Title: The Basic Instruction Set
1The Basic Instruction Set
2- terms
- instruction set
- machine language
- instruction format
- operand format
- operate format
- addressing modes
- instruction mnemonics
- direct addressing instructions
- arithmetic/logical instructions
- jump instructions
- immediate addressing instructions
3Operand Type Instructions
- instruction set
- instructions that the machine understands
- also known as machine language
- machine language programs
- programs written using sequences of machine
language instructions - instruction format
- CUSP instructions are 24 bits wide, and have two
formats - operand format and operate format
- operand format
- OO is an 8-bit opcode (identifies operation to be
performed) - AAA is a 12-bit addressy thing
- M is a 4-bit addressing mode (tells how to use
the addressy thing to get the operand)
4Operand Type Instructions Examples And Such
- 002004
- opcode 00 (tells the control unit to load a
value into ACC) - addressing mode 2 (tells CU that the addressy
thing is actually a memory address) - address 004
- 002004 is equivalent to the following two forms
- load into ACC the contents of memory location
004 - LDA 004 (this form is called a mnemonic)
- how many operand type instructions are there?
- depends on the number of bits in the opcode
- FF is not allowed to begin an operand type
instruction - this leaves 255 possibilities of which 56 are
5Operate Type Instructions
- these do not need an operand to be specified
- examples
- FFF020 tells the control unit to negate the
contents of ACC - if ACC is 000 001, it becomes FFF FFF
- FFF021 tells the control unit to invert the
contents of ACC - if ACC is 000 001, it becomes FFF FFE
- in both examples, ACC is the only operand and is
implicitly specified - the most significant 12 bits are always 1
- operate instructions always start with FFFOOO
- OOO can have 2124096 possible combinations
- only 38 of them represent valid operate
6Addressing Modes
- tells the CU how to use the addressy thing to get
the operand - two major addressing modes
- direct the addressy thing is the address of a
memory location from where the operand can be
retrieved - 002004 OOMAAA LDA 004
- M 2 tells the CU that direct addressing mode is
being used, and that the operand is available at
memory location 004 - immediate the addressy think is actually the
operand - 000004 OOMAAA LDA 004
- M 0 tells the CU that immediate addressing mode
is being used, and that the operand is available
immediately and is equal to 004 - immediate mode is indicated in the mnemonic by a
7Instruction Mnemonic Rules For CUSP
- operand type instructions
- format is XXXC1 C2value
- XXX is the opcode mnemonic such as LDA
- value is the addressy thing
- C1 and C2 determine which addressing mode is
being used - 10 addressing modes are used in CUSP
- if C2 and C1 are both blank, it is direct
addressing mode - if C2 is blank and C1 is , it is immediate
addressing mode - operate type instructions
- format is XXXX
- XXX is the opcode mnemonic such as NEGA or COMA
- mnemonic representation of instructions is easier
to read - must be converted to the hexadecimal
representation before it can be stored in the
computer - the software that converts mnemonics into
hexadecimal is called an assembler
9A Simple Program
At the start of the program, PC 000.
Memory (after)
Addr Contents000 002004001 102005002 0420
06003 FFFFFF004 000011005 000008006 00
10Program Flow Control Instructions
- sometimes next instruction executed is not the
next stored instruction - such transfer of flow control is supported
through flags and jump instructions - flags
- EQ, OV and LT are set or cleared as a result of
execution of most of the instructions - EQ is set if the result of an operation results
in 0 - OV is set if an operation causes an overflow
- LT is set if the result of an operation results
in a negative numberi.e., if the result has a 1
in the leftmost bit position
11Flag Modification Example 1
- Assume thatACC 000 00CMem010 FFF
FF2IR ADA 010 - the instruction to be executed is ADA 010, i.e.,
add the contents of memory location 010 to the
contents of ACC and store the result in ACC - new value of ACC 12-14 -2
- since the result
- is less than 0, LT flag will be set to 1
- is not zero, EQ (or equal-to-zero) flag will be
set to 0 - has not caused an overflow, OV flag will be set
to 0
12Jump Instructions
- JMP AAA (or 402AAA in hexadecimal)
- meaning load the PC with address AAA, or PC
AAA - no flags affected
- JEQ AAA (or 482AAA in hexadecimal)
- meaning load the PC with address AAA if EQ 1
- no flags affected
- JLT AAA (or 4A2AAA in hexadecimal)
- meaning load the PC with address AAA if LT 1
- no flags affected
- CMA AAA (or 202AAA in hexadecimal)
- sets EQ and LT flags after comparing MemAAA and
- LT (ACC lt MemAAA)
13An Example CUSP Program With Jumps
14The Data Transfer Instructions The MOVes
15The Control Transfer Instructions Jumps and
16The Arithmetic Instructions