C for Java Programmers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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C for Java Programmers


A virtual function is a member function that is declared within a base class and ... Draw Text{ hdC,'Holy Cow Batman...a window with text! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: C for Java Programmers

C for Java Programmers
  • Lecture 15
  • C for Windows Programming

What you might have missed
  • We finished the Section
  • Algorithms
  • Exceptions
  • Java vs. C A fight to the death
  • C 7 Deadly sins

Further C
  • Today (and probably later)
  • An explanation of Virtual Functions
  • Virtual inheritance
  • Memory leaks and exceptions
  • Windows Programming
  • The Old Fashioned Way
  • The Object Orientated Way
  • Microsoft Foundation Classes

1. Virtual Functions
  • A virtual function is a member function that is
    declared within a base class and redefined by a
    derived class.
  • Its looks just like a normal function but has the
    keyword virtual preceding it.
  • So the virtual function defines the form of the
  • The derived class redefines it and implements its
    operation as it relates specifically to it.

Why Virtual Functions are Useful
  • So you can just use virtual functions as you
    would any other function.
  • However what makes them so implortant is how they
    behave when accessed by a pointer.
  • When a base-class pointer points to a derived
    object that contains a virtual function, C
    decides which version of that function to call
    based on the type of object pointed to.
  • This is all processed at run-time.

  • include ltiostream.hgt
  • class base
  • public
  • virtual void vfunc() coutltltThis is the base
  • class derived1 public base
  • public
  • virtual void vfunc() coutltltThis is a dervied
  • class derived2 public base
  • public
  • virtual void vfunc() coutltltSo is this

Example in Action
  • int main()
  • base p
  • base b
  • derived1 d1
  • derived2 d2
  • pb
  • p-gtvfunc()
  • pd1
  • p-gtvfunc()
  • pd2
  • p-gtvfunc()

A pointer to the parent class
OUTPUT This is a base vfunc(). This is a
derived function. So is this one.
Pure Virtual Functions
  • Think about the concept of a Shape.
  • Shapes will be manipulated by our programs, they
    will be put in lists, assembled,
  • We can think about triangles, rectangles,
    irregular shapes even projections of higher
    dimensional objects.

A shape is anything that can be displayed on the
screen. It has the characteristics position and
orientation. It can be translated, rotated and
scaled. It can be displayed and deleted.
Pure Virtual Functions
A shape is anything that can be displayed on the
screen. It has the characteristics position and
orientation. It can be translated, rotated and
scaled. It can be displayed and deleted.
  • A specific shape, e.g. a rectangle may have its
    own methods.
  • But the implementation of the functions
    translate, rotate, scale, display,
    delete will
  • Be present in each shape.
  • Differ from shape to shape.
  • Furthermore, they do not have any meaning at the
    level of the shape class.

Pure Virtual Functions
A shape is anything that can be displayed on the
screen. It has the characteristics position and
orientation. It can be translated, rotated and
scaled. It can be displayed and deleted.
  • class shape
  • float positionx
  • float positiony
  • float orientation
  • public
  • shape(float posx, float posy, float angle)
  • virtual void translate(int deltax, int deltay)
  • virtual void rotate(float delta) 0
  • virtual void scale(float factor) 0
  • virtual void display() 0
  • virtual void delete() 0

Pure Virtual Functions
A shape is anything that can be displayed on the
screen. It has the characteristics position and
orientation. It can be translated, rotated and
scaled. It can be displayed and deleted.
  • class rectangle public shape
  • float length
  • float width
  • float color
  • public
  • shape(float posx, float posy, float angle)
  • virtual void translate(int deltax, int deltay)
  • virtual void rotate(float delta)
  • virtual void scale(float factor)
  • virtual void display()
  • virtual void delete()

Pure Virtual Functions
A shape is anything that can be displayed on the
screen. It has the characteristics position and
orientation. It can be translated, rotated and
scaled. It can be displayed and deleted.
  • void display(shape s)
  • s-gtdisplay()
  • void main()
  • list ltshape gt A(10)
  • A.push_back(new rectangle())
  • A.push_back(new circle())
  • A.push_back(new projection())
  • for_each(A.begin(), A.end(), display)

Abstract Classes
  • A class that contains at least one pure virtual
    function is said to be abstract it has a
    virtual function in it that has no definition at
  • Because of this no objects of the abstract class
    can be created.
  • It is an incomplete type a foundation for
    derived classes.
  • However you can still create a pointer to an
    abstract class.

