Title: HTA Programme Review of the UKTMN
1HTA Programme Review of the UKTMN
2HTA Programme Review of the UKTMN
- The Department of Health jointly funds the core
costs of the UKTMN with the MRC via the HTA
Programme. - The funding agreement is extant for five years
- An initial condition of funding by the Department
of Health was that a mid-term review was
conducted. - The mid-term review was carried out in 2005, with
the report being sent to the Department of
3HTA Programme Review of the UKTMN
- The report covered the following areas
- the history of the Network
- the current membership totals by organisation
- the achievements of the Network to date
- the results of the survey of HTA Trial Managers
- the conferences and workshops held.
4HTA Programme Review of the UKTMN
- The report included the following appendices
- the terms of reference for the Networks steering
group - the Networks five year strategic plan
- the template for the survey of HTA Trial
Managers - the list of conference speakers
- the list of workshop titles.
5The survey of HTA Trial Managers Results
- Attendance at 0 annual conferences - 44
- Attendance at 1 annual conference - 26
- Attendance at 2 annual conferences - 22
- Attendance at 3 annual conferences - 7
6The survey of HTA Trial Managers Results
- Attendance at 0 annual workshops - 59
- Attendance at 1 annual workshop - 26
- Attendance at 2 annual workshops - 15
- Attendance at 3 annual workshops - 0
7The survey of HTA Trial Managers Results
- Use of the Networks website daily - 0
- Use of the Networks website weekly - 7
- Use of the Networks website monthly - 41
- Use of the Networks website occasionally - 52
- Use of the Networks website never - 0
8The survey of HTA Trial Managers Results
- Aware of career development opportunities - 78
- Interested in career development
opportunities - 59
9The survey of HTA Trial Managers Results
- Unsatisfied with the Network services - 0
- Somewhat satisfied with the Network services
- 0 - Satisfied with the Network services - 59
- Wholly satisfied with the Network services - 41
- Network services exceeded expectations - 0
10The survey of HTA Trial Managers Results
- The following list identifies the services
provided by the Networks website ranked by
popularity - Poster presentations from conferences and
workshops - Calendar of events Bulletin board
- Jobs News
- Links Library
- Trial management guide
- Trial managers job description
11The survey of HTA Trial Managers Results
- The respondents were asked if they wished to
submit any general comments or suggestions - The most common theme was the uniqueness of the
Network and its perceived importance to trial
managers. - The other comments were diverse in nature,
generally supportive or positively critical -
these comments were anonymised and forwarded to
the Network Manager. - Slightly over 45 of HTA Trial Managers responded.
12HTA Programme Review of the UKTMN
- The mid-term review was concluded with
confidential comments and recommendations for the
continued long term future of the Network.
13Thank you