Title: The Symmetric Traveling Salesman Polytope: a guided Tour
1The Symmetric Traveling Salesman Polytope a
guided Tour
2The double index integer lp formulation
3The double index lp formulation
Huge set of linear inequalities
4About the Huge Set
- It is known only for V10
- Unlikely to be in a near future known for all V
- We will concentrate here on those inequalities in
closed set or near closed set from.
5Closed Set Form
6Particular type of set ??
- Consists of a set of Handles H1 Hh
- Integers ?? ah
- And consists of a set of Teeth T1 Tt
- Numbers ?? ?t
7Plain Closed Set Form Facets
- Comb inequalities
- Clique tree and bipartition inequalities
- Path inequalities
t odd
10Algebraic proof of validity
Ai Ti ? H, Bi Ti \ H LHS ? 1/2 (S i x(d(Ai))
(S i x(d(Bi)) (S i x(d(Ti))) ? 3t
LHS is EVEN and 3t is ODD so one can increase it
to 3t1
11All teeth TIGHT
There are at least t red edges, t odd -gt one more
edge in ?(H)
12At least one tooth not tight
Any extra 2 edges in some ?(T) cannot decrease
?(H) by more than 2
13Star and Path Inequalities
- H1 ? H2 ?????? Hh
- Ti intersects properly H1for all i1,..t
- Ti ? Tj ? for i?j
- t odd
- ?i integer far all i1,.., h
- ?j integer far all j1,.., t
14The Interval Condition
- Interval I relative to Tj set of consecutive
handles with same intersection with Tj - Weight of I S?? with i in I
- The interval condition ?? max weight of an
154 edges in ?(Tj) yields an increase of 2?j
compensated by a saving of twice the weight of
the interval
16Closed Set Form with negative Correcting Term
17Correcting term?
- The correcting term transforms some valid closed
set form inequalities into facet inducing
inequalities. Some edges may not belong to any
tight tour of the valid inequality, the
correcting term corrects this - It may not be uniquely determined since it is in
general the result of a sequential procedure - Example the ladder inequalities
18Ladder Inequalities
- Two handles H1?and H2 , H1? H2 ?
- ????? T1, T2 , Tt, t2k, k odd,
- Ti? Tj ???i?j
- T1? H1 ? ? T1? H2 ?
- T2? H1 ? T2? H2 ? ?
- Ti? H1 ? ?, Ti? H2 ? ? , i3
- ?1 ?2 1,
- ?i 1 if Ti\(H1? H2)? ??? ?i 2 else
19(No Transcript)
20Closed Set Form with positive Correcting Term
- This correcting term aims at making valid a
closed set form inequality which would not be
valid without it
21The Domino Configurations
- A handle H
- A nested set of teeth T1 Tt, t odd
- Ti Ai ?Bi?V, Ai ?Bi ? for every non minimal
tooth Ti - A tooth is odd if it is minimal or strictly
contains an even number of teeth - There are at least three odd maximal teeth
- Each Ai ????Bi contains at least two odd teeth
22The Domino Inequality
- Let (Ai Bi)e???????a? Ai ? b? Bi and
Ethe edges going from one half domino to the
other without crossing the border of the handle
23(No Transcript)
24Domino Parity Inequality
- Adam Letchford has defined a class of
inequalities known as the Domino Parity
Inequalities. He describes a polynomial time
algorithm to separate them provided the support
graph of the fractional solution to be separated
is planar. We conjecture that the domino
inequalities contain all the facet inducing such
- Since t is odd, and LHS even one can raise to
3t1. Exactly the same proof as for the comb
26Not valid without the correcting term 20 instead
of 22
27Clique Tree Bipartition
28Two extra edges in d(T) two less in the ?d(Hi)
29Two more extra edges in d(T) FOUR less in the
?d(Hi) from the tight Four more edges in d(T)
case SIX less in the ?d(Hi)
- D. Naddef, Y. Pochet The traveling Salesman
Polytope revisited, Math of OR - D. Naddef, E. Wild The domino Inequalities
facets for the STSP, to appear Math Prog B
dedicated to E. Balas - D. Naddef The traveling Salesman Polytope ,
Chap 2 of The Traveling Salesman Problem and
its variations Kluwert (2002)