More Virtual
  • Consider the following code segment

void main() shape T10 T0 new
rectangle() T1 new circle() T2 new
square() T9 new diamond() for
(int I0Ilt10I) delete TI
  • What exactly does the delete operator do?
  • Which destructor is being called?

Virtual Destructors
  • If the destructor in the shape class has not been
    declared virtual, only this shape class
    destructor will be called.

class shape int colors public
shape() delete colors class
polygon shape coordinates
vertices public polygon() delete
class shape int colors public virtual
shape() delete colors class polygon
public shape coordinates vertices public
virtual polygon() delete vertices //
virtual is in fact automatic as it is in the base
Virtual Functions Implementation
  • Implementation of virtual functions is through
  • Dereferencing a pointer to a virtual method leads
    to a table of function pointers embedded in the
  • Most compilers offer optimisation options
    concerning these tables (e.g. smart virtual
    function tables)
  • This is a more complicated issue than the
    inline concept.

  • Let us shortly come back to the concept of
  • In C the base class is present through an
    object of this class within each object of the
    derived class.

class base public int b class derived
public base public float d void main()
derived o
Multiple Inheritance
  • In case of multiple inheritance, this goes for
    each of the base classes

class base1 class base2 class derived
public base1, public base2 void main()
derived o
object o
object of class base1
object of class base2
Multiple Inheritance
  • And if the base classes derive themselves

object o
object o
class base1 public base class base2
public base class derived public base1,
public base2 void main() derived o
base2 object
base object
Multiple Inheritance
  • This is what you would expect in many cases.
  • Example
  • A box of objects is implemented as an array of
    pointers to objects with adding, traversing and
    removing functionality.
  • A team is a box of objects (persons) with
    coordinating functionality
  • A job is a box of objects (tasks) with
  • A teamJob is a team as well as a job describing
    how a job may be performed by a team

Multiple Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
  • But not in all cases
  • Example
  • A uI is a user interface
  • A dialog is a uI to retrieve data from the user
  • A fancy is a uI with a special appearance
  • A fancyDialog is a dialog and a fancy
  • It is clear from this definition that we do not
    need the datastructures for uI twice.
  • Conceptually this makes perfect sense however

Multiple Inheritance
Virtual Inheritance
class uI class dialog public virtual uI
class fancy public virtual uI class
fancyDialog public dialog , public fancy
Virtual Inheritance
fancyDialog object
uI object reference
object o
fancy object
uI object reference
dialog object
uI object reference
Memory, leaks and exceptions
  • Remember
  • If you use dynamic memory, you are responsible
    for allocating is as well as for freeing it.
  • One way to do it is allocating upon entry of a
    block and freeing it upon leaving the block (java

void f() aClass p new aClass() delete
Memory, leaks and exceptions
  • However
  • This does not make perfect sense
  • Dynamic memory lives independently from the
    blockstructure of your program.
  • The previous example is better written as follows

void f() aClass p new aClass() delete
void f() aClass p()
Memory, leaks and exceptions
  • However
  • The problem becomes manifest if an exception

void g() trhow(e) void f() aClass p
new aClass() g() // memory is not
freed delete p
void g() trhow(e) void f() aClass
p() g() //stack cleanup will call
destructor of aClass for object p!
Memory, leaks and exceptions
  • Conclusion
  • Memory allocation is best done in constructors
  • It must be deleted in corresponding destructors
  • Any error you want to handle MUST be caught
    between allocation and deallocation occurring in
    the same block.

void f() aClass p new aClass() try
g() // may throw an exception catch
(exception e) delete p // free memory //
handle error e delete p
2. Windows Programming
  • WinMain() called by Windows at the start of
    execution of the program.
  • WindowProc() a procedure for each window class
    defined, which will be called by the OS whenever
    a message is to be passed to the applications
  • WinMain() contains the message loop for
    retrieving messages that have been queued for the
  • WindowProc() handles the ones that arent queued
    it handles all communications with the user by
    processing the Windows messages generated by
    clicks, mouse movement or keypresses.

Windows API
  • The Windows Application Programming Interface
    comes as part of every copy of Windows.
  • Consists of a large set of functions to your
    application that provide all the services and
    communication with windows.
  • It actually contains 1000s of functions.
  • For every windows program you write the
    interactions between it and the user are handled
    by windows.
  • Info is received by the program second-hand
    through Windows Messages.

Windows Programming
Windows API
Program Start
API Calls
  • WindowsProc()
  • Process all the messages that windows is sending
  • WinMain()
  • Initialise variables
  • Define windows
  • Create Windows

Our Program
C and the Windows API
  • The Windows API was not written with C or
    Visual C in mind.
  • The API needs to be used with lots of languages
    and so its not OO it doesnt recognise class
  • Your Windows programming environment works around
    this though.
  • For example Visual C uses MFC (Microsoft
    Foundation Classes) to encapsulate the API in a
    way that makes it easy to use.

