Title: WCS PowerPoint Presentation
1District World Community Service
2- Education
- Water Sanitation
- Health Hunger
Reduction of child mortality (30,000
3Finding Projects
- RI ProjectLINK
- RI International Service Update
international.service_at_rotary.org - RI Disaster relief relief_at_rotary.org.
- District WCS database
- Project Fairs
- Rotarian Action Groups
- Resource Groups
- District Governors focus
4Rotary Emphasis - Sustainability
- Community involvement
- Larger multi-facetted projects
5International Project Challenges
- Local knowledge
- Quality of record keeping
- Good/timely communications
- Financial due diligence
6Club Projects
- Use own club funds
- Contribute to others
- Access WRF matching
7Club Project - Leverage
8TRF Non competitive projects
- Size
- Matching available
- Reasonable paperwork
- Flexible application deadlines
9TRF Volunteer Service Grant
- preliminary WCS project planning
- 3000 max-travel incidentals
- 6000 for a group of 5 max.
- 3 month lead time
10TRF Matching Grants Non competitive
- Grant awards USD5000 - USD 25,000.
- accepted July 1-March 31.
- Matching
- 50 club funds,
- 100 DDF
- Lead time 8-12 weeks
- Apply to WRF TRF CRCID simultaneously.
11District Designated Funds (DDF)
- Guaranteed 1,000 per club Dec 31
- Competitive Jan 1-March 31
- TRF matches 11
- Apply using TRF application
- DWCS receives recommends
- DG TRF Committee Chair sign off
12Importance of Leverage
WRF Wild Rose Foundation TRF The Rotary
Foundation DDF District Designated Funds
13CRCID Canadian Rotary Collaboration for
International Development
- Rotary committee manages CIDA
- Programs supporting projects
- Matches 80 of TRF total
- 3 year program windows (2009-2011)
- Focus - water, literacy, health
14Now this is leverage!!!
15Competitive projects
- Large TRF Matching Grants gt25,000
- 3-H (Health, Hunger, Humanity)
16TRF Matching Grants competitive
- MG USD 25,001 USD 150,000
- Considered semi-annually
- Community Needs Assessment
- More due diligence
17TRF 3H Grants competitive
- Large long-term projects
- improve health
- alleviate hunger
- community development via self help activities.
- Project size 100,000-300,000
- Clubs donate 10, max 30,000
18MANDATE District WCS Committee
- Promote
- Inform
- Educate
- Track Report
19District WCS - Committee Members
- 15 Rotarians
- Liaise with assigned clubs
- Provide info to clubs
- Track club international involvement
- Prepare annual report
- Spending Seminar
- DG, DGE, DGN attend as able
- Casual visitors welcome
20District World Community Service
- International Projects
- Matching Grants, CRCID,
- Presentations, etc.
- See Contact Listing
21Club Liaison
- Calgary
- Lethbridge area
- Medicine Hat
- Red Deer area (open)
22Key roles
- District Grants Subcommittee Chair
- District CRCID rep
- Child Mortality Focus Grants
23Key roles - Resource Groups
- Health/Literacy/Water/Microcredit
- Reports to Zone on D5360 projects
- Source of info re projects
- Water Resource Group position open
24Child Mortality Focus Grants
- Incentive funds
- Projects to reduce infant mortality
- Via TRF Matching Grants
- Jacquie Brown
- (403) 540-5033
- jandwbrown_at_shaw.ca
25District Grants Subcommittee Chair
- For signature of completed
- TRF Matching Grant applications
- with/without DDF
- Garth Toombs
- (403) 239-6317
- garthtoombs_at_shaw.ca
27(No Transcript)
28Benefits of International Partners
- Rotary Club or NGO (both)
- Communications
- Oversight
- Local knowledge
- TRF - leverage good governance
29Types of Projects
- Club
- Non competitive
- Competitive
30 Wild Rose Foundation
- Overdue reports block new applications
- Save time apply TRF WRF simultaneously
- Approval time approx. 8 weeks
- Web site http//www.wildrosefoundation.ca/
31(No Transcript)
32TRF Matching Grant Criteria
- 1) humanitarian in nature
- 2) clubs in two or more countries are involved
- 3) One of the countries contains the site of
the project
33CRCID Canadian Rotary Collaboration for
International Development
- Clubs apply to create programs
- Or apply to create projects supporting existing
programs - Match 80 of Canadian funds
- Deadline for new programs Sept 2008
34TRF Matching Grants non competitive
- Lead time 8-12 weeks
- Rotarian control
- project management,
- funds
- Cooperating NGO
- Apply to WRF CRCID TRF simultaneously.
- Overdue reports block applications
35TRF 3H Grants competitive
- Demonstrable sustainability
- Prior track record with foreign club
- Community needs assessment
- Applications - March 31st deadline, reviewed
August. - Significant up-front planning, long term