Title: Terra BoligKreditt AS
1- Terra BoligKreditt AS
- Investor Presentation
- August 2009
3Norwegian Economy Stable outlook
- After a modest fall in mainland GDP this year,
the Central Bank expects normal growth in 2010. - Unemployment will rise and wage growth will
return to normal next year.
4Real GDP growth rate - Growth rate of GDP volume
- percentage change on previous year
Source EuroStat
5- Norway Strong government finances and
macroeconomic fundamentals - Rock solid economy, benefiting from strong oil
and gas revenues - GDP per capita of NOK 534,440 in 2008
- Government pension fund NOK 2,385 bn as of
30.06.2009 - Stable outlook for Norwegian property market
- (sources Statistics Norway, Norwegian Central
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7Governmental stimulus actions
8Norwegian Covered Bond legislation Role of
Covered bonds in Norway
9Norwegian Covered Bond framework
- Special banking principle
- Covered Bonds may only be issued by specialised
credit institutions supervised by the Norwegian
FSA - Eligible collateral
- Mortgage assets
- Residential property 75 LTV
- Commercial property 60 LTV
- Derivative agreements
- Substitution assets, max 20 of cover pool
- Monitoring of collateral value
- In case of significant value impairment, a new
prudent value has to be established. The part of
the loan exceeding LTV 75 (residential) and LTV
60 (commercial) are not to be included when
calculating the value of the pool - ALM requirements
- Matching requirements to control interest rate
and FX risk and payment ability
10Norwegian Covered Bond framework
- Supervision by an Independent Inspector
- An independent inspector, appointed by the
Norwegian FSA, supervises assets and liabilities,
and the compliance with the requirement laid down
in legislation - Bankruptcy proceedings
- Covered pool, covered bonds and secured
derivatives are separated from the bankruptcy
estate - Holders of covered bonds and secured derivatives
have a preferential claim on the cover pool - Timely payment assured for covered bond holders
and secured derivatives counterparts - Risk weighting and ECB eligibility
- Covered bonds are 10 risk weighted in Norway and
comply with CRD - Eligible for 10 risk weight in EU member states
- ECB eligible
11Role of the regulator
- Only a specialised mortgage credit institution
with governmental licence is entitled to issue
Norwegian covered bonds. - This licensed credit institution is supervised by
the Norwegian FSA, which also appoints an
independent inspector. - The inspectors role is, on a regularly basis, to
oversee that the register (cover pool and covered
bonds) is correctly maintained, and to review
compliance with the requirement concerning the
balance principle. - The inspector shall regularly inform the FSA of
his observations and assessments. - Both the FSA and the inspector are entitled to
receive all relevant information about the
business, and may conduct investigations at the
premises of the institution.
12Covered bonds are systemically important
- Covered bonds are the main driver for the
norwegian governments financial rescue plan
Swap agreement of CBs for Governmental
certificates with the Central Bank - Central bank and secretary of finance encourages
the use of CBs as funding instruments. - As opposed to Sweden, Norwegian firms can access
third party liquidity
13Terra Gruppen and its member banks
14- Terra is a banking alliance in Norway
- Terra is a strategic alliance of local Norwegian
savings banks - Terra is also a finance group
- The shareholder banks in Terra-Gruppen AS will
distribute the groups financial products
15- The Terra banks are the third largest financial
group by number of clients - Strong support from 78 owner banks and OBOS with
strong capital base - OBOS Nordic's largest housing cooperatives and
condominium association, 9.9 stake in TBK and 2
stake in terra group holding company.
16Terra-Gruppen AS - more than a holding company
- The Terra banks business is 80 retailed focused
offering products in - Deposit and Lending (on balance)
- Lending off balance by TBK
- Insurance
- Pension plans
- Mutual funds
- Credit- and debit card
- Etc
- All products (except own lending and deposit) are
produced or provided by Terra-Gruppen
17Terra-Gruppen AS - more than a holding company
- All banking business, including internet banking,
of the Terra banks is based on the Terra
IT-platform provided by SDC (owned 19 by
Terra-Gruppen) - The IT-agreements with the banks are perpetual
and may from the Terra banks side only be
terminated with three years notice (from
year-end) - All the support and development resources
(personnel) is outsourced to and employed in
Terra Gruppen, Terra Services and Terra Call
18Summary information about the banks in the Terra
- 78 smaller savings banks
- Total gross lending MNOK 150
- Total assets MNOK 181
- Geographically diversified
- Diversified management
19Historical losses on loans during the Norwegian
banking crisis 1987 - 93
20Net profit in of total assets during the
Norwegian banking crises 1987 - 93
21Terra BoligKreditt
22Terra BoligKreditt- a very low risk and
transparent covered bond issuer
- Purpose
- The purpose of Terra BoligKreditt is to provide
the Terra savings banks with a considerable part
of their funding needs, and to reduce the future
liquidity risk for the groups banks. - Strategy
- Terra BoligKreditt shall provide the Terra
savings banks with extra value by financing a
considerable part of their residential mortgages
(LTV 60) by issuing covered bonds.
23Business concept - Terra BoligKreditt
24Terra BoligKreditt (II) - a very low risk and
transparent covered bond issuer
A key and integral part of the Terra
Group Covered bonds are the backbone of the
Norwegian Governments Action plan for the
financial industry puts TBK in the central
Prudent underwriting standards Max LTV ratio 60
(covered bond legislation allows 75
LTV) Normally mortgages is limited to 3 x yearly
25The Terra banks CDs and bonds
26Funding Strategy and Activity
- Temporarily changes in funding strategy due to
the special market conditions - Use of CBs as collateral for liquidity support
from Norges Bank - Terra BoligKreditt is set up to grow organically
with the distributors demands - expects a continuing strong growth in the
mortgage portfolio for the next 2-3 years - Terra BoligKreditt aims to be a frequent borrower
both in the domestic and international market - Goal to have a diversified investor base
27TBK based on Danish model
- Terra Boligkreditt is based on model by
Totalkredit, Denmark. - Representative in the board during initial stages
- Developed the concept of cover pool safety even
further than the Danish model.
