Implementing lists: array implementation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Implementing lists: array implementation


Implementations on a primitive language-provided structure called an array. ... Elements must be moved starting with the last, or else elements will be overwritten. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Implementing lists: array implementation

Chapter 21
  • Implementing lists array implementation

This chapter discusses
  • Implementing the class List.
  • Implementations on a primitive language-provided
    structure called an array.
  • Several important relationships between classes
    used to effect various implementations.

  • array a structure composed of a contiguous
    sequence of variables, all of the same type.
  • Individual variables are identified by index
    values or indexes.
  • Index values are integers, (beginning with 0 in
  • Components or elements are the variables that
    comprise the array.
  • They are a primitive type (char, int, boolean,
    double, etc.) or a reference type (reference to
    an object).

Arrays (cont.)
  • The length of the array is the number of
    component variables that comprise it.
  • With length n, the component variables are
    indexed 0 through n-1.

Arrays (cont.)
  • The length of an array is fixed when the array is
  • Since contiguous memory is allocated for the
    variables, accessing a particular variable in the
    array requires a constant amount of time
    independent of the array length.

Arrays (cont.)
  • Suppose each variable in a particular array may
    take up four bytes, and memory is allocated
    starting at location 100
  • The address of the variable with index i is
  • (starting address)(variable size)(element
  • The calculation of the address requires constant
    time, independent of the index and independent of
    the size of the array.

Array objects
  • Arrays in Java are encapsulated in objects.
  • Array objects have a public int component length.
  • The class of an array is determined by the type
    of its component variables.
  • The class is written as the component type
    followed by a pair of brackets.
  • int
  • Student

Defining arrays
  • int grades
  • Student cs2125
  • int grades
  • Student cs2125
  • The variable contains a reference to an array
  • We use a constructor to create the array object.
  • grades new int5
  • cs2125 new Student5

Defining arrays (cont.)
Defining arrays (cont.)
  • The component variables of the arrays are
    initialized with standard default values. e.g. 0
    for int, null for references.
  • The length given in the constructor need not (and
    generally should not) be a literal.
  • cs2125 new StudentstudentCount
  • grades new int4cs2125.length

Accessing array components
  • A reference to the array is followed by an index
    value in brackets.
  • grades3 100
  • grades4 grades3/2
  • cs21250 new Student()
  • cs21250.payFees(100)
  • int i
  • for(i 0 i lt grades.length ii1)
  • gradesi 100
  • The index value must be an int, non-negative, and
    less than the length of the array.

Accessing array components (cont.)
  • If an array is referenced with an index that is
    negative or is not less than the array length, an
    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.

  • public abstract class BoundedList
  • A list of objects with a fixed maximum size.
  • protected BoundedList (int maxSize)
  • Create a new BoundedList with a specified
    maximum size.
  • require
  • maxSize gt 0
  • ensure
  • isEmpty(new BoundedList(n))
  • Since the class is abstract and an abstract
    constructor can be invoked only by a subclass, it
    is declared protected.

BoundedList (cont.)
  • Component variables
  • private Object elements
  • private int size
  • elements will hold the components of the array.
  • size will hold the current length of the list
    (not the maximum number of elements).

BoundedList (cont.)
  • protected BoundedList (int maxSize)
  • Require.condition(maxSize gt 0)
  • elements new ObjectmaxSize
  • size 0
  • public int size()
  • return this.size
  • public Object get (int i)
  • Require.condition(0 lt i i lt size)
  • return elementi
  • public void append (Object obj)
  • Require.notNull(obj)
  • Require.condition(size lt elements.length)
  • elementssize obj
  • size size1

BoundedList (cont.)
  • public void add (int i, Object obj)
  • Require.notNull(obj)
  • Require.condition( 0 lt i i lt size)
  • Require.condition(size lt elements.length)
  • int j
  • for (j size-1 j gt i j j-1)
  • elementsj1 elementj
  • elementsi obj
  • size size 1
  • public void remove (int i)
  • Require.condition(0 lt i i lt size)
  • int j
  • for ( j i j lt size-1 j j1)
  • elementsj elementj1
  • size size - 1

BoundedList (cont.)
  • public void set (int i, Object obj)
  • Require.notNull(obj)
  • Require.condition( 0 lt i i lt size)
  • elementsi obj
  • public void clear ()
  • size 0

BoundedList (cont.)
  • The methods add (and remove) shuffle a portion
    of the array up or down.
  • Elements must be moved starting with the last, or
    else elements will be overwritten.

