Title: Quiz 9 Review for Psychological Disorders
1Quiz 9Review for Psychological Disorders
21. Type of disorder in which the person has
a long-standing pattern of unstable relationships
and fears losing close friends. Person may also
demonstrate self-destructive behavior.
- Depression
- Personality disorder
- Borderline disorder
- Two of the above
32. The lifetime prevalence of a mental
disorder is one-____.
43. Losing memory of only some (not
extensive) of the important parts of ones life
is called dissociate____ disorder.
- identity
- amnesia
- fugue
- none of the above
54. All of the following conditions except
one are considered necessary to achieve a
supportive therapeutic relationship in
client-centered therapy. Which one is not?
- empathy
- insight
- genuineness
- unconditional positive regard
65. Axis II includes.
- Clinical syndromes
- Personality disorders
- Mental retardation
- Two of the above
76. A famous client-centered therapist gave a
guest lecture in our psychology class. Which of
the following statements was she most likely to
have made?
- Psychological problems are best interpreted as
inappropriate behaviors. - Most problems can be changed we just have to
find what controls the behavior. - Problem behaviors can be changed if we listen and
accept the troubled person. - Many times we develop appropriate behavior and
ignore the inappropriate.
87. If your therapist asked you to create an
anxiety hierarchy, the therapist would ____.
- Have you relax
- Redirect attention away from anxiety provoking
stimuli - Focus on your anxieties
- None of the above
- Two of the above
98. Thorazine is an example of an _____ drug.
- Antianxiety
- Antipsychotic
- Antidepressant
- None of the above
109. Tardive dyskinesia is a side effect of
_____ drugs.
- Antianxiety
- Antipsychotic
- Antidepressant
- None of the above
1110. A somatoform disorder does NOT include
which of the following.
- Hypochondriasis
- Somatization disorder
- Psychosomatic disorder
- All of the above are somatoform disorders