Chap 6 Thermochemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chap 6 Thermochemistry


for exothermic reactions, (a) in isolated systems, system T ... For problem-solving, heat evolved (exothermic reaction) can be thought of as a product. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chap 6 Thermochemistry

Chap 6 Thermochemistry
  • F.Y. Hsu

6.1 Energy
  • Literally means work within, however no object
    contains work
  • Energy is the capacity to do work, the capacity
    to move something.
  • 2 basic types of energy
  • Potential (possibility of doing work because
    of composition or position)
  • Kinetic (moving objects doing work)

  • Potential Energy in a gravitational field
  • ( position)
  • Kinetic Energy energy of motion

PE mgh m mass (kg) g gravity constant (m
s2) h height (m)
KE 1/2mv2 m mass (kg) v velocity (m s1) v2
(m2 s2)
Work is the product of the force in the direction
of motion and the distance the object is moved
Work force distance ? energy (J)
Collisions in the real world are not perfectly
6.2 Thermochemistry Basic Terms
  • Thermochemistry is the study of energy changes
    that occur during chemical reactions.
  • System the part of the universe being studied.
  • Surroundings the rest of the universe.

Types of Systems
  • Open energy and matter can be exchanged with the
  • Closed energy can be exchanged with the
    surroundings, matter cannot.
  • Isolated neither energy nor matter can be
    exchanged with the surroundings.

Internal Energy (U)
  • Internal Energy (U) is the total energy contained
    within the system, partly as kinetic energy and
    partly as potential energy
  • Kinetic involves three types of molecular motion

Internal Energy (U)
  • Internal Energy (U) is the total energy contained
    within the system, partly as kinetic energy and
    partly as potential energy
  • Potential energy involves intramolecular
    interactions and intermolecular interactions

  • Heat is energy transfer resulting from thermal
    differences between the system and surroundings
  • Heat passes spontaneously from the region of
    higher temperature to the region of lower
  • Thermal equilibrium occurs when the system and
    surroundings reach the same temperature and heat
    transfer stops.

Figure 6-6 Heat Transfer Illustrated
  • Like heat, work is an energy transfer between a
    system and its surroundings.
  • Unlike heat, work is caused by a force moving
    through a distance (heat is caused by a
    temperature difference).
  • A negative quantity of work signifies that the
    system loses energy.
  • A positive quantity of work signifies that the
    system gains energy.
  • There is no such thing as negative energy nor
    positive energy the sign of work (or heat)
    signifies the direction of energy flow.

Calculating Work for gas
  • we will consider only pressure-volume work.
  • work (w) P?V
  • when a gas expands, ?V is positive and the work
    is negative system loses energy

6.3 Internal energy (U), States function and the
first law of thermodynamics
  • The state of a system refers to its exact
    condition, determined by the kinds and amounts of
    matter present, the structure of this matter at
    the molecular level, and the prevailing pressure
    and temperature

State function
  • A state function is a property that has a unique
    value that depends only the present state of a
    system, and does not depend on how the state was
    reached (does not depend on the history of the

?U Uf Ui
First Law of Thermodynamics
  • The Law of Conservation of Energy states that in
    a physical or chemical change, energy can be
    exchanged between a system and its surroundings,
    but no energy can be created or destroyed
  • The change in U is related to the energy
    exchanges that occur as heat (q) and work (w)

The First Law ?U q w
First Law Sign Conventions
  • Energy entering a system carries a positive sign
    if heat is absorbed by the system, q gt 0. If work
    is done on a system, w gt 0
  • Energy leaving a system carries a negative sign
    if heat is given off by the system, q lt 0. If
    work is done by a system, w lt 0

Example 6.1
  • A gas does 135 J of work while expanding, and at
    the same time it absorbs 156 J of heat. What is
    the change in internal energy?

heat is absorbed by the system this means q is a
positive quantity ? q 156 J. Work is done by
the system this means w is a negative
quantity ?w 135 J. ??U q w 156 J
(135 J) 21 J
6-4 Heats of Reaction
  • The heat of reaction (qrxn) is the quantity of
    heat exchanged between the system and its
  • for exothermic reactions,
  • (a) in isolated systems, system T ?
  • (b) in non-isolated systems, heat is given
    off to the surroundings, i.e., q lt 0
  • For endothermic reactions,
  • (a) in isolated systems, system T ?
  • (b) in non-isolated systems, heat is
    absorbed from the surroundings, i.e., q gt 0

Figure 6.11 Conceptualizing an Exothermic
In an isolated system, all heat is absorbed by
the solution. Maximum temperature rise.
Surroundings are at 25 C
Typical situation some heat is released to the
surroundings, some heat is absorbed by the
Hypothetical situation all heat is instantly
released to the surroundings. Heat qrxn
In an exothermic reaction, chemical energy in a
system is converted to thermal energy
Internal Energy Change at Constant Volume
  • For a system where the reaction is carried out at
    constant volume, DV 0
  • w P?V and ?U q w DU qV.
  • All the thermal energy produced by conversion
    from chemical energy is released as heat no P-V
    work is done.

