Title: ABET Discussion ECEDHANE Regional Meeting COL Bryan Goda
1ABET Discussion ECEDHA-NE Regional MeetingCOL
Bryan Goda
- Introduction
- Recent Experiences
- Assessment Overhead
- Future Directions
3USMA ABET Committee (33)
- Rep for Each Accredited Program
- Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Eng
Management, Environmental, Mechanical Systems,
Information Technology, Chemical Nuclear,
Systems Management - Math/Science Departments
- Chemistry, Math, Physics
- Staff Support
- Dean, Library, Institutional Research
- 14 Trained Program Evaluators On USMA Faculty
- Separate Funding Code for ABET Events
- New Programs
4ABET Accreditation (EAC 266 visits)
Deficiency A criterion, policy, or procedure
(CPP) is not satisfied. Weakness A program
lacks the strength of compliance with a CCP to
ensure The quality of the program will not be
compromised. Remedial action required to
strengthen compliance with the CCP prior to the
next visit. Concern A program currently
satisfies a CCP however, the potential exists
for the situation to change such that the CCP may
not be satisfied.
- Students 5. Faculty
- Program Educational Objectives 6. Facilities
- Program Outcomes and Assessment 7. Institutional
Support - Professional Component 8. Program Criteria
5Potential Problem Areas
- Students (Criterion 1)
- Advising Ineffective and inconsistent advising
- Monitoring Course Substitutions and
Prerequisites - Transfer Credits Prerequisite conflicts
- Program Educational Objectives (Criterion 2)
- Objectives not published or readily accessible to
the public - Catalog, Webpages, pamphlets
- Objectives not related to institutional mission
- Little evidence of constituency input in
objective setting or periodic evaluation - Limited evaluation tools (1) used to evaluate
objectives - Weak documentation and metrics
- Results of evaluation not used to improve
effectiveness of the program outcomes - Lack of recognition that objectives have a
different purpose than outcomes - Only use outcome assessment as evidence of
achieving objectives
6Potential Problem Areas (cont)
- Program Outcomes and Assessment (Criterion 3)
- Insufficient evidence demonstrating the
achievement of one or more outcomes Inadequate
data records and metrics - Outcomes not assessed objectively Course taken
! to outcome achievement, anecdotal results vs.
measurements, over-reliance on grades and
surveys, direct vs. indirect measures - Insufficient systematic assessment process in
place Lacking documentation, plans developed but
not implemented, little or no faculty support for
the process - Assessment results not used, improvement cycle
not complete - Professional Component (Criterion 4)
- Course syllabi must indicate the contribution of
the course to meeting the professional component - Transcript Analysis Titles match, all
requirements satisfied, prerequisites followed - Quality of the major design experience
7Potential Problem Areas (cont)
- Faculty (Criterion 5)
- Insufficient number to support concentrations,
electives, and advising - Poor morale Lack of professional development,
excessive workloads, turnover rate, salaries - Insufficient time for Scholarship
- Facilities (Criterion 6)
- Insufficient space Labs, classrooms, offices
- Labs Unsafe conditions, inoperable or outdated
equipment, lack of funding for upgrades,
insufficient lab support personnel - Institutional Support and Financial Resources
(Criterion 7) - Insufficient support staff
- Program Criteria (Criterion 8)
8Assessment Methods
Goal Outside VPs Dept 4CL
1CL EOC Class Embed CDR
Grad Self Reports Review RAs
Survey Survey Survey Visits Assess Survey
Survey Study