Violent Crime - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Violent Crime


Aggression and violence are inborn instincts. Violence ... Psychopharmacological relationship: between drugs and crime ... Sexist treatment by the legal system ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Violent Crime

Chapter 10
Violent Crime
  • Expressive violence acts the vent rage, anger,
    and frustration
  • Instrumental violence acts that improve a
    financial or social position

The Causes of Violence
  • Personal Traits and Makeup
  • Neurological impairments
  • Low intelligence
  • Abnormal personality structures

The Causes of Violence
  • Evolutionary Factors/Human Instinct
  • Eros the life instinct
  • Thanatos the death instinct
  • Aggression and violence are inborn instincts
  • Violence is committed primarily by males

The Causes of Violence
  • Substance Abuse
  • Psychopharmacological relationship between drugs
    and crime
  • Economic Compulsive Behavior drug ingestion may
    cause economic compulsive behavior
  • Systemic link occurs when drug dealers turn
    violent in competition with rival gangs

The Causes of Violence
  • Socialization and Upbringing
  • Children exposed to violence at home, school, and
    environment are more likely to use violence
  • Parents who fail to set adequate limits reinforce
    a childs coercive behavior
  • Physical punishment may lead to anger and defiance

The Causes of Violence
  • Abused Children
  • Abused children are likely to later engage in
    delinquent behaviors
  • Abused children are likely to physically abuse
  • Abused children are likely to engage in spousal

The Causes of Violence
  • The Brutalization Process
  • Lonnie Athens links violence to early child abuse
  • Classified people into nonviolent, violent, and
    incipiently violent
  • Four types of violent attacks 1) physically
    defensive, 2) frustrative, 3) malefic, and 4)

The Causes of Violence
  • Exposure to Violence
  • People who are constantly exposed to violence may
    adopt violent methods themselves
  • Girls are more likely to be victims of sexual
    abuse and boys are more likely to participate in
    fights, stabbings or shootings
  • Crusted over refers to children who do not
    express their feelings (vulnerable to the lure of
    delinquent gangs)

The Causes of Violence
  • Cultural values/Subculture of Violence
  • Marvin Wolfgang and Franco Ferracuti formulated
    the concept of a subculture of violence
  • Violence is legitimized by norms and customs
  • Violence is higher in subculture areas within
    urban areas

The Causes of Violence
  • Peer Group Influences
  • Gangs are more likely to own guns and weapons
  • Gang violence may be initiated for
  • Display of toughness
  • Retaliation for actual or perceived grievances
  • Protection of ownership (graffiti)
  • Protection of turf

The Causes of Violence
  • Regional Values
  • Raymond Gastil found a significant relationship
    between murder rates a residence in the South
  • Gastil contends the southern culture promotes
  • UCRs support the higher rates of murder in the

The Causes of Violence
  • National Values
  • National characteristics are predictive of
  • social disorganization
  • economic stress
  • child abuse rates
  • violence by government
  • political corruption
  • inefficient justice systems.

Forcible Rape
  • Common law definition the carnal knowledge of a
    female forcibly and against her will

Forcible Rape
  • History of Rape
  • Men staked claim to women by rape
  • Heiress stealing involved men trying to force
    wealthy women into marriage
  • Peasant women and married women could not be
    victims of rape until the 16th century

Forcible Rape
  • Rape and the Military
  • Rape has been associated with armies and warfare
    (spoils of war)
  • Rape has been used to intentionally impregnate
  • Rape is used as weapon of war

Forcible Rape
  • Incidence of Rape
  • 94,000 rapes/attempted rapes were reported in
    2003 (UCRs)
  • Rape has been in a decade-long decline
  • Population density influences rape
  • About 46 percent of rape offenders are under 25
    years of age
  • NCVS estimates rapes in 2003 were about 200,000

Forcible Rape
  • Types of Rape and Rapists
  • Some rapes are planned and some are spontaneous
  • Nicolas Groth suggested every rape encounter
    contains either anger, power, or sadism
  • Power rapist (55 percent)
  • Anger rapist (40 percent)
  • Sadistic rapist (5 percent)

Forcible Rape
  • Gang versus Individual Rape
  • Women subjected to rape by multiple offenders are
    more likely to experience violence such as
    beatings or the use of weapons
  • Gang rape victims are more likely to resist than
    those attacked by single victims
  • Gang rape victims are more likely to report the

Forcible Rape
  • Serial Rape
  • Serial rapists tend to be White males
  • Rape may be blitz styled or captured
  • Some use personal or professional relationships
    to gain access to their targets (I.E. police

Forcible Rape
  • Acquaintance Rape
  • Date Rape is estimated to affect 15 to 20
    percent of all college women
  • Marital Rape almost every state recognizes
    marital rape as a crime
  • Statutory Rape sexual relations between underage
    minor female and an adult male, which an be
    consensual or forced
  • About 50 percent of rape involves acquaintances