A Window The Old Fashioned Way
    prevInstance, LPSTR lppCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
  • WNDCLASS WindowClass
  • static char szAppName OFWin
  • HWND hWnd
  • MSG msg
  • WindowClass.style CS_HREDRAW CS_VREDRAW
  • WindowClass.lpfnWndProc WindowProc
  • WindowClass.cbClsExtra 0
  • WindowClass.cbWndExtra 0
  • WindowClass.hInstance hInstance
  • WindowClass.hIcon LoadIcon(0,
  • WindowClass.hCursor LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW)
  • WindowClass.hbrBackground static_castltHBRUSHgt(

WinMain() The Old Fashioned Way
  • WindowClass.lpszMenuName 0
  • WindowClass.lpszClassName szAppName
  • Register.lpszClassName szAppName
  • hWnd CreateWindow
  • szAppName,
  • A Basic Window the Old Fashioned Way,
  • 0,
  • 0,
  • hInstance,
  • 0

WindowProc() Old Style
  • long CALLBACK WindowProc (HWND hWnd, UINT
    message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
  • HDC hDC
  • RECT aRect
  • switch(message)
  • case WM_PAINT hDC BeginPaint(hWnd,
  • GetClientRect(hWnd, PaintSt)
  • Draw Text hdC,Holy Cow Batman...a window
    with text!,

YukIt goes on
  • EndPaint(hWnd, PaintSt)
  • return 0
  • case WM_DESTROY
  • postQuitMessage(0)
  • return 0
  • default
  • return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam,
  • Enter all this as source code and include
    ltwindows.hgt at the top and you will have a fully
    functioning C windows program.

The End Result
Microsoft Foundation Classes
  • The MFC are a set of predefined classes upon
    which windows programming is built in VC.
  • These classes represent an OO way of
    encapsulating the windows API.
  • A Visual C Windows program involves creating
    and using MFC objects, or classes derived from
  • These classes have methods for communicating with
    windows, for processing Windows messages and for
    sending messages to each other.

Microsoft Fried Chicken (MFC)
Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
Mansfield Football Club (MFC)
  • The key to MFC and windows program is all tied up
    with the concept of INHERITANCE.
  • All of the grunt work necessary for a windows
    program to work exists in the base classes of
    MFC, and we just inherit their properties.
  • All we do is add data and function members that
    customise the classes to suit the functionality
    that our program needs.

Deciphering Visual C Code
This is a subliminal Message
If you buy Jim Beer.
You will get better marks
  • All the classes in MFC have names beginning with
    the letter c
  • CDocument
  • CView
  • Any Data Members of an MFC classes are prefixed
    with the letter m
  • m_pMainWnd
  • m_Color
  • When you write classes in Visual C try and
    follow this convention too it makes code a lot
    easier to read.

Hungarian Notation
  • Hungarian notation is a naming convention
  • This stems from C, because of the lack of type
    checking. The notation isnt essential, but again
    keep it consistent and code is a lot more clear.

b a logical variable (bool) c an
individual character (char) fn a function h
a handle, used to identify something (usually
an int value) i an integer p a pointer s
a string
MFC Program Construction
  • Visual C has a thing called AppWizard which can
    produce a Windows Program without us writing a
    single line of code.
  • But, we dont have to use it we can set up a
    program ourselves from scratch.
  • The simplest program that you can write is a
    window with no text displayed in it useless but
    sufficient to Show the Fundamentals

Lets Write an MFC program
  • Create a new project workspace File New
  • Choose Win32 Application, and then empty project.
  • With this minimal choice we need to ensure that
    the linker knows we want to use MFC classes. If
    we dont, well end up with obscure linker
  • Use Project Settings go to the general tab
    and make sure that the Microsoft Foundation
    Classes option is showing Use MFC in a Shared DLL.