Internal Energy Change at Constant Pressure
  • For a system where the reaction is carried out at
    constant pressure,
  • DU qP PDV or
  • DU PDV qP (w PDV )
  • Most of the thermal energy is released as heat.
  • Some work is done to expand the system against
    the surroundings (push back the atmosphere).

Enthalpy (?)
  • Enthalpy (H) is the sum of the internal energy
    and the pressurevolume product of a system
  • qP ?H ?U P?V
  • Enthalpy is an extensive property (depends on how
    much of the substance is present)
  • Enthalpy is a state function. U, P, and V are all
    state functions, therefore H must be a state
    function also

Figure 6.14 Enthalpy Diagrams
  • Values of DH are measured experimentally.
  • Negative values indicate exothermic reactions.
  • Positive values indicate endothermic reactions

Reversing a Reaction
  • DH changes sign when a process is reversed.
  • Therefore, a cyclic process has the value DH 0.

Same magnitude different signs.
?H in Stoichiometric Calculations
  • For problem-solving, heat evolved (exothermic
    reaction) can be thought of as a product. Heat
    absorbed (endothermic reaction) can be thought of
    as a reactant.
  • We can generate conversion factors involving DH.
  • For example, the reaction

H2(g) Cl2(g) ? 2 HCl(g) ?H 184.6 kJ
184.6 kJ 1 mol Cl2
184.6 kJ 2 mol HCl
184.6 kJ 1 mol H2
Example 6.5
  • What is the enthalpy change associated with the
    formation of 5.67 mol HCl(g) in this reaction?
  • Ex H2(g) Cl2(g) ?? 2 HCl(g) ?H 184.6 kJ

6.5 Calorimetry
  • Calorimetry is a technique used to measure heat
    exchange in chemical reactions
  • A calorimeter is the device used to make heat
  • In a calorimeter we measure the temperature
    change of water or a solution to determine the
    heat absorbed or evolved by a reaction.

Heat capacity Specific Heat
  • The heat capacity (C) of a system is the quantity
    of heat required to change the temperature of the
    system by 1?
  • C q/DT (units are J/C)
  • Molar heat capacity is the heat capacity of one
    mole of a substance.
  • The specific heat (s) is the heat capacity of one
    gram of a pure substance (or homogeneous
  • s C/m q/(mDT)
  • q s m DT

Specific Heat
  • q mass x specific heat x DT
  • If DT is positive (temperature increases), q is
    positive and heat is gained by the system.
  • If DT is negative (temperature decreases), q is
    negative and heat is lost by the system.
  • The calorie, while not an SI unit, is still used
    to some extent.
  • Water has a specific heat of 1 cal/(g oC).
  • 4.184 J 1 cal
  • One food calorie (Cal or kcal) is actually equal
    to 1000 cal.

Table 6.1 Specific Heats of substances at 25?
Many metals have low specific heats.
The specific heat of water is higher than that of
almost any other substance.
Measuring Enthalpy Changes for Chemical Reactions
  • For a reaction carried out in a calorimeter, the
    heat evolved by a reaction is absorbed by the
    calorimeter and its contents.
  • qrxn qcalorimeter
  • qcalorimeter mass x specific heat x
  • By measuring the temperature change that occurs
    in a calorimeter, and using the specific heat and
    mass of the contents, the heat evolved (or
    absorbed) by a reaction can be determined and the
    enthalpy change calculated

Example 6.11
  • Ex A 50.0-mL sample of 0.250 M HCl at 19.50 C
    is added to 50.0 mL of 0.250 M NaOH, also at
    19.50 C, in a calorimeter. After mixing, the
    solution temperature rises to 21.21 C. Calculate
    the heat of this reaction.
  • Sol
  • (1)The solution volumes are additive. The volume
    of NaCl(aq) that forms is equal to 50.0 mL 50.0
    mL 100.0 mL.
  • (2)The NaCl(aq) is sufficiently dilute that its
    density and specific heat are about the same as
    those values for pure water 1.00 g/mL and 4.18 J
    g1 C1, respectively.