Forcible Rape
  • The Causes of Rape
  • Evolutionary, biological factors rape is
  • Male socialization men socialized to no means
    yes (virility mystique)
  • Hypermasculinity expression of male anger toward
  • Psychological abnormality narcissistic
    personality disorder
  • Social learning learned through interaction with
    peers (Nicholas Groth)
  • Sexual motivation Notion that rapists prefer
    younger victims. (most criminologist reject this

Forcible Rape
  • Rape and the Law
  • Sexist treatment by the legal system
  • Police may be hesitant when no obvious signs of
    violence has occurred
  • Aggravated rapes are prosecuted more frequently

Forcible Rape
  • Proving Rape
  • Jurors are often swayed by the notion the rape
    was victim precipitated
  • Prosecutors must establish the act was forced and
  • The victims demeanor is crucial to successful
  • Consent essential to prove the act was
  • Rape Shield Laws protect women from being
    questioned about sexual history
  • Violence Against Women Act in 1994 allows women
    to sue in federal court (civil rights violations)

Murder and Homicide
  • Definition of Murder the unlawful killing of a
    human being with malice aforethought.
  • Degrees of Murder
  • First-degree murder
  • Premeditation
  • Deliberation
  • Second-degree murder
  • Wanton disregard
  • Manslaughter
  • Voluntary (heat of passion)
  • Involuntary (negligent)
  • Born and alive
  • Feticide

Murder and Homicide
  • The Nature and Extent of Murder
  • About 16,300 people killed in 2003
  • Almost one-quarter of homicides occur in cities
    with populations of more than 1 million
  • Murder victims (75 percent) and offenders (90
    percent) tend to be male
  • About 49 percent of all victims are African
  • Infanticide (about 500 per year)
  • Eldercide (less than 5 percent per year)

Murder and Homicide
  • Weblink
  • http//

Murder and Homicide
  • Murderous Relations
  • Stranger homicides typically occur during
    commission of a felony
  • Acquaintance homicides are more common involving
    family and friends
  • Spousal Relations
  • Men may kill spouses or partners for fear of
    losing control and power
  • Most females murder after suffering repeated
    violent attacks
  • Some people kill mates out of jealousy (love

Murder and Homicide
  • Personal Relations
  • Most murder occurs between people who are
  • David Lukenbill suggested murder follows a
    sequential pattern after the victim makes what is
    considered an offensive move
  • Stranger Relations
  • Stranger homicides occur most frequently during
    rapes, robberies and burglaries
  • Impact of habitual criminal statutes
  • Student Relations
  • 90 percent of schools with 1000 or more students
    experience violence each year
  • Many offenders have history of being abused or

Murder and Homicide
  • Serial Murder
  • There are more than one type of serial killer
  • Thrill killers sexual sadism or dominance (most
  • Mission killers to reform the world
  • Expedience killers for profit or protection

Murder and Homicide
  • Serial Murderers and their Motivations
  • Violence begins in childhood
  • Mental illness, sexual frustration, neurological
    damage, child abuse, and neglect
  • Most experts view serial killers as sociopaths

Murder and Homicide
  • Female Serial Killers
  • 10-15 of serial killers are women
  • Males are more likely to use violence than women
  • Females are most likely to poison the victims
  • Education levels are below average and they are
    likely in low status positions, if employed

Assault and Battery
  • Definition of battery requires offensive
    touching (i.e slapping, hitting, or punching)
  • Definition of assault requires no actual
    touching, but involves wither attempted battery
    or intentionally frightening the victim by word
    or deed.

Assault and Battery
  • Nature and Extent of Assault
  • Road rage
  • 857,000 assaults reported in 2003
  • Most arrests are young White males (80 percent)
  • Assault rates highest in urban areas during the
    summer in the South and the West
  • Most common weapons are blunt instruments

Assault and Battery
  • Assault in the home
  • Women face the greatest risk of assault
  • Child Abuse
  • Child Abuse (85 percent of fatalities were
    younger than six years of age)
  • Neglect (59 percent)
  • Physical abuse (19 percent)
  • Sexual abuse (10 percent)
  • Emotional abuse (7 percent)

Assault and Battery
  • Causes of Child Abuse
  • Family violence is perpetuated
  • Abusive parents were abused themselves
  • Blended families
  • Parents isolated from friends, neighbors, or

Assault and Battery
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Women suffer some form of sexual violence (1 in
  • Recent studies suggest incidence of sexual abuse
    is in decline
  • Effectiveness of prevention
  • Overlooked cases
  • Children who have been abused experience
    life-long symptoms

Assault and Battery
  • Parental Abuse
  • The younger the child the higher the rate of
    Child-to-parent violence
  • Children are more violent to mothers
  • Boys hit parents more than girls do

Assault and Battery
  • Spousal Abuse
  • Occurred throughout recorded history
  • Nature and Extent of Spousal Abuse
  • Observers suggest 16 percent of families
    experienced husband-wife assaults
  • Factors associated with spousal abuse include
    alcohol, hostility, excessive brooding, social
    approval, socioeconomic factors, flashes of
    anger, military service, having been battered as
    a child, and unpredictableness

