ABET Accreditation of SE Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ABET Accreditation of SE Program


Policies for transfer students and transfer credit ... Changed the CS 4385 - Software Project class from three to four credit hours (becoming SE 4485) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ABET Accreditation of SE Program

ABET Accreditationof SE Program
  • Department of Computer Science
  • UT Dallas

2003-04 EAC Criteria(For BS SE program)
  • I. Students
  • The institution must evaluate, advice, and
    monitor students to determine its success in
    meeting program objectives
  • Policies for transfer students and transfer
  • Procedures to assure that all students meet all
    program requirements.
  • II. Program Educational Objectives
  • Each Engineering program must have in
  • Educational objectives that are consistent with
    the mission
  • Process in which the objectives are determined
    and periodically evaluated
  • Curriculum, processes that ensure the achievement
    of these objectives
  • A system of ongoing evaluation that demonstrates
    achievement of these objectives and uses the
    results to improve the program

2003-04 EAC Criteria
  • III. Program Outcomes and Assessment (a-k)
  • Engineering Programs must demonstrate that
    their graduates have
  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
    science and engineering
  • An ability to design and construct experiments,
    as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • And ability to design a system, component or
    process to meet desired needs
  • An ability to function on interdisciplinary teams
  • An ability to identify, formulate and solve
    engineering problems
  • An understanding of professional and ethical
  • An ability to communicate effectively
  • The broad education necessary to understand the
    impact of engineering in a global and societal
  • A recognition of the need for, and an ability to
    engage in life-long learning
  • A knowledge of contemporary issues
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills and
    modern engineering tools necessary for
    engineering practice

2003-04 EAC Criteria
  • III. Program Outcomes and Assessment (cont)
  • Each program must have an assessment process with
    documented results
  • Provide evidence that the results are applied to
    the further development and improvement of the
  • Demonstrate that outcomes, objectives are being
  • Professional Component
  • The Curriculum must include
  • A major design experience
  • One year of mathematics and basic sciences
    appropriate to the discipline
  • One and one-half years of engineering topics
    appropriate to the students field of study
  • General education component consistent with the

2003-04 EAC Criteria
  • V. Faculty
  • Sufficient size and competencies to cover all
    curricular areas
  • Adequate levels of student-faculty interaction,
    advising, service, professional development,
    interactions with practitioners, employers
  • Qualifications and authority for proper guidance
    of the program and for evaluation, assessment,
    and continuing improvement processes.
  • VI. Facilities
  • Classrooms, labs, equipments must be adequate to
    accomplish the program objectives
  • Foster faculty-student interaction and encourage
    professional development
  • Provide opportunites for students to learn the
    use of modern engineering tools
  • Infrastructure to support scholarly activities of
    students, faculty and the educational objectives
    of the institution

2003-04 EAC Criteria
  • VII. Institutional Support and Financial
  • Institutional support, financial resources,
    leadership that are adequate to ensure the
    quality and continuity of the engineering program
  • Sufficient resources to attract, retain, and
    provide for professional development of a
    well-qualified faculty
  • Sufficient resources to acquire, maintain, and
    operate appropriate facilities and equipment
  • Support personnel and services must be adequate
    to meet program needs
  • VIII. Program Criteria
  • Each program must satisfy applicable program
    criteria specific to the program

2003-04 EAC Criteria
  • Program Criteria for Software Engineering
  • The curriculum must provide both breadth and
    depth across the range of engineering and
    computer science topics implied by the title and
    objectives of the program
  • The program must demonstrate that graduates have
  • ability to analyze, design, verify, validate,
    implement, apply, and maintain
    software systems
  • ability to appropriately apply topics from
    Math/CS to complex software systems
  • ability to work in significant application

Accreditation Process
Accreditation Process
  • The CS Dept., ECS School have in place
  • Educational objectives and outcomes for each
  • Educational objectives for each class
  • Mapping of outcomes to objectives
  • Assessment of objectives and outcomes
  • Exit Surveys
  • Alumni focus groups and surveys
  • Employer focus group and surveys
  • Industrial Advisory Board
  • Curriculum committees to review input and
    recommend changes

Industrial Advisory Board
  • The IABs involvement in the accreditation
    process includes helping to
  • determine goals and educational objectives
  • assess goals, objectives
  • establish goals for outcomes
  • assess outcomes
  • review degree requirements and proposed changes

Goals of the Software Engineering Program
  • The mission of the undergraduate Software
    Engineering program is to provide students with a
    solid foundation in theory and practice of
    software engineering, and to prepare them for
    productive long-term careers in industry and
  • The program prepares Software Engineering
    graduates to meet the immediate needs of the
    software development industry, adapt themselves
    to the rapidly evolving industry needs, and
    further their education in graduate school.

