Title: CM-707 Standalone Fingerprint Access Control System
1CM-707Standalone Fingerprint Access Control
800/1500 Fingerprints 50000/100000 Records
CM -707 is biometrics fingerprint recognition
standalone access control system .It can store up
to 800 ,1500 fingerprints and record data up to
50000 ,100000 records. Automatic time setting for
power on- off sleep mode, and system info mode.
Leading edge technology with Wigand standard
output 26 bits, which can set to access reader.
In addition, built-in controller can be connected
to electronic lock in order to use as access
control for open close the door
2 Technical Specification CM-707
- User capacity 800/1500
- Transaction capacity 50000/100000
- Verification mode 11
or 1N - Access Control 50 Time
Zone, 5 Group, 10 Combination, - Holiday Manage,
Support many fingerprint access -
Support standalone work - Electro Control
Directness relay output 3A/ 12V.DC - Communications RS232,
RS485, TCP/IP (UDP Protocol) - Keyboard and display LCD with 80
character and figure keypad - Power
9 24 V.DC, Stay current 0.50 mA, - Work
current 400 mA - Identification speed lt 2 Sec.
- FRR (False Rejection Rate) lt 1
- FAR (False Acceptance Rate) lt 0.0001
- Baud rate RS232
115200, RS485 115200, - TCP/IP
(RJ 45 interface) - Sensor
Optical CMOS - Operation Temperature 0 ?C - 45 ?C
3Communication CM 707 Access Control
Switch Hub
RS 485
Door Sensor
Power Supply 12 V DC 3 A
Door Bell
Magnetic Lock
Exit Switch
Glass Broken
4 CM- 708 Standalone
Fingerprint Access Control System
500/1500 Fingerprints 30000/100000 Records
CM -708 is biometrics fingerprint recognition
standalone access control system .It can store up
to 500 ,1500 fingerprints and record data up to
30000 ,100000 records. Automatic time setting for
power on- off sleep mode, and system info mode.
Leading edge technology with Wigand standard
output 26 bits, which can set to access reader.
In addition, built-in controller can be connected
to electronic lock in order to use as access
control for open close the door.
www.centurymien.com ,www.centurymien.co.th
5Technical Specification CM-708
- User capacity 500/1500
- Transaction capacity 30000/100000
- Verification mode 11 or 1N
- Access Control 50 Time Zone, 5
Group, 10 Combination, - Holiday Manage,
Support many fingerprint access - Intimidate
fingerprint access grade - security
management, Support standalone work - Electro Control Directness relay
output 3A/ 12V.DC - Communications RS232, RS485,
TCP/IP (UDP Protocol) - Keyboard and display LCD with 80 character and
figure keypad - Power 9 24
V.DC, Stay current 0.50 mA, - Work current
400 mA - Identification speed lt 2 Sec.
- FRR (False Rejection Rate) lt 1
- FAR (False Acceptance Rate) lt 0.0001
- Baud rate RS232 115200, RS485
115200, - TCP/IP (RJ 45
interface) - Sensor Optical CMOS
- Operation Temperature 0 ?C - 45 ?C
6Communication CM 708 Access Control
Switch Hub
RS 485
Door Sensor
Power Supply 12 V DC 3 A
Door Bell
Magnetic Lock
Exit Switch
Glass Broken