  • Definition of robbery the taking or attempting
    to take anything of value from the care, custody
    or control of a person or persons by force or
    threat of force or violence and/or by putting the
    victim in fear.
  • In 2003, the FBI recorded 413,000 robberies
    compared to 554, 000 by the NCVS
  • Northeastern states have the highest rates
  • There has been a decade-long drop in rates

  • The Armed Robber
  • Unlikely to be a professional rather
  • Robberies seem to peak during the winter months
  • Choose vulnerable victims

  • Acquaintance Robbery
  • Victims are often reluctant to report
    acquaintance robbery
  • Some robbers are motivated by street justice
  • Because the robber knows the person, they will
    have inside information
  • Acquaintance robbers frequently target people in
    close proximity because of the convenience

  • Rational Robbery
  • Most robbers are opportunistic
  • Patterns of robbery suggest it is not a random
  • Robbers choose vulnerable victims and times
  • Women robbers may feign sexual interests to lure
    a victim

Emerging Forms of Interpersonal Violence
  • Hate Crimes are violent acts directed toward a
    particular person or members of a group merely
    because the targets share certain racial, ethnic,
    religious, or gender characteristics
  • Thrill-seeking hate crimes (sadistic thrills)
  • Reactive hate crimes (defensive stand)
  • Mission hate crimes (duty bound)
  • Retaliatory hate crimes are committed in response
    to hate crime whether real or percieved

Emerging Forms of Interpersonal Violence
  • The Nature and Extent of Hate Crime
  • During 2003, 9,100 offenses were reported
  • Racial bias accounts for nearly 49 percent
  • Religious bias accounts for 17 percent
  • Ethnicity or national origin bias accounts for 14
  • Bias against physical or mental disability
    accounts for 0.5 percent

Emerging Forms of Interpersonal Violence
  • Controlling Hate Crimes
  • Most state have enacted some form of legislation
    to combat hate crime
  • 39 states have laws against bias motivated
  • 19 states have mandates regarding the collection
    of hate crime data
  • Some suggest bias crimes should be punished more
    severely due to the likely chance of violence
  • Legal Controls
  • Virginia v. Black (2003) upheld by the Supreme
    Court prohibiting cross burning as intimidation

Emerging Forms of Interpersonal Violence
  • Workplace Violence
  • Considered the third leading cause of
    occupational injury or death
  • More than 2 million people are victimized each
  • Creating Workplace Violence
  • Factors include management style, romantic
    relationships, and irate clients and customers
  • The Extent of Workplace Violence
  • 18 percent of all violent crime
  • Assaults are the most common (1.3 million)
  • Police officer are the greatest risk, along with
    correctional officers, taxi drivers, and

Emerging Forms of Interpersonal Violence
  • Stalking
  • Affects 1.4 million victims annually
  • Most stalking stops within one to two years
  • Most victims know their stalker
  • Women are most likely to be stalked by an
    intimate partner, whereas men are stalked by
    strangers or casual acquaintances

  • What is Terrorism?
  • International terrorism involves citizens or
    territory of more than one country
  • Typically involves a type of political crime to
    promote change
  • Some terrorists seek to bring about economic or
    social reforms (labor or wearing fur disputes)
  • Terrorist and Guerilla terms used interchangeably
    but they are different (terrorists have urban

  • A Brief History of Terrorism
  • Assassination of Caesar considered terrorism
  • Became popular during the French Revolution
  • The Irish Republican Army (1916)
  • Resistance to German troops during WW II

  • Contemporary Forms of Terrorism
  • Revolutionary Terrorism Use violence in an
    attempt to replace the existing government
  • Political Terrorism Is directed shaping
    political or religious ideology
  • Nationalist Terrorism Ethnic or religious groups
    wanting its own independent homeland
  • Cause-Based Terrorism Use violence to impose
    their social or religious code on the world
  • Environmental Terrorism Is directed at slowing
    down developers believed to be threatening the
  • State-Sponsored Terrorism Repressive government
    regime forces its people into oppression and
    stifles political dissent
  • Criminal Terrorism Incorporates crimes such as
    drug dealing, kidnapping, and selling of nuclear

  • What Motivates Terrorists?
  • Socialization to violence
  • Extreme ideological beliefs
  • Feelings of alienation and failure (psychological

  • Responses to Terrorism
  • Increased intelligence gathering (globally)
  • 1994 Violent Crime Act (authorized death penalty
    for terrorists)
  • USA Patriot Act ( investigation tactics)
  • The Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force (2001)

  • Law Enforcement Responses
  • FBI and creation of the Cyber Division
  • Homeland Security
  • BTS (Borders and Transportation Security)
  • EPR (Emergency Preparedness and Response)
  • ST (Research and development of WMD)
  • IAIP (Information Analysis and Infrastructure
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