BS-SE Educational Objectives
  • PEO-1 effectively apply knowledge of
    programming, algorithms, data structures, and
    software engineering to the development of
    complex software systems.
  • PEO-2 communicate technical concepts effectively
    in both written documents and oral presentations.
  • PEO-3 design and analyze software at the
    component, subsystem, and software architecture
    levels and make informed, sound software design
  • PEO-4Understand the social and ethical issues
    that arise in their work and deal with them
  • PEO-5 Understand the importance of all phases of
    the software lifecycle, with emphasis on the need
    to plan for change and continuously vie to
    improve the software process.
  • PEO-6 work effectively in a software development
    team and with other engineering professionals.
  • PEO-7 appreciate the need for lifelong learning
    and adapt to rapid technological changes

BS-SE Outcomes (ABET 2000)
  • Engineering programs must demonstrate that their
    graduates have
  • a) An ability to apply knowledge of
    mathematics, science and engineering
  • An ability to design and construct experiments,
    as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • And ability to design a system, component or
    process to meet desired needs
  • d) An ability to function on interdisciplinary
  • An ability to identify, formulate and solve
    engineering problems
  • An understanding of professional and ethical
  • An ability to communicate effectively
  • The broad education necessary to understand the
    impact of engineering in a global and societal
  • A recognition of the need for, and an ability to
    engage in life-long learning
  • A knowledge of contemporary issues
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills and
    modern engineering tools necessary for
    engineering practice

BS-SE Outcomes (SE-Specific)
  • se1 Ability to analyze software systems.
  • se2 Ability to design software systems.
  • se3 Ability to verify software systems.
  • se4 Ability to validate software systems.
  • se5 Ability to implement software systems.
  • se6 Ability to apply software systems.
  • se7 Ability to maintain software systems.
  • se8 Ability to appropriately apply discrete
    mathematics to complex
  • software systems.
  • se9 Ability to appropriately apply probability
    and statistics to complex
  • software systems.
  • se10 Ability to appropriately apply relevant
    topics in Computer Science
  • and supporting disciplines to complex
    software systems.
  • se11 Ability to work in one or more significant
    application domains.

Objectives to outcomes mapping
BS-SE Revisions
  • Added CS 4381 Software Project Planning and
    Management to the required core classes for the
  • Changed the CS 4385 - Software Project class from
    three to four credit hours (becoming SE 4485)
  • Added a Guided Elective to the degree
    requirements (3 hrs)
  • Reduced the free elective requirement from 15 to
    12 hours
  • Used 2 or 3 guided electives to implement some
    application domains (per SE-specific ABET
  • A new Information Assurance application domain
  • Embedded systems application domain revised
  • SE 4340 (Computer Architecture) class changed to
  • Focus on industrial projects for the Senior
    Design Experience (SE 4485)
  • 3390 3354 made co-requisites
  • These changes increased the degree requirements
    from 120 hours to 124 and strengthened the
    engineering/design content of the degree.

CS/SE Assessmt. Proc.
  • CLOs designed for each course (put in syllabus of
    each course)
  • Outcomes measured (in-class self assessment) end
    of course
  • Improvements to be made decided upon
  • Implemented in the next offering of the course
  • The course coordinator collects individual
    instructor input consolidates the suggested
    improvements and shares with course instructors
    and program heads ABET/SACS Day held
  • Significant issues exposed taken to the
    curriculum committee
  • Curriculum committee (CC) recommendations taken
    to faculty
  • Faculty deliberates and approves/disapproves
    recommendations recommendations made by CC may
    be modified
  • Program admin. implement the recommendations
  • Process repeats

Curriculum Updates
  • Minor in CS added
  • Minor in information assurance added
  • Certificate in information assurance added
  • 2 New classes added (digital forensics, data
    app. Security).
  • Particularly targeted to folks who already have
    a BS in CS and want to acquire knowledge in IA.
  • CS 4485 (Senior Design Class added)
  • CS 4375 (Machine Learning) added
  • CS 4395 (Computer Game Prog.) being added
  • CS 1336-1337 textbook changed to accommodate ATEC
  • CS 2336 being made even more project-oriented

2006 In-class Assessment
  • Educational objectives for each class measured by
    instructors each semester.
  • Started in Summer 2002, several adjustments over
    the past years
  • The process for collecting data is quite
    streamlined (folders placed in faculty mailroom).
  • The data collected has been used for making
    revisions discussed earlier.
  • Also being done for graduate courses due to SACS
    visit in 2007/2008.

Self Assessment
Exit Survey
Alumni survey
a-k outcomes
SE-1 to SE-11
Exit Survey
Alumni Survey
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