Title: Bending of Beams
1Bending of Beams (Introduction)
Beam a structural member long in one
direction relative to the other two, and loads
are in the transverse direction (( loads ? to the
long direction Beam axis )).
2Beams are usually drawn as lines only (not as
above) as shown
Beams are usually straight.
Moment (of a couple)
3 Supports
? one reaction
? two reactions (in general)
? three reactions (in general)
Names (Types)
simply-supported cantilever fixed-fixed overhan
g continuous
4 Internal forces
N normal force (already covered ignore now)
M bending moment (are covered now)
V shear force (will be covered later)
Shear Force diagram (SFD)
Bending Moment Diagram (BMD)
You have already studied one method for drawing
the SFD BMD in Statics. The FBDs and equations
were used. REVIEW!
In this course, a new method called summation
(or integration or area) method will be
developed. No need for FBDs and equations. It
is a very quick and convenient method.
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12SFD BMD by Summation Method
13In the FBD, the distributed load is replaced by
an equivalent concentrated load (Resultant)
R w (x ? ?x) ?x 0 ? ? ? 1
? ? Fy 0 ?
V(x) w (x ? ?x) ?x ? V(x ?x) 0
Divide by ?x, rearrange, and let ?x ? 0
14? ? Mo 0 ?
? M(x) M (x ?x) ? V(x) ?x ? w (x ??x)
(?x) (1??) (?x) 0
Divide by ?x, rearrange, and let ?x ? 0
15Interpret the equations above geometrically
(slope area)
By integrating the two eqs. above on the interval
i and i 1
?V Vi1 Vi area under the load diagram
between xi and xi1
?M Mi1 Mi area under the shear diagram
between xi and xi1
Note that the load must be continuous.
- If the load W is of order Xn, then
- V is of order Xn1 and
- M is of order Xn2
16 Concentrated Loads
? ? Fy 0 ?
P V (x ?) V (x ?) 0
? V (x ) V (x ?) ?V P
? ? Mo 0 ?
? M (x ? ?) M (x ?) ? V (x ? ?) (2 ?) ? P? 0
17? M (x ) ? M (x ?) ?M 0
Concentrated Couple
We do as we did above ?
? Fy 0 ?M 0 ?
V (x ) ? V (x ?) ?V 0
M (x ) ? M (x ?) ?M C ? Note () C (CW)
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