BoundedList (cont.)
  • For instance, if we write
  • for ( j i j lt size j j1)
  • elementsj1 elementsj

BoundedList (cont.)
  • When elements are deleted with clear or remove,
    there is no need to set array components to null.
  • These elements are considered invalid it does
    not matter what they contain.

BoundedList (cont.)
  • public boolean isEmpty ()
  • return this.size() 0
  • public int indexOf (Object obj)
  • int i
  • int n this.size()
  • i 0
  • while (i ltn !obj.equals(get(i)))
  • i i1
  • if (i n)
  • return -1
  • else
  • return i

BoundedList (cont.)
  • public String toString ()
  • String s
  • int n this.size()
  • if (n gt 0)
  • s s this.get(0).toString()
  • int i
  • for(i 1 i lt n i i1)
  • s s ,
  • this.get(i).toString()
  • s s
  • public int maxSize ()
  • return elements.length

The method copy
  • We make a shallow copy of the list. i.e. the
    original list and the copy reference the same
    list elements.

The method copy (cont.)
  • public BoundedList copy()
  • int i
  • BoundedList theCopy new
  • BoundedList(elements.length)
  • for (i 0 i lt size ii1)
  • theCopy.elementsi this.elementsi
  • theCopy.size this.size
  • return theCopy
  • //This doesnt work because BoundedList is an
    abstract class.

Java Interface Cloneable
  • Object class has a method clone.
  • protected Object clone ()
  • throws CloneNotSupportedException
  • Create a copy of this Object.
  • This method has these properties
  • s ! s.clone()
  • s.equals(s.clone())
  • s.clone() instanceof Student //of course we are
    implying that s is a Student.
  • Since clone returns an object, it is often
    necessary to cast the result.
  • Student s2 (Student) s.clone()

Java Interface Cloneable (cont.)
  • public interface Cloneable
  • Any class that supports the method clone should
    implement this interface. If not, a
    CloneNotSupportedException is thrown.
  • The method clone works essentially like this
  • if (this instanceof Cloneable)
  • Object copy new instance of this class
  • for each component variable v of this
  • copy.v this.v
  • return copy
  • else
  • throw CloneNotSupportedException

Java Interface Cloneable (cont.)
  • Implementing the interface does not require a
    class to implement any methods the class
    inherits the method clone implemented in the
    class Object.

Java Interface Cloneable (cont.)
  • If Java were built with multiple inheritance,
    Cloneable would be a class from which other
    objects could inherit and the method clone would
    be defined there.

Java Interface Cloneable (cont.)
  • It simply turns on the method clone inherited
    from Object.

  • public abstract class BoundedList implements
  • public Object clone()
  • BoundedList theCopy
  • (BoundedList)super.clone()

BoundedList (cont.)
  • We may want a less shallow copy of the list so
    that we can manipulate the list and its clone

BoundedList (cont.)
  • public Object clone()
  • try
  • BoundedList theCopy
  • (BoundedList)super.clone()
  • theCopy.elements
  • (Object)this.elements.clone()
  • return theCopy
  • catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
  • return null

  • We need to cast the result explicitly to
    BoundedList or Object as appropriate.
  • Javas scoping rules allow private components of
    the BoundedList theCopy to be accessed directly
    in the method.
  • Since the Object method clone is specified as
    possibly throwing a CloneNotSupportedException,
    we must include a try statement and catch it, or
    include a throws clause in the specifications of
    the method.

Implementation (cont.)
  • In order to have an abstract class that creates a
    new object, we implement a method like this
  • public BoundedList copy ()
  • return (BoundedList) this.clone()
  • The object created by the call to super.clone()
    will be of the same run-time class as the object
    executing the call.