28- Cover pool consists of prime Norwegian
residential mortgages with low loan-to-values
no commercial real estate - Terra distributors are encouraged by guarantees
to pass high quality loans to Terra BoligKreditt - Terra BoligKreditt contractually commits to
maintain a minimum over-collateralisation at any
time (no minimum required by Law) - Refinancing risk is lower than in many other
jurisdictions as floating rates can be reset and
margin would always be retained by the pool - Swaps structured to ensure full protection and to
survive issuer's insolvency.
29- High quality mortgage portfolio
- No default loans or losses since start-up
- First loss guarantees on all loans from the
distributors - Allows only 60 LTV (covered bond legislation
allows 75 LTV) - 5 over-collateralisation in the cover pool
(contractually committed) - Publicly announced liquidity requirement of 6
30Guarantees from the banks
Moodys The members of the Terra Group are
incentivised by guarantee obligations to pass
high quality loans to the issuer.
31Underwriting criteria- The ability to repay the
- Normally mortgage is limited to 3 x income
(joint) - All applications are income-verified
32Underwriting criteria- The collateral offered as
- Max LTV 60
- The value of the property offered as collateral
must be rigorously documented - Valuation cannot be older than 12 months at the
date of disbursement - The collateral of mortgage portfolio is
re-valued on a quarterly basis
All third-party valuations need to be based on a
physical survey of the property
33Strengths of the Terra BoligKreditt programme
- Distribution of residential mortgages by
conservative savings banks with close
relationship to customers - First loss guarantee from the banks on portion of
loan gt 50 LTV - Contractual commitment of 5.00
over-collateralisation in the cover pool - Origination on loan-by-loan basis in strict
compliance with Terra BoligKreditt credit manual - Prudent underwriting standards ensure superior
performance on loans book - Max LTV ratio 60 (covered bond legislation
allows 75 LTV) - Normally mortgages is limited to 3 x yearly
income (joint) -
- No loans ever being delinquent for more than 90
days - No losses ever being registered in respect of
34Cover Pool
- The assets in the cover pool are geographically
diversified throughout Norway. - Less price volatility than urban regions
36Price development by geographical region
- Source Eiendomsverdi May update
37Summary Cover Pool (As of 30 June 2009)
- Size Cover Pool 15,660,542,987
1,736,587,158 - Average Loan Balance 1,274,354
141,312.26 - Number of Loans 12,289
- Residential/commercial 100 Norwegian
residential mortgages - Weighted Average Original LTV 47.3
- Weighted Average Current LTV
46.9 - Weighted Average Seasoning 15 months
- Weighted Average Remaining Term 19.7
years - Pool Status (ie. performing) 100
- FX rate 30 June 2009 1 EUR 9.018 NOK
3812 series issued under the EMTN program- Access
to the market since debut in august 2007
39Redemtion profile
40Asset-Liability matching
- Weighted average maturity gap (30.06.2009)
- Weighted remaining time to maturity of assets
235.96 months (19.66 years) - Weighted maturity of liabilities 49.81 months
(4.15 years) - Gap 186.15 months
does not take into account repurchase of bonds
in swap agreement with Norges Bank
41CB Continuity
42Liquidity strategies
- Terra BoligKreditt shall maintain a minimum
liquidity of 6 of the total funding balance
(publicly announced) - All the covered bonds issues have a soft bullet
extension period of one year.
43Liquidity Facilities
- 1 bn NOK liquidity facility with DNB Nor Bank ASA
- 3 bn NOK liquidity facility with Terra
BoligKreditt Distributors - All banks and OBOS participate with pro-rata
shares based on shareholdings and mortgage
portfolio. Still valid in case of insolvency of
TBK. - TBK have in place liquidity facilities covering
more than 30 of the mortgage book
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45Alternative Management
46Alternative Management
- TBK is an own separate entity
- Own management and board
- Contractual framework and governmental licensing
is to the TBK entity - Computer systems
- TBK owns perpetual rights for liability
management software (Sungard Panorama and
FokusALM) - Mortgage data is contained in own system from
BanqSoft - 12 month extendable maturities on all CBs
47Mitigation of time subordination
- Protection of all Note holders, also for extended
maturities - If it is not possible to make the contractual
payments due to the Noteholders and Swap
Providers up to the agreed redemption or
termination date or if an imminent change would
ensure such contractual payments is unlikely,
then the Creditors Committee shall set a date to
halt payments. A halt to payments shall be
introduced even if the Cover Pool assures timely
ongoing payments in the short term. (EMTN
49Terra BoligKreditt AS
- Tom Høiberg, CEO
- Phone direct 47 2287 8114
- Fax number 47 2287 8170
- E-mail th_at_terra.no
- Kjartan M. Bremnes, Deputy CEO
- Phone direct 47 2287 8036
- Fax number 47 2287 8170
- E-mail kmb_at_terra.no
- Odd Arne Pedersen, CFO
- Phone direct 47 2287 8144
- Fax number 47 2287 8170
- E-mail oap_at_terra.no
- www.terra.no
51Comparison of Covered Bond Jurisdictions
52Comparison of Covered Bond Jurisdictions
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