- Judy Hanna
- National President
- 2007
- The Federation will provide leadership,
- advocacy and support for principals in their
- professional role.
3The Federations Core Beliefs
- Advocacy for principals should always be
consistent with the best interests of all
children - Empowering principals in their leadership role is
critical to the quality of education in New
. .
4Core Beliefs
- Maintaining a professional organisation is
important for advancing educational aims in New
Zealand schools. - There should be equity of access to quality
lifelong learning for all students and teachers.
- This requires adequate State funded resourcing,
co-ordinated social policy, and highly skilled
5School Management Team
- To develop, progress and monitor
issues/initiatives - - Curriculum
- - Assessment
- - Student Management Systems
- - NEMP
- - SPARC (sport recreation)
- - Education Outside The Classroom
- - Literacy
- - Numeracy
- - Financial Planning Resourcing
- Julie Hepburn
- Jacqui Duncan
- Paul Drummond
6Current Future DirectionsPolicy Constitution
- To develop and review NZPF policies, and to
formulate and advocate amendments intended to
improve or update the constitution - To develop relationships with political parties
and politicians - Develop new initiatives to generate debate on
the future direction for NZPF as a professional
- Paddy Ford
- Geoff Lovegrove
- Barry Hambleton
7Professional Leadership Team
- To develop, progress and monitor
issues/initiatives to do with professional
leadership including - Professional Development
- Leadspace PEN
- Appointments / Appraisals
- Professional Standards for Principals
- Career Pathways
- Aspiring Leaders AP / DP
- Kiwi Leadership Framework
- Leadership knowledge, skills and attributes
- Liz Millar
- Marion Fitchett
- Peter Simpson
- David Ellery
8New Initiatives / Issues Principal Support /
Hauora Team
- To filter new / emerging issues as they arise
that dont necessarily fit one of the other
teams, or can be handled quickly. - To develop, progress and monitor issues /
initiatives to do with Principal Support / Hauora
including - - Helpline
- - Legal Benefits
- - Special Needs
- - Sudents at Risk
- - Rural / Remote
- - Workload
- - Compliance Reduction
- Ernie Buutveld
- Pat Newman
- Colleen Murray
- Peter Witana
- ICP Convention, Auckland, April 2-5
- Celebrating Education in NZ.
- Leading Learning May 21 -25
10Membership Benefits
- Helpline
- Email tree
- Principal Magazine
- Opportunity to join Legal Benefits scheme
- ICP member
- Representation through Executive on all Reference
12- All NZers have a right to an educational system
that provides equity of educational opportunities
in a culturally diverse environment. We believe
that our national state funded education must
deliver equity of access to quality life long
education and should encompass the 4 competencies
for the 21st century -learning,
citizenship, relating to people and managing
13Teacher Capability
- New Zealand schools will be staffed by highly
skilled teachers who are committed to student
learning and educational achievement.
- New Zealand schools will receive adequate
resourcing to achieve agreed educational aims and
15Principals Professional Development
- New Zealand principals will have the opportunity
to access high quality professional development
which enables them to be effective school
16Social Policy/Responsibility
- Children will live in safe, nurturing
environments that maximise educational
opportunity and motivation to learn.
- That New Zealand schools deliver an authentic
curriculum that reflects UNESCOs four pillars,
learning to know, learning to do, learning to
live together and learning to be.
- Moot 2006
- Focus on successful strategies being used in
regions to support principals - Reminder that local support and local solutions
are very effective. Use local knowledge/expertise/
networks. - Its ok to ask for help .
19Priorities for 2007
- Increase in the operations grant that recognises
the real cost of running a school. - Recognition that all schools need competent
office managers - Focus on Leadership Developments
- Reduction in compliances
- Help with behaviourally disturbed children
- Principal Wellbeing
- Recognition that school leaders do make a
difference in creating effective schools
21Here are some of the issues as identified by
- Shortage of quality teachers
- Increasing compliance
- Lack of resourcing
- Students disruptive behaviour
- Increased diversity among students.
22Rules For Head Teachers (circa 1848)
- They must have good morals.
- They must have sober habits.
- They must attend Sunday church services.
- They will be inspected annually.
- Their students will be tested annually
- Women must leave upon marriage.
23- Professional Leadership
- Shared Vision and Goals
- A Learning Environment
- Concentration on Teaching and Learning
- High Expectations
- Positive Reinforcement
- Monitoring Progress
- Pupil Rights and Responsibilities
- Purposeful teaching
- A Learning organisation
- Home-School partnership
- Changing Our Schools Stoll/Fink
24Self management
- Schools autonomy has allowed them to be creative
and successful - Creativity and autonomy creates optimism which
creates exciting teaching
26- What actually is our job.?
- Its all about children
- What do we want for the children in our schools?
27Transformational leadership..involve
s people
- Visionpassion, energy, inspiring
- Finding the way forwardleading the charge
- Clear set of values, provides a role model
- Challenges assumptions..takes risks
- Acts as mentor / coach.respects individual
- Relationships
- Communication
29 If you are a builder you join material together
to make a house. If you are a plumber you fix
leaks. If you are a hairdresser you improve on
nature, temporarily If you are a doctor you fix
bits. But if you are a School Leader you create
the future.
30Thank you
- For the work you are doing as Association
Presidents and as principals in our New Zealand