Abstract Constructor
  • An abstract method can be used like a constructor
    for creating objects in a superclass.
  • Sometimes it is called a factory method.
  • Subclasses implement the method and determine
    which actual concrete class to instantiate.
  • public abstract BoundedList createList (int
  • Create a new BoundedList with a specified
    maximum size.
  • require
  • maxSize gt 0
  • ensure
  • isEmpty(createList(n))

Abstract constructor (cont.)
Abstract constructor (cont.)
  • public class BoundedStudentList extends
  • /
  • Create a new BoundedStudent list
  • require
  • maxSize gt 0
  • ensure
  • isEmpty(createList(n))
  • createList(n) instanceof
  • BoundedStudentList
  • /
  • public BoundedList createList (int
  • maxsize)
  • return new BoundedStudentList
  • (maxsize)

Abstract constructor (cont.)
  • public BoundedList copy()
  • int i
  • BoundedList theCopy createList(
  • this.element.size)
  • for (i 0 i lt this.size ii1)
  • theCopy.elementsithis.elementsi
  • theCopy.size this.size
  • return theCopy

Advantages of arrays
  • Elements can be accessed efficiently get,
    append, and set all operate in constant time.

Limitations of arrays
  • The array is static. The client must have a good
    idea of the ultimate size of a list when the list
    is created.
  • Too large means wasted space.
  • Too small causes failure.
  • Operations remove, add, and indexOf all are
  • Conclusions
  • Not the best implementation for dynamic lists.
  • Often a good choice for static lists.

Dynamic arrays
  • A bounded list has a maximum size.
  • A dynamic list has no maximum size.
  • A static array can be made into a dynamic array
    by simply creating a bigger array when the
    original array is full.

Dynamic lists
  • public void append (Object obj)
  • Require.notNull(obj)
  • if (this.size elements.length)
  • // need a bigger array
  • Object newArray new
  • Object2elements.length
  • //copy contents of old array to new
  • int i
  • for(i 0 i lt elements.length ii1)
  • newArrayi elementsi
  • elements newArray
  • elementssize obj
  • size size 1
  • /append becomes a very expensive operation
    because there is the possibility of having to
    copy the entire array into a new array. (linear
    time) /

Vector class
  • Vector class is a container class that
    encapsulates a dynamic use of arrays.
  • public Vector ()
  • public Vector (int initialCapacity)
  • public Vector (int initialCapacity, int
  • New Vector (100,20)
  • default initialCapacity 10
  • default capacityIncrement 0
  • capacityIncrement of 0 means it doubles everytime
    it outgrows capacity.

  • A class that adds functionality to or modifies
    the specification of another class.
  • A class that provides required functionality but
    lacks the required interface can be tailored to
    fit our needs by wrapping the class in a wrapper
  • Vector has all of the functionality and most of
    the methods of lists.

Wrapper specifications
  • public Object elementAt(int index)
  • The element at the given array index.
  • public int indexOf (Object elem)
  • Index of the given element -1 if the array does
    not contain the element.
  • public int size ()
  • The number of elements in the Vector.
  • public Object clone()
  • A new copy of the Vector.
  • public void addElement (Object elem)
  • Add the element to the end of the Vector size
    is increased, and capacity is incremented if
  • public void insertElementAt (Object obj, int
  • Add the given element at the given array index,
    shifting elements up as necessary.

Wrapper specifications (cont.)
  • public void removeElementAt (int index)
  • Remove the element at the given index, and shift
    higher indexed elements down.
  • public void setElementAt (Object obj, int index)
  • Replace the element at the specified array index
    with the Objectt provided.
  • public String toString()
  • A string representation of this Vector,
    containing the String representation of each
  • public void removeAllElements()
  • Removes all the components from this Vector and
    sets its size to zero.
  • The time complexity of the methods is the same as
    with BoundedList.

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Weve covered
  • Javas array classes
  • Object arrays used to implement a version of the
    class List
  • Cloning arrays
  • Solving the fixed array limitation
  • Vectors
  • Dynamic arrays
  • Wrappers
  • Time complexities.

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