Using those MFC classes
  • Now create a new source file and insert it into
    the project. Were going to put all of our code
    into this one file.
  • First step is to actually include the MFC classes
    they are stored in the afxwin library so just
  • include ltafxwin.hgt
  • To produce a complete program well only need to
    derive 2 classes from MFC an application class
    and a window class.

the Application class
  • The class CWinApp is fundamental to any MFC
    windows program.
  • An object of the CWinApp class includes
    everything necessary for
  • starting
  • initialising
  • running
  • closing the application
  • The first thing we need to do is to derive our
    own application class from CWinApp. We will be
    defining a specialised version of the class to
    suit our needs.

the Application class
  • A catch handler resembles a function definition
  • class CJimsApp public CWinApp
  • public
  • virtual BOOL InitInstance()

This is just normal public inheritance
CWinApp is a key Microsoft Foundation Class.
CJimsApp is derived from it.
We are going to override the virtual function
InitInstance thats where well put code to
display our window.
the Window class
  • We need a window as an interface to the user in
    MFC this is referred to as the Frame Window.
  • class CJimsWnd public CFrameWnd
  • public
  • CourWnd() Create(0, Dumb MFC

Again we derive our own windows class
Our base class will be the MFC frame window class
- CFramWnd
Create function is inherited it will create the
window and attach it to our COurWnd object.
Completing the program
  • Now all we need to do is rewrite that virtual
  • BOOL CJimsAppInitInstance()
  • m_pMainWnd new CJimsWnd
  • m_pMainWnd-gtShowWindow(m_nCmdShow)
  • return TRUE

Construct a window on the free store
inherited integer, indicating how the window
should be shown
CJimsWnd has inherited a function to actually
display the window
The Finished Code
  • include ltafxwin.hgt
  • class CJimsApp public CWinApp
  • public virtual BOOL InitInstance()
  • BOOL CJimsAppInitInstance()
  • m_pMainWnd new CJimsWnd
  • m_pMainWnd-gtShowWindow(m_nCmdShow)
  • class COurWnd public CFrameWnd
  • public CourWnd() Create(0, Dumb MFC
  • CJimsApp AnApplication

Define an Application Object
The Finished Product
  • Press F7 to compile and Ctrl-F5 to execute the
  • We can resize the window, move it around,
    minimise, maximise, close iteverything you would

The Document Concept
  • If you use Visual C and MFC you accept a
    specific structure - you accept that your data is
    stored and processed in a particular way.
  • The structure of MFC forces on us two more
    concepts that we havent considered yet
  • a document class
  • a view class
  • A document is the name given to a collection of
    data in your application with which a user

Documents can be Anything
  • A document isnt limited to text it could be..
  • data for a game
  • a geometric model
  • a text file
  • a collection of data on Gladiators, the famous
    nineties action/game show. Contenders, ready..
  • A document is an object of Cdocument in the MFC.
  • As before we can create an inherited version,
    adding our own data members and methods.

So What is a view?
  • A view always relates to a particular document
    object it provides a mechanism for displaying
    some or all of the data stored in a document.
  • To use a view, you define your own class from the
    MFC class CView.
  • A view object and the window object are
    completely distinct.
  • A view is actually displayed in its own window
    that exactly fills the client area of a frame

View-Window Relationship
The document contains all the application data
but a view may only show part of the data
but a view may only show part of the data
Client area of the window
Linking a Documents views
  • A document object automatically maintains a list
    of pointers to its associated views.
  • A view object had a data member pointing to the
    document it relates too.
  • Each frame window stores a pointer to the
    currently active view object.
  • But how on earth are all these things
    coordinated? Gosh darn it, by another class A
    document Template.

Document Templates
  • Manages the document objects in your program.
  • Also manages the windows and views associated
    with the document.
  • You have one document template for each different
    type of document that you have in your program.
  • Remember we derive our own document from the base
    class. We use this when we set up the document
    template using the ltCJimsDocumentgt syntax.

Document Templates
Application Object
Document Template
Pointer to
Pointer to
Document Object
Frame Window
Pointer to
Pointer to
View Object
Pointer to
The Application and MFC
  • MFC covers a lot of ground and involves a lot of
  • Taken together these classes are a complete
    framework for an application.
  • So the MFC is very abstract in form you must
    derive your own versions.
  • Whatever tool you use to code your Windows
    Programs will have its own classes. The Visual
    C ones arent particularly great but very
    popular nonetheless.

The MFC Hierarchy
Jims Application
  • Windows communicates with your program by sending
    messages to it.
  • Old-fashioned coding required you to setup your
    own winproc() to handle these messages.
  • If you use MFC it takes out all the drudgery for
    you, and you dont even need to code a winproc().
  • MFC provides you with functions to handle the
    individual messages you are interested, and
    allows you to ignore the rest.

Message Maps
  • The association between a Windows message and a
    function in your program is established by a
    Message Map.
  • This is simply a table of member functions for
    that class that handles windows messages.
  • Each entry in the message map connects a
    particular type of message to a function Visual
    C automatically adds them via appWizard.
  • The point is if you use visual C and you
    understand these concepts you will be
    incredibly more efficient.
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