Bomb Calorimetry Reactions at Constant Volume
  • Some reactions, such as combustion, cannot be
    carried out in a coffee-cup calorimeter.
  • In a bomb calorimeter, a sample of known mass is
    placed in a heavy-walled bomb, which is then
    pressurized with oxygen.
  • Since the reaction is carried out at constant
  • qrxn qcalorimeter ?U
  • (qP ?H ?U P?V)

Example 6.13
  • In a preliminary experiment, the heat capacity of
    a bomb calorimeter assembly is found to be 5.15
    kJ/C. In a second experiment, a 0.480-g sample
    of graphite (carbon) is placed in the bomb with
    an excess of oxygen. The water, bomb, and other
    contents of the calorimeter are in thermal
    equilibrium at 25.00 C. The graphite is ignited
    and burned, and the water temperature rises to
    28.05 C. Calculate ?H for the reaction
  • C(graphite) O2(g) ?? CO2(g) ?H ?

  • Solution

6.6 Hesss Law of Constant Heat Summation
  • The heat of a reaction is constant, regardless of
    the number of steps in the process
  • ?Hoverall S?Hs of individual reactions
  • When it is necessary to reverse a chemical
    equation, change the sign of ?H for that reaction
  • When multiplying equation coefficients, multiply
    values of ? H for that reaction

Figure 6.19 Hesss Law An Enthalpy Diagram
We can find DH(a) by subtracting DH(b) from DH(c)
Example 6.14
  • Ex Calculate the enthalpy change for reaction
    (a) given the data in equations (b), (c), and
  • (a) 2 C(graphite) 2 H2(g) ? C2H4(g) DH
  • (b) C(graphite) O2(g) ? CO2(g)
    DH 393.5 kJ
  • (c) C2H4(g) 3 O2 ? 2 CO2(g) 2 H2O(l)
    DH 1410.9 kJ
  • (d) H2(g) ½ O2 ? H2O(l) DH
    285.8 kJ

6.7 Standard state
  • The standard state of a solid or liquid substance
    is the pure element or compound at 1 atm pressure
    and the temperature of interest
  • Gaseous standard state is the ideal gas at 1
    atm pressure and the temperature of interest
    (usually 25 C).

6.7 Standard Enthalpies of Formation
  • The standard enthalpy change (?H) for a reaction
    is the enthalpy change in which reactants and
    products are in their standard states.
  • The standard enthalpy of formation (?Hf) for a
    reaction is the enthalpy change that occurs when
    1 mol of a substance is formed from its component
    elements in their standard states.

Table 6.2 Standard Enthalpiesof Formation at 25
Note The standard enthalpy of formation of a
pure element in its reference form is 0 Ex O2
(g) ., C (s), H2(g) at 1atm 25?
Calculations Based onStandard Enthalpies of
  • DHrxn Snp x DHf(products) Snr x
  • The symbol S signifies the summation of several
  • The symbol n signifies the stoichiometric
    coefficient used in front of a chemical symbol or
  • In other words
  • Add all of the values for DHf of the products.
  • Add all of the values for DHf of the reactants.
  • Subtract 2 from 1

Example 6.15
  • Ex Synthesis gas is a mixture of carbon monoxide
    and hydrogen that is used to synthesize a variety
    of organic compounds. One reaction for producing
    synthesis gas is
  • 3 CH4(g) 2 H2O(l) CO2(g) ? 4 CO(g) 8
    H2(g) ?H ?
  • Use standard enthalpies of formation from Table
    6.2 to calculate the standard enthalpy change for
    this reaction.

  • Solution

Ionic Reactions in Solution
  • We can apply thermochemical concepts to reactions
    in ionic solution by arbitrarily assigning an
    enthalpy of formation of zero to H(aq).

Example 6.18
  • Ex H(aq) OH(aq) ? H2O(l) ?H 55.8 kJ
  • Use the net ionic equation just given, together
    with ?Hf 0 for H(aq), to obtain ?Hf for

Spontaneous reaction
  • A reaction that occurs (by itself) when the
    reactants are brought together under the
    appropriate conditions is said to be spontaneous.
  • A spontaneous reaction isnt necessarily fast
    (rusting diamond ? graphite etc. are slow).

Combustion Fuels
  • Fossil Fuels Coal, Natural Gas, and Petroleum
  • A fuel is a substance that burns with the release
    of heat.
  • These fossil fuels were formed over a period of
    millions of years from organic matter that became
    buried and compressed under mud and water.
  • Foods Fuels for the Body
  • The three principal classes of foods are
    carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  • 1 Food Calorie (Cal) is equal to 1000 cal (or 1

Figure 6.21 Glyceryl Trilaurate A Typical Fat
Fats are esters (R-COO-R)
This particular fat is saturated all the CC
bonds are single bonds.
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