- Notice that the buildings move everytime you
resize the frame. This is because the
paintComponent method is called to redraw the
screen and it resets the x, y locations of the
buildings. - What would you do to make 50 buildings instead of
20? - Suppose you wanted to also have round buildings?
13Control Structures and Arrays
- Checkerboard with checkers
- ArrayMain11 (class with main)
- ArrayPanel11.java ( custom JPanel class)
- Notice that the array is in the main method and
it is a two dimensional array to draw the
checkerboard. - The checkers areare drawn in paintComponent each
time a square(panel )is created . A random
number is called to determine whether to draw a
checker,another to determine if it should be red
or black. - Up to 5 red checkers are drawn and up to 8 black
checkers. The numbers of checkers drawn must be
static, to keep the count the same for each
14Mouse Events and Arrays
- Draws Lines with Mouse and remembers them
- RubberLines.java (class with main)
- RubberPanel.java (panel with mouse listeners
which draws line) - This shows the use of the MouseListener
Interfaces and the methods that must be included.
Some are empty but still must be included.
15Dialog Boxes
- Dialog Boxes Program
- DialogBoxMain.java (dialog boxes in main method)
- Using Dialog box to do input and output
16Graphics with arrays and additional class
- Draw a box of crayons
- CrayonMain11.java (class with main)
- CrayonPanel.java (custom panel) with crayon and
color arrays - Crayon.java (class defining a crayon)
- Notice that paintComponent(Graphics g) is called
everytime you resize the screen. That means that
you must set up your loops in paintComponent and
in the draw method in Crayon so that they repeat.
If you used a while loop that kept adding to the
index, it would be out of bounds on the first
17Graphics with Other Classes and Arrays
- Bank Account-open account, deposit and withdraw
- ManageAccount.java(with main method)
- AccountPanel.java (setting up textfields and
buttons for GUI and creating an array of bank
accounts, blank ones to be used as users ask for
new accounts - BankAccount.java (class representing a bank
account) contains name, address (of Address
class) and balance - Address.java (class has all address fields)
- Note the use of nested classes, Address class
object is a variable of the BankAccount class
18Images and Timer class for animation
- The real Turtle moves in a wave motion
- ImageMain11.java (class with main)
- ImagePanel11.java (custom panel class) where
turtle image is added, implementing
ActionListener - Note that image is added by using ImageIcon
object - Note that if you do not check for x, y and change
direction, you may never see the turtle because
if x, and y just increase never decrease resizing
may put them off the frame.
19Arrays and String methods and the String
Tokenizer class
- Program to translate sentences into piglatin
- PigLatinMain.java (class with main, frame)
- PigLatinPanel.java (custom panel class)
20Additional class and complex actionPerformed
- Lotto Game-guess numbers or let computer pick
numbers and win - Project3.java (class with main)
- LottoPanel.java (custom panel class)sets up radio
buttons and textfields and implements
ActionListener (has actionPerformed method which
directs the game activities) - Lotto.java (class representing game)- a Lotto
object is created when the program is run, the
methods set up games, pick numbers and determine
winners and jackpots.
21Special Topic The Event Thread
- In our previous example
- import javax.swing.JFrame // trust us
- import javax.swing.JButton // trust us
- public class Example
- public static void main(String args)
- JFrame frame new JFrame("Button Example")
- frame.getContentPane().add(new JButton("Press
me!")) - frame.show()
- ... if you run the program, notice that the
window stays up with the button. The program
doesn't quit. - But isn't the program supposed to quit after the
last statement in main has been executed?
22Special Topic The Event Thread
- Yes and no.
- When you create a GUI widget (like a JFrame or a
JButton), Java fires up the GUI's event thread. - Now you have two things "running" in your
program your main thread (created when you
started main() ) and the GUI's event thread. - A program won't quit until all threads have quit.
Even if your main thread has exited, the GUI
event thread is still going. So your program